Akira was on a sunny beach, watching the slow-moving waves lap against the shore. Wincing, at the sparkling reflections of sunlight across the calm, infinitely stretching seas. 

Though his mind was foggy, he could still sense something wasn't right.

'Wasn't I...somewhere else, just now?'

Before he could think, it was then that Ai: beaming as sweetly and innocently as the day he met her, dressed in a frilly pink bikini, suddenly came barrelling toward him from across the mounds of pure white sand.

"Come ooon, Big Sis!" she whined, seizing him by both his arms. "Everyone's waiting on you!"

"Ai-chan…!" Akira was speechless. "You're...back to normal!" he shifted his gaze downward, to inspect her lean brown torso. "But what happened to the demon that possessed your womb!?"

She waved a hand, giggling. "That's no way to talk about your future kid."

"I don't understand! What are you saying?"

"Quit"—she raised her voice, revealing a hint of her evil side as she brusquely pulled him—"JERKING around, and get the fuck over here already!"

"Not until you tell me what's going on! I was...uhh," —he scratched his head, looking confused—"somewhere else, just a second ago. Though I can't...really remember where. But, it was dark, and someone else was there with me."

Ai rolled her eyes. "Geez! Someone's had one too many pina colãdas."

"I'm telling the truth, Ai-chan!"

At this, she froze, letting loose her grip of him, slowly, before turning to him with a weary sigh; her arms crossed, with an annoyed stare.

"I was in this...cave. And a bunch of tiny spiders were crawling all over me."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, brother."

"I...couldn't move. I couldn't speak, or do anything!" he recalled, shuffling about frantically. "And, there was this little girl trying to put the moves on me—"Ai shot him an incredulous look. So, in a fluster, he hastily doubled back: "W-well, actually she was a 1000-year-old practitioner of some kind of Chinese martial arts magic, who was changed into the form of a Gnome—which only LOOKS like a little girl!"

"Mhmm." Ai nodded, scrunching her face in disgust. "Sure, I'll buy it. Go on."

"Then afterward, I got teleported...to this dark room, in front of a computer! And there was this hot, pasty lady who was talking to me like a robot. Saying that I need to get hit by a truck!"

"Akira," Ai said softly, touching him on his chest. "It's not like I'll think you're any less of a man, for not being able to handle your liquor."

She giggled, running a palm across her belly.

"Not after you gave me this…"

Akira, gawking with confusion, merely stood there blinking for a moment, while she silently bore an expression of absolute serenity.

"Gave you...what, exactly? Was it a nice meal?"

"You're so funny!" Ai said as she moved to his side, holding his hand. "But it isn't proper for us to keep a pregnant woman waiting."

Akira's heart jumped into his throat. "P-pregnant…?"

Who could she possibly be referring to?

They continued along again with Ai taking the lead, though at a slower pace this time, until eventually they reached a cluttering of wooden and straw bungalows. And towards one of them, in particular, that was the only one with a thin trail of smoke seen to be rising from its chimney.

As Ai stopped them in front of the door, Akira took a long whiff of the delectable, mouth-watering aromas exuding from within: melted cheese and tomato sauce, on a baked buttery crust.

"Smells good!" he exclaimed. As, in an instant, all his other concerns had disintegrated. "I can't wait to dig in!"

He barged through the door, to come upon a neat space with a conjoined kitchen and bedroom. Wherein, a girl he recognized as the skeleton he'd caught on the bridge before was seated at a counter, kicking her feet and widely grinning as she took a bite from a slice of pizza. 

"Hmm?" Letting the cheese trail from her mouth, she boredly looked over to see Akira standing in the doorway. "Whaaat...? I got hungry while I was waiting."

Ai immediately pushed past Akira to stand in front of him, staring daggers at her.

"Alice!" Ai bellowed. Then, as Akira plugged his ears with his small fingers, continued in an angry shout: "It's not fair that you get to eat before Akira! When it's only thanks to his money that we're able to live so comfortably!"

Akira eyed the girl at the counter curiously. 'Alice is her name, then, huh? So it means they've met and grown this familiar already...?"

'Alice' rolled her eyes. "You're just riled up because you won't get to have any pizza."

"Oi! I won't just stand here and be made fun of for being the only one here that's choosing to stick to a diet!" Ai replied, gesturing furiously, before then abruptly calming as she glanced downward, smiling smugly at herself, feeling her hands along the sides of her perfectly youthful petite figure. "I won't give THIS up for anything." 

Alice took another, taunting bite of her pizza, with an unamused stare. "Eh, your shallowness is the worst aspect about you, Ai-chan."

Ai was outraged, flailing her arms. "Better shallow than a boring layabout!"

While those two were bickering, Akira turned his focus to a third person who was in the kitchen area the entire time, calmly humming to herself, as she was stirring a long wooden spoon through a tall pitcher filled with lemonade and ice cubes.

Her back was turned to him, so he couldn't see her face aside from her long, gorgeous flows of dark hair that fell across her shoulders. And it was clear that she wasn't a [Pocket Maid], judging by her average height and physique: her wide, womanly hips and thighs, squeezed tightly into the polyester fabric of the white apron she wore.

'If those two are here...then who's that?' Akira wondered, drawing steadily closer. 'Her hair...her complexion…' there was only one person he thought it could be.

"Daddy"—he gasped, when he heard her say.

"Kiki-chan! It really is you."

She whirled around, beaming, holding the wooden spoon in her hand.

Her belly...was quite large.

"You shouldn't sneak up on the future mother of your children like that!" she playfully said, placing herself in his arms. "Where have you been, dear?"

Akira was incredulous. "How...what...where are we?"

Ai approached. "He's been acting like this since I found him on the beach. Said some weird shit to me about"—she snorted back a laugh—"a little girl, 'putting the moves on him.'"

"Two isn't enough?" said Alice, smirking.

"Oh, come on!" Akira snapped, shaking his head as he cast Ai a hard glare. "Why'd you have to go and bring that up?"

"You're the one that said it…"

Frowning, Kiki touched his forehead with the back of her hand, holding it there silently for a moment. "Well, it's not a fever. Did you hit your head while you were out walking?" Still embracing him with one arm, she reached for a dial phone on the counter nearby. "I'll call in an air ambulance to get you checked out."

Thinking fast, Akira lunged forward, lightly brushing her arm away before she could pick up the receiver.

"No"—he froze, straightening himself while he was consciously under the three girls' scrutinizing gazes. "I mean...it's fine." He gave a fake laugh, pulling Kiki close to him by her plumpened waist. "I was just"—he laughed anxiously—"kidding around, to see if it would get me a pity blowjob."

Ai groaned, appearing beside him with a crossed look. "Well you could've just asked, dummy!"

Akira sheepishly laughed. "S-sorry!"

"Oh, but are you telling the truth?" Kiki pried as she further swept aside a strand of his hair with her hand, then carefully tucked it behind his ear. "You haven't really forgotten, have you...?"

Akira fumbled his lip, saying nothing: not wanting to risk disturbing the peace, any more than he already had.

"You bought this entire island; established your very own country and laws, just so we could all live together peacefully as your harem of wives." She paused, just long enough for Ai to kiss her once on the lips before joining in their embrace. Then, continued nonchalantly: "You're able to keep on top of all of your work from home, so we have plenty of time to ourselves. The island is beautiful—nice and sunny, all year round—and we have all of our groceries conveniently shipped in from the mainland."

Ai growled. "It WOULD be a perfect island paradise, if only you didn't make us worry all the time!"

"Sorry," Akira said, feeling guilty. His eyelids, slowly drifting shut—as he fully embraced this...beautiful dream, or whatever it may be. Of a world in which he had everything he could possibly wish for, even though…

"None of this is real, Akira-san."

"Huh?" He looked at Alice, who hadn't joined in the group hug; sitting there with a half-eaten pizza drooping out of her hand.

Only, it was no longer Alice...

But instead, when Akira craned his neck to look—

CITA was there!

All his surroundings dispersed like a misty vapor, leaving behind a formless black void. Followed, lastly, by Ai and Kiki, as he let out an agonized yell and fell forward through the thin air—landing flat on his face, against an invisible ground.

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