Eventually, the stairwell lead Akira and Zhao to a long corridor housing an assortment of rusty iron cages, of all shapes and sizes; most large and wide enough to house many souls, although they were now empty; some suspended in the air like birdcages; a few, still populated by the flesh-eaten skeletal remains of former prisoners, or ominous dried stains of blood.

"The is where we keep our worst offenders," Zhao said.

"Used to, at any rate," Akira corrected, glancing around warily as they proceeded through the dismal. "All the cages are empty now."

Zhao scrunched his face in disgust. "Many of the prisoners were Stormfleece soldiers, so they're probably celebrating as we speak."

The ground was moving with swarms of crawling roaches and rodents who acted as if they owned the place, the still air reeking heavily of poor sanitation. The only source of light, as continued from the stairwell, being in the form of lit torches that regularly lined the wall: though, here, placed just far enough apart to drown much of the place in foreboding darkness.

"Akira-san…are you really sure about leaving Vash behind like this?" Zhao asked, suddenly, as he carefully removed one of the torches from the wall to take with them.

"He's not a child. He can handle himself." Came Akira's terse reply.

"Couldn't he be convinced to join our cause, though? If given enough persuasion—"

"There would be no point, believe me. He's far too fixed on the idea of what qualifies as 'heroic,' in his mind, to ever attempt weighing the associated costs of true heroism."

"So, what, then, do you say he views as 'heroic?'"

Akira briefly fell silent, searching his mind for the most direct and accurate response he could conjure:


Zhao nodded to himself. "How…succinct. Perhaps you've been considering this for some time."

Akira sighed. "I always knew we'd be parting like this, eventually. And, out of respect to him—a treasured friend who once sacrificed his very life in my name—I would never want to force him to go against his morals, were he to continue allying with me." He shook his head. "No…and besides, he's intelligent enough that he would certainly try to sabotage me, further on down the line."

"But won't he attempt to stop you, like he said? And how does your view of heroism differ from his?"

"He can very well try," Akira said as he smiled, his gaze remaining intensely serious; determined. "I haven't any doubt that he'll try to retrieve Kanna from me, but by then it'll be too late."

Zhao made no further comment about Vash, though his unspoken disapproval was clearly evidenced in his features. Going on to say, "for as much as I am in agreement with your greater goals…"—he paused, breathing deeply—"with regards to your methodology, and even with the greater good we both seek to achieve in mind, I have my concerns."

Akira stopped then slowly turned to him, casting a skeptical glare. "I'm listening.

"Akira-san, it would be thing if you can manage to open Chunhua's icy cold heart—that alone will prove you are much more deserving of her companionship than I ever was." He paused, biting his lip with scowling, resentful eyes that spoke in heavy contrast to his words. "However, should I ever catch wind of you attempting to force, or similarly connive your way through to gaining her affections…"

"Oh, please," Akira derisively said. "It always comes down to trickery on both sides of a relationship, doesn't it? Making oneself appear perfect just long enough to get what they want."

"You KNOW what I mean, Akira:" he glowered. "You will NOT force yourself unto Chunhua."

Akira was still unfazed by the threat underlying his tone, however, as they proceeded in a gliding step toward one of the empty cages.

"Living the way someone like you or Vash does, and I had tried to all this time"—he felt a hand along the bars, gazing wistfully within at a skeleton garbed in a black hood—"is no different from being a prisoner. To your superiors…your relations…your own morals and virtues; all things that won't allow you to step beyond your usual boundaries, to embrace something greater."

Glancing down, he saw a discarded set of small, handheld metal tinkering tools labelled as [Lockpicks] scattered across the floor, and stooped to pick them up. Then, shifted his gaze toward the cage lock's waiting keyhole.

At once, his expression darkened: a flash of solemnly withheld anger.

"Again...like the rock that fell just now...things will either fall into place, or completely apart. But it's always beyond my control."

"What're you even saying?" Zhao urged. It all sounded like depressed mumbling!

Akira was prompted with a small window at the center of his vision, showing a game of sorts involving him rotating the keyhole while the lockpick was stuck in it, then turning the lockpick to see if it would, ostensibly, undo the locking mechanism.

"Zhao, my lieutenant...your previous commander wouldn't happen to be any good with picking lockpicks, would she?"

"What?!" the Cultuvator gasped, appearing to be taken aback by the question: uncertain of what reasons Akira could possibly have for opening this particular cage. "If it makes no difference, I can just as well break the door down with my [Iron Body, Bronze Sinew] technique."

Akira froze them with a dead-eyed glare, through the corner of his eye. "The sooner she learns, the easier it will be for both of you to move on," he said. "You cannot hope to keep it a secret forever."

"You wicked, evil bastard…"

"Yet still, you know my words ring true."

Akira had already drawn the [Maidé Ball], regardless of what Zhao's response was to be; too fast for them to do anything, as he then flaunted it—

Thus, summoning forth Chunhua.

Zhao immediately straightened himself, sticking up his chest like a soldier at attention as she materialized: just as she had been fretting, alone in the [Sunny Beach], after the sudden vanishment of the the new girl. Then, followed shortly after by Bridget.

"Zhao?" were the first words to escape her lips as she emerged, turning frantically in search of him within the dimly lit dungeon. "We need to talk."

"I'm afraid he's gone and hidden himself from you," Akira said slyly.

Chunhua froze, squinting to look at him.

"You...you're the"—her eyes widened—" prisoner!" Next, she saw the [Maidé Ball] he was holding. "W-what are you doing, looking at me like that?"

"Do you know whose [Maidé Ball] this is I'm holding?"

"Hoe could I? They all look the same." She became startled, seeing the blonde loli—naked—shyly peeking out from behind him. "Where are her clothes?" she snapped, gritting her teeth as her breathing intensified. "What foul acts have you committed to this childlike adult?"

"Nothing," Akira answered quickly. Adding, with a sinister smile: "yet."

"Either way…" Chunhua swallowed nervously, backing away from him as he advanced a dtep toward her, until she bumped into the cage containing the black-robed skeleton. "R-regardless, Zhao is my new Lord, now, so it is only his orders that I am sworn to obey."

Just then, Zhao walked out from behind a nearby stone pillar, into her view.

"Afraid not," he said seriously.

Chunhua shook her head, tears pouring just at the sight of him: a familiar face, whom she knew she could still depend on through all that had changed. "But Zhao...it's okay! I have made peace with your decision to capture me"—she gave a rapid nod—"you're forgiven, for having to make such a tough choice to save my life when I wasn't thinking straight. Which is also why I'll also gladly give myself to you: as your [Pocket Maid], as well as your [Pocket Lover]."

Zhao hid his face behind his hand, lowering his head as he broke into sobs.

"Don't cry! You should be happy," she said, holding her arms out toward him, beckoning for his sweet embrace. "I'll give my everything to you—not as your inferior, but as your equal…"

She sniffed. "Because I love you, Zhao!"

It was at this point in her speech that Zhao collapsed to his knees, full-on weeping. Much to Chunhua's confusion.

"Zhao, you moron…" she murmured, with a slight tinge of frustration. "Didn't I already say that I forgive you! So, quit being a giant baby and come hold your precious new youthful wife!"

"I can't," Zhao spat, clinging to the pillar. "I am not your master anymore."

Chunhua bristled. "Well then, who—"

"You're surprisingly slow on the uptake, for a former army commander," Akira said as he promotly slid up beside her, wrapping his arm with the hand containing her [Maidé Ball] around her shoulders. "Zhao and I have engaged in a little...transaction." 

He then paused to briefly chuckle as Chunhua gawked at him in horror—only further intensifying when the answer to his initial question finally dawned on her.

"You've...given me up…" she softly said. "Like some basic, low-level [Bandit]."

"Akira…!" Zhao scowled, averting his eyes.

"Haha! Don't you dare blame me for this," Akira snapped back at him with an air of cold amusement. "You're the one who ultimately chose the fate of strangers over that of his childhood crush."

"The fate of strangers?" Chunhua pressed. "What the Hell is he talking about?!"

"Akira's plan…" Zhao replied weakly, struggling to regain his feet. "Is to force both sides of the Civil War into a stalemate, by taking full control of Seaspan's financial markets."

"And you believe he's capable of that?"

"I do, damn it!" He yelled in a frustrated outburst, his whole body shaking as he clenched his fists at his side.

"But he's an outsider!"

"That's exactly it, Chunhua!" Was the last thing he said in a raised voice, before promptly quieting to an intense grumble: "Because, maybe...just maybe...an outsider's influence is what Seaspan needs to save it from the brink of an all-out war."

"And where do I fit into all this? Hm?" Chunhua questioned. "And exactly what part, of this nutjob's big plan, involves you giving me up to him?"

Zhao quickly glare at Akira. "You tell her!"

At which, Akira wagged his finger in disapproval. "Not just yet—she'll learn when the proper time has come. And as for right now…"

He handed the set of [Lockpicks] he'd just procured to her.

"I order you to unlock this gate."

Chunhua squeezed the [Lockpicks] in her hand, her lips puckering and eyes narrowing in brooding anger as she took them from him.

"You didn't tell him about my past, did you?"

Zhao shook his head.

Nodding stiffly, she turned to place the first [Lockpick] in the door.

"You deserve to burn in Hell for this."


The cage door opened with a loud creaking groan, like magic.

Akira then scurried into the cell, to strip the skeleton of its set of [Necromancer Robes], which he then proceeded to excitedly don himself.

Zhao was incredulous. "Is that really it? You just wanted to take the robes?"

Akira snickered, turning chibi.

"It's the perfect look for a 'villain' like me."

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