Cultivating Anthro CEO RPG Hero Harem Reincarnation In Another World

Chapter 125 - Fateful Battle: Winner Takes Girl! (Part 1)

Akira Maximilian was, once upon a time, invited as a guest of honor to the grand opening of a certain fine arts museum & gallery in downtown Tokyo. A grandiose, star-studded affair with champagne and hors d'oeuvres being served by waiters carrying silver trays. A smooth jazz band playing softly in the background, while celebrities schmoozed and idly discussed the recent business affairs.

Akira was standing alone, sipping on a vending machine orange soda, choosing to not partake in these ceremonial acts of shoulder-greasing. During which time, he was approached by the smartly dressed, elderly curator to be probed for his musings:

"What is the most beautiful sight you can think of?"

"Beauty," Akira mused for a moment, taking a long gulp of his drink before casting a sheepish grin. "I guess I never thought about it."

To which, the Curator smiled warmly.

"No shame in that. I would imagine such questions are not of high concern among the wealthy elite." He chuckled. "Or else mere splatters of paint against a blank canvas probably wouldn't be trading hands for millions of dollars, as they do." 

Akira was reminded of this brief exchange while venturing through the snowy woods of Seaspan, experiencing their solemn beauty for the first time. His mind, becoming filled with such thoughts that he would normally discard as being "fruitless," particularly when there was so much work still to be done. If not for the fact that the essence of "true beauty," it seemed, had found him in its firm grip.

'I have to impregnate Chunhua, but would it even feel right?' He wondered, staring into the palm of his hand: at once familiar, yet also unfamiliar. 

He could feel his resolve returning to him. But still, something was missing.

'I don't understand. I should really feel more comfortable in this form, that I was born and lived in for so long,' he debated with himself. Questioning the validity of this distinct feeling of 'otherness:' whether it was just a product of his current state of mind, or something legit.

'I'm a man, first, after all. Not a Squell...right?'

So, he was having an identity crisis…?

"How utterly ridiculous!" He told himself. "Why am I thinking so hard about this? I'm still the same person inside—regardless of how I look—and that's what really matters!"

At the very least, he could be thankful that he wasn't reborn as some twerp with a lame "William."

That being said…

If he really was the same person within, regardless of his outward appearance…

He might as well be a sexy squirrel girl!

'Well, shit.' He sighed. 'I can't really argue with that logic.'

It was then that he heard noises: sounds of a fight was happening, not too far away. So, he went to investigate, and was surprised to discover Kestrel and Vash. Leading to where we are now…

Immediately, Vash launched a [Fireball] at him—forcing him to duck behind a tree with a startled yelp.

"Really?! It's 'on sight' between us now?"

Peering out from behind his cover, Akira was certain he had never seen Vash so angry before!

'I have no weapon or ability I can use to attack him from this range,' he considered. 'And so what if maybe I can keep hiding behind trees, to avoid his attacks forever: the last thing I want is for either the Stormfleeces or Cultivators to discover me like this—looking like some cowardly thief with a penchant for making enemies.'

For his plan to work, it was imperative that both sides trust him at first glance. 

"Kanna!" Vash yelled. "Is she with you?!"

Akira's face brightened. 'Kanna…! That's right! So long as he doesn't know of her whereabouts, he'll have no choice but to continue to tolerate me!'

"She's with me, but...uh,"—he gave a nervous giggle—"NOT with me, right now, per se," Akira frantically answered, another fireball whizzing past his face as he hastily hid behind the tree again. "B-but I promise she's safe! She's safe! And those things I said before—about 'stealing' her from you, and breeding her—it was seriously just a joke! I have nothing but the utmost respect for all women!"

"Bullshit" Vash angrily yelled. "Women are nothing more than objects to you, in that crazy plan of yours!"

"That's not true at all—hear me out!"

"No way! Not until you hand over Kanna!"

Vash then flung a [Chi Blast], smashing the tree Akira's back was pinned to into a million pieces with a direct hit.

Seeing this, Kestrel quickly sat upright.

"Vash! Are you trying to kill him?"

He was stretching back his arm, about to catapult another [Chi Blast]—at the now defenseless, helplessly gawking Akira— when she suddenly sprang forward: latching her small body onto his arm, stopping him.

"Let go of me!" Vash snapped at her. "I'm not going to let him hurt Kanna!"

"But this isn't like you at all, Master!"

"Tch. Don't talk as if you know me, when we only just met." He pointed toward Akira with his other hand. "I gave up my life for that man, so he—"

"I don't owe you anything," Akira cut back sharply.

"What?!" Vash glared, outraged.

Akira continued, speaking matter-of-factly: "Your sacrifice at the chi trial doesn't entitle you to anything, Vash. We were all prepared to forfeit our lives, that night—so don't you dare try to hold it against me."

"You cold, heartless bastard…!"

Akira frowned. "Is that really how you perceive me? Or, did you ever stop to think that, maybe, my plan to create a harem nation isn't just for my own benefit?"

"Who else could possibly benefit from such an insane idea...?"

At this prompting, Akira gave a wicked smile. "Why...the girls I will choose to become my brides would also benefit, of course."

Vash's eyes widened, his mouth stretched into a crazed grin.

Something inside of him...had snapped.

"Ha...hahaha...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He filled the forest with his insane laughter, his whole body rocking with each belted, broken sound his throat produced. All while Akira watched, without emotion, and Kestrel did so with a look of pure horror.

"Master Vash…!"

He pulled his arm away from her—so fast, so brusquely, that she fell into the snow—and began pacing slowly toward the patiently waiting subject of his wrath.

"I always knew you were despicable. But, to even suggest such a thing…"

"It's true, though." Akira shrugged, holding both arms up at his side and smiling. "Even Kanna-san has a soft side, that we're both keenly aware of. My kingdom would allow her, and many others, to live a life of total peace and luxury—I really wouldn't be forcing anyone to do anything."

"You're only telling yourself that to feel justified in your actions."

"I think you're just afraid to admit that I'm right!" Akira returned, with a grand sweeping gesture of his arm. "You don't want to believe that, in reality, most girls would probably be content with such a pitiable arrangement!"

"No…" Vash growled bitterly. Although, in his mind, he couldn't help but think of all of his and Akira's interactions with the girls in the past. 

As well, his own interactions with Kanna, and now Kestrel and Bridget…

He huffed. "I still don't...think it's right."

However, Akira stood calm. "Vash-kun, if your main issue lies with the notion that I would be forcing [Pocket Maids] into becoming my childbearing wives—when that simply is not the case—then what right do you have to deny them their own earnest wishes?"

Vash was trembling with emotion. "That's so…twisted! You're just screwing with me!"

"Tell you what…" Akira said, smirking. "I'll be willing to cut you a deal: I'll take you to Kanna, in exchange for my stolen property"—he pointed at Kestrel as she let out a gasp where she was laid, sprawled out across the bear corpse, her modesty censored by clouds like with those before her.

Vash, after a brief hesitation, darted in front of her. "Kestrel, your property!? Listen to yourself speak, Akira; you can't tell me they aren't the words of someone who has severely fallen off the deep end!"

Akira, at this time, was grim. Sullen. 

"Perhaps I have gone mad," he said. "But in a mad world, perhaps that is the only way."

"Only way toward WHAT? More pain?!"

"Enough with the talking," he said, clutching a [Maidé Ball] in his hand. "And since you won't accept my trade: why don't we settle this right now, using our little girls."

Vash gritted his teeth, thinking for a moment. For as Insane as this situation was, he saw no other option…

"If I'll hand over Kanna?"

Akira nodded. "And if not, CINDY will be returned to me. Those are the conditions—take it or leave it—just know that this may be your last chance to see Kanna, before she's fully sworn her heart and womb to me!'

Kestrel grabbed his hand again.

"Don't try to stop me, Kestrel," he said, without turning to her. "I HAVE to do this."

'Master...I know, and I stand by your decision. But without any armor, and both of my weapons having been destroyed, I am afraid I am in no position to fight. Not in my current condition.'

Vash gave a reassuring smile. Making her heart melt, in combination with a gentle pat on the head.

"Don't worry," he said. "We've got this...'

She shot him a suspicious squint. "We…?" 'Could he mean…?!'

Vash held up a [Maidé Ball].

"Go, Bridget!" he declared. "I choose you!'

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