It felt like ages ago since Kiki was last sent to a principal's office… 

It was during the period just before lunch, when she'd been caught reading during class again. And consequently, had been summoned there: 

Into a claustrophobic, square-shaped room, smelling strongly of pine-scented surface cleaner and cigars, with blinds pulled over the windows to impart a dark, gloomy atmosphere. Kiki was sitting in an uncomfortable office lounge chair, fumbling nervously before a tall desk at which there stood a squat, balding, square-shaped man with square-shaped glasses in a cheap suit, glowering furiously at her.

"Shinazawa Keiko," grumbled the man, who was the principal of her old high school—then sighing, as if simply saying Kiki's name filled him with sadness. "We've met several times already," he said. "And it's always over the same delinquent shit."

Keiko blinked. "Is that...supposed to be my name?"

At once, something wasn't feeling right.

She raised her hands to her face, inspecting them, and saw that they were colored a light caramel brown. Touched her chest, letting out a shrunken gasp as she felt a considerably larger pair of breasts; cradled in a slim but showy leopard print bra, positively bursting through her carelessly unbuttoned school uniform.

"This is...supposed to be my body?"

At this time, the school principal cleared his throat. "Ms. Shinazawa, don't act so surprised."

He leaned forward, his chair creaking loudly as he did. Sinisterly silhouetted among the shadows as he concealed his mouth behind his hands, propped upon the desk.

"After all, it is the careless handling of that body of yours that landed you here in the first place."

Kiki winced, as though struck. "What?"

"Yes...Ms. Shinazawa, you were caught engaging in deviant behavior with several students. Even requesting payment for your provided 'services'"—his brow furrowed—"which, I'm sure you must already know, is considered as a crime."

"This is…" Different, Keiko wanted to say, but the words became caught in her throat.

"A girl like you is completely worthless," he said, now having been brought to a relaxed state, as two long streams of hot smoke blew from his nostrils into her face. "Lacking any sort of dignity or grace. Barely existing as a person, so much as a toy that exists only for the amusement of others. With average grades, and no life ambition." 

He laughed, as he pounded his cigar butt like a jackhammer into the stained black ashtray on his desk. 

"You're a whore, completely beyond redemption, who will never find real meaning in her life. You'll get by just based on your looks, but every victory you're given in this way will ultimately ring hollow."

"Ask yourself, what use does a girl such as you serve to society?" the principal coldly went on to say. "When are you going to grow up, and stop being a disappointment to everyone?"

At this, Keiko lowered her head. "Is that right?"

The principal stared at her silently as, for a while, the only sound was the subtle ticking of the Maneki-Neko clock on the wall—its wide, staring eyes continually shifting back and forth between the pair, as though anxious.

A smug grin formed across Ai's lips. "I'm still considered a 'disappointment to everyone,' no matter what I do."

The principal kept silent.

The ticking seemed to grow louder.

Ai raised her head, furiously glaring at him. "I'm a problem for being too quiet and reserved, but I'm also a problem for doing the exact opposite. So, how exactly am I expected to behave?"

The principal was tight-lipped, still.

The clock's ticking grew faster. More anxious.

Keiko, now having been reverted to her normal appearance, and with all her clothing mysteriously gone, slammed her hands down hard onto the desk as she bolted out of her chair. Then, after she took in a deep breath of courage, a similarly bare Ai suddenly appeared standing beside her. Speaking alongside her, their words matching in perfect unison:

"I'm always scolded by adults for doing wrong, but never praised for doing right!"

The Maneki-Neko clock exploded.

Ai grimaced. "Nobody values me…"—she shook her head, hugging herself as tears streamed from her eyes—"except when I'm doing as they say, or making them feel good!" 

Her world became swallowed in darkness, where she was completely alone.

"Y-yes..." she said, her voice fading to an awed whisper as she fell to her knees weeping tears of joy. "A world like what I always wanted. Where no one can hurt or betray me ever again…!"

A chorus of raucous laughter suddenly emerged, assailing her from all sides.

"Who's there?!" Ai snapped. She glanced around, frantically, her breath intensifying in anger, seeing no one. "Only I can exist in this world! So if you come any closer, I'll kill you!"

"Sweet little Ai-chan…" A man's voice cooed.

Ai turned to where she thought the voice had come from, her knife drawn, a crazed look in her eyes. "I warned you, and I meant it!"

"Mm,'re good at this…" another voice rumbled.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" 

Ai closed her eyes, covering her ears, as the voices resumed their taunts:

"Who taught you so well, Ai-chan...?"

"Whatever it is you're doing with your tongue right now—"

"Ai-chan is so beautiful with that face!"

"Your pussy is top tier, Ai-chan!"

Ai tried to run, but the voices and their sickening laughter pursued her. "Go away! I don't want this kind of praise anymore!"

Keiko was alone in the principal's office.

"Ai-chan was here just now…!" Gasping, she remembered she was naked and tried to cover her modesty. "What happened to my clothes? None of this makes any sense."

The principal gave an amused laugh, drawing her attention.

"My, my, Nakamura. This is the most I've ever seen you talk before." He said, leaning to the side, contemplatively stroking his chin—having also become naked; his fat gorilla-like physique exposed without the slightest note of apprehension.

"Mr. Principal...what are you thinking!"

He was climbing over the top of the desk, shoving his face into hers.

"You're cute when you're flustered," he said. "Your breasts and hips are better formed than Shinazawa's"—he gripped her face with both hands so tight that her lips stuck out, and the torrent of tears pouring from her fright-filled eyes were like the juice of a squeezed orange—"if only you'd lose the glasses and put in a more concerted effort, you could easily become an even more popular High School slut than her!"

She could barely get her words out: "bwut I dun wanna be a—"Before he closed off her lips with a sloppy, wet kiss; replacing her protests with indulgent moans and whimpers of blind pleasure as their tongues danced, dabbling freely in swathes of one another's saliva.

"N-no…!" she barely mustered amid the rabid, unprompted exchange. Struggling, until she managed to avert her gaze from him. "I…mustn't...let this continue! I mustn't be unfaithful to Akira!"

"Why is that so important to you?"

"Because...he was the first one to truly cherish me!"

"How tragic. Basically, you're saying that you surrendered your heart to the very first person who showed the slightest interest in you."

" goes deeper than that…"

"Does it?" he questioned. Gently seizing her by the chin, guiding her face forward to look at him again—causing her to gasp when she saw that his facial features had vanished: eyes, nose, mouth and eyebrows all gone; replaced by an unadorned mask of raw flesh, as his speech nonetheless resumed, unimpeded:

"Isn't it true that your heart belongs to anyone who praises you?"

The school principal's face transformed again: this time, to perfectly resemble Akira's Squell avatar, bearing a sultry smile and adopting her exact voice:

"You're so fragile, and sheltered...anyone who praises you becomes your 'daddy.'"

Keiko scoffed, frowning inwardly.

"You're...right. You're absolutely right."


A spotlight turned on beaming down directly on her.

She was now standing on a stage in a school auditorium, alone. Completely bare naked before an audience of faceless fellow students, all loudly laughing and mocking her.

"I don't care who it is...even if they belittle, and humiliate me." 

Her expression was that of a shameless woman who has become drunk from ecstasy, with warm nectar dribbling down the inside of her tightly crossed legs. All while she crossed her arms, digging her nails so deeply into her own flesh that it caused an outpouring of blood.

"Th-thank you," she timidly said, bowing while the stage curtains were being wheeled shut in front of her. "I'm happy if I can make you all laugh."

The crowd of students were beginning to waft and distort, as though made of ink, just as the curtains fully closed. Just as she was left in the dark, alone, on the empty stage. Her glasses, hanging part way off her face, drooping from their last tenuous hold on one of her ears while she huffed to catch her breath. Slowly sliding off her sweat-slicked face, until—

A hand shot out from behind her, catching the glasses as they were about to fall.

"H-huh?" Keiko turned, and saw it was Ai!

"What a goddamn mess," she said, setting the glasses back on Keiko's face. "But whatever it is they're saying, you HAVE to resist it!"

"I can't, Ai-chan. I'm not strong enough…"

"Bullshit!" Ai shook her by he shoulders. "Of course you're strong enough! Big Sis herself said so." She said, as she was shrinking; morphing before Keiko's eyes: Her body, accumulating a higher fat content, particularly in the region of her hips and thighs. A pair of bristly, furry ears protruding from the top of her head; her wrists and arms, lower legs and sides of her midsection sprouting a thin layer of brown fur. Her front molars, growing—into a shape most ideal for nut-cracking.

Lastly a long, curled furry tail protruded from her rear, flexing and waving behind her until she grabbed in surprise

"I'm a...Squell again?! How...?"

"Ai-chan…look," said Kiki, with a blank stare, swept her arm out to indicate a change in the scenery: how the curtains, previously fallen, had been drawn up again; the faceless students of before now replaced by perfect look-alikes of Akira's Squell form, watching the two nude young females on the stage with bated excitement.

Keiko then faced the dumbstruck, startled Ai. Madly grinning.

"They're here to see the show."

"Kiki-chan." Ai took a wary step back. "Quit staring at me like that!"

But Keiko wouldn't listen. She wanted the approval of others—of as many potential Akira Maximilians as possible—no matter what it may take.

So she lunged after Ai, taking her by the waist and the lips.

Thus, giving the Akiras what they want.

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