Eventually, the pair arrived at their first stop in the adventure.

"It's a bathhouse," Vash told Akira.

She cringed. "Is it at least gender-split, though?"

Vash chuckled. "What's wrong, Akira?" he asked while leaning forward, making a pretend grab at her breasts. "Are you worried about some pervy guy touching you in all your sensitive places?"

"Gah! Of course I am, you fucking idiot!"

Akira slapped him down, across the face. "Only one man will ever get to appreciate my tits up close—and it's me!"

He rose quickly, with a bitter look.

"Haha! So you've admitted it!"

"Admitted what, you pervy dumbass?!"

"You only flirted with me so I'd buy you lunch!"

Akira shrugged, grinning. "Uhh...duh. The only reason I've been talking to you from the start is so you'd feed me."

"I should've let you just starve!" 

Vash was fuming mad. He stormed into the baths alone, ahead of her. But just before disappearing past the purple cloth draped over the doorway, he turned back to deliver one final retort:

"Well, maybe you ought to be gay!

"Otherwise, a supreme body like yours is just going to waste!"

Akira was incredulous. "Excuse me?!"

She charged in after him, hands posted on her divinely proportioned hips.

"What's gotten into you all of a sud—" Upon entering through the curtain, she stopped dead in her tracks at a wide archway that opened to a long, rectangular-shaped main bathing area with an exposed roof, letting brilliant rays of sunlight beam down unto the shimmering, crystal clear waters. Squell, and Human players of both sexes were lounging naked in the pool or around it, in the company of statues depicting various Roman Gods and Goddesses: showing their devotion through wash rubs and massages, rather than prayer.

At her side while taking this all in with a heavily flushed face, Vash casually unequipped all of his clothing at once, stashing it into his [Inventory].

"It's weird if you just stand there and stare, you know," he said with an amused grin. 

Akira swallowed nervously, as it was all far too much skin on display for the curiously modest former "playboy* billionaire to handle. 

All she could do was stand there, frozen, at the sight of the entire room filled with such a large numbers of players casually basking in the nude. Many of whom were Squell like her: seldom alone; whether it be within the arms of one another, or lying with their furry-eared heads resting on a shoulder or sitting on laps. Gravitating toward men and women of either races, or seemingly anything with a pulse for how rabid they behaved as lovers.

Vash was already being flanked by a group of stray Squell, kissing and gnawing and rubbing against him with mischievous smiles. "A lot of players don't even bother leveling up," he explained. "They'll just sit and fool around here all day."

Akira knew she had to escape.

So, just as Vash's back was facing her, she set off briskly down the hallway.

'This is no bathhouse...' she murmured to herself, gritting her teeth in disgust before raising her voice in a panicked yell, declaring, 'It's a whorehouse!"

Akira could feel the hungry eyes of passersby upon her, as her fast walk devolved into a mad [Scurry], on all-fours, across the moist and slippery mosaic-tiled floors. A maze of short corridors snaked between the private sauna rooms; wherein all manner of debaucheries were being committed, as the pervading moans and groans, and shrill Squell squeals would attest.

She continued her mad dash until, suddenly, she felt a firm tug on her tail, that'd been madly flailing in the air behind her.

Before she could react, the grasp on her tail gave a hard yank, that landed her flat on her butt.

She heard a cute giggle, like that of a schoolgirl. Followed by a charming, sweet voice saying, "the floors here are far too slippery to be scurrying around like that."

Looking up, Akira was greeted by a precious large right eye with a brown pupil, possessing a sultry stare. The other, covered by a black patch. The tail-puller was revealed as [Level 3] [Ai]: a Squell with a slim and petite frame, skin the tone of milk chocolate, deep purple hair that fell to her heels. Although cute, she possessed some visible flaws: one of her black ears being slightly cropped, her black tail noticeably crooked.

Akira gawked at the sight of her. "Ah! You're not naked!"

"That's right," she replied, with a cheerful giggle. "It's because I want to save myself for my one true love, and no one else."

She then offered Akira a hand to help her up, which they gladly took; grinning like a buffoon as the two stood apart from each other. "T-t-thanks." Akira mumbled, awkwardly averting her gaze. "It's...nice to finally meet a decenct person in this world."

"I know what you mean. It's like the whole world is full of perverts.

"Yeah." Akira laughed, when Ai latched unto her arm suddenly, pressing her flat chest against their arm. "Let's continue this talk somewhere a little more private."

Moments later...

Akira Maximilian was seriously beginning to wonder if his experiences in Nirvana were all just part of one big fever dream, when Ai brought her to a sauna room here it was just the two of them.

The funny business all started with Ai letting out a cute giggle, as she casually slid up beside Akira on the concrete bench they were seated at together. Like this, only the towels wrapped around their bodies came in between their hot, moist nakedness.

Akira swallowed nervously, having never actually been this close to a partially nude woman before, in either of her lives: her previously held "playboy" title actually being a total lie, entirely fabricated by his PR Team.

Trying to stay calm, she reasoned with herself.

'It's not as if she's making a move on me. Maybe it's normal for girls to be this intimate with each other in private!'

Ai then proceeded to shatter all misconceptions about her intentions, when she gently brushed her hand across Akira's exposed thigh and softly said, "oh, but I am so jealous of you SexLover-chan!"—she puckered her face into a coy frown, like a smoking hot 20-something year old trying to flirt her way out of a parking ticket—"I only wish that I had such beautiful legs..."

She traced her hand along the outside of Akira's perfectly plump thigh. Slowly, meticulously, up toward the hips.

Akira gave a sheepish smile. "Uhh...if that's the case, couldn't you have just chosen to have big legs incharacter select to begin with?"

Receiving no response, Akira's gaze quivered with the expectation of Ai's hand's next movements: Bracing for it to suddenly grip. To grab. To become rough, and greedy, in callous pursuit of her. But instead, the slithering hand more or less relented—just shy of touching her intimately—as Ai sharply drew her whole arm away, with a small giggle.

This cold denial, at the very last second, left Akira severely wanting.

Ai took a stand before her, and dropped her towel like an insect's shell being molted, exposing the tender, steamed, larval loli flesh underneath.

"My body is like a child's compared to yours," she whimpered, her flat chest glistening with sweat when she arched it forward to meet Akira's trembling lips against the smooth, slippery, moist skin.

One of Ai's hands gripped Akira's towel, tugging at it; trying to tear it away as, at first, Akira resisted. Even as Akira could feel her mind was melting, being fully consumed by pleasure.

There was too much heat, and too much trickling moisture—in this burgeoning Sex Cultivation between two attractive young females—for her to resist. It was a force of corruption upon Akira's mind, drawing upon a lifetime of bottled in frustration that was fit to finally burst. 

And yet, even in her budding state of lust, she remained alert enough to see the shadow of the knife hovering over her back; eternally wary of backstabbers in her midst.

'Damn it.' She thought to herself. 'Of course it was too good to be true!'

Enraged, Akira grabbed Ai by the arm and judo-threw her down unto the ground, hearing her loosened knife clatter across the floor when it was sent flying from her grasp, and the loud smack of her wet flesh meeting the hard tile. 

"Since you're so obsessed with my superior adult body"—pinning her would-be assailant beneath her, Akira threw off her towel to smother Ai's face between her massive breasts, as their unrestrained masses came spilling forth. "Now, try a taste of my superior adult fists, you bitch!"—she proceeded to pummel the fallen Ai's undefended torso with her raw knuckles, .

"Stop it! Please!" Ai begged. "I don't wanna die!" she pleaded. "I'll do anything you ask! Just please, spare me!"

"You're the one with the knife, you crazy bitch!"

Akira zoned out during most of the encounter. So as her senses returned, she was scrambling to make sense of the situation, starting by remembering the kissing—there had definitely been kissing involved—as well as some other stuff, which surely wasn't just a product of her imagination either.

Throughout all of it, she'd somehow grown to [Level 4]? Which was pretty cool too, she guessed. Okay then.

Ai, in tears, groveled at Akira's feet.

She was repeatedly bowing, slamming her face into the tiled floor in a desperate show of obsequience, continuing even after a cut formed on her forehead and started to bleed.

"Fuck!" Akira exclaimed, backing away. "Just cut it out already!" Checking her own arms, she saw scratch marks left from Ai's knife and scoffed. "I'm way more hurt, you wuss."

Ai sniffed, as she sat up. "Please, beautiful miss!" she cajoled. "Have it in your heart to spare me! I only steal because I have to eat!"

Akira scratched her chin in consideration.

"Even if you're telling the truth," she mused, crossing her arms, "it's hard for me to accept it without any evidence."

It reminded her of an old business saying: never take a stranger for their word.

Ai planted her face into the ground again, this time holding it there as Akira looked her over with an exasperated sigh. Granted, she had a nice view of naked Ai's cute little butt pointed into the air, perfectly smooth and glistening with sweat. Her pure white tail, standing upright like a flag of surrender.

Akira shook her head, dispersing such dirty thoughts, as now was decidedly a time for deliberation and, indeed, NOT horny time.

As a cutthroat CEO at heart, she saw only one way of dealing with this issue.

"Sorry, but"—Akira leaned down, to grab the quivering Ai by the neck. Then, proceeded to lift her petit, would-be murderer into the air with one hand as she cried and snotted, gasping for breath and kicking her thin legs to no avail.

Akira had seen enough of this world to know what was expected of him now.


"I believe you," she said, panting with exhilaration from the heat of the moment.

Ai was breathless, the blue of her eye sparkling like the ocean.

They say the eyes are the gateway to the soul, and Akira now only saw an image of herself—the merciful savior—reflected in Ai's own as she swallowed nervously under the intense gaze, unable to comprehend its gravitational pull...

Minutes later, Vash happened upon the two completely by chance while going on a stroll through the bathhouse, with his giggling Squell escorts in tow. The two fast lovers were in each other's arms, sloppily kissing and making out against the floor.

Scratching the top of his head underneath his hat, Vash smiled to himself.. "God, I love Squells."

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