Hotaru was lost in thought, still shaken over his encounter with Ceres, as he followed Mina along the winding, dark stairwell leading to the top of the old lighthouse.

"Don't let it get to you," Mina said. "Ceres calls everyone weak."

"It's always the same! I get picked on by everyone because of my voice...and I never even get a chance to prove myself!"

"Your voice?" Mina giggled. "What's so bad about your voice?"

Hotaru scratched the back of his head, looking anxious. "Umm, it's...squeaky. Noriko-san says it's 'cuz my balls haven't dropped yet; that I'm still just a kid."

"This she someone you have eyes for?"

Hotaru blushed. "Well, It's complicated."

"It really isn't difficult, Hotaru-san: you either have feelings for someone, or you don't. And I doubt you'd randomly mention her name, if she wasn't someone that holds a really special place in your heart."

Hotaru groaned, feeling cornered. "Since you put it that way, I guess—"

Suddenly, Mina stopped cold in her tracks. So that Hotaru, who hadn't been facing forward at this exact moment, was thus met with a faceful of her huge, perfectly round buttocks.


There was little time for him to react.

The plush, posterior obstacle—which was at least double the size of his entire head—caused him to deflect back, almost falling down the steps; had he not managed to latch onto her arm for support.

"Geez! What gives!? I almost fell…"

"Hotaru-san...if you want to be taken more seriously, it's good to be decisive," Mina said, looking down at him, smiling warmly. "If there's someone you cherish and want to protect with your own two hands, then you should be completely honest with your feelings."

Hotaru gasped, incredulous. "Mina-san...but how? Wouldn't Noriko-san and the others just laugh at me more?"

"Not if you're sincere in your efforts."

Huh? What does she mean…?

The door to the lighthouse roof opened with a rusty creak, flooding the cramped stairwell with light as the two then proceeded out onto the balcony. From which, Hotaru could take in the full extent of the island's lush, sprawling jungles, and distant misty mountain ranges.

"This is Saints' Vigil Island," Mina said as she stood at Hotaru's side, her arms crossed, while he stared out silently in awe.

"Eh?! It's way bigger than I imagined!"

"So, you understand now: traversing all of this by foot would be impossible."

Hotaru looked at her sharply. 

"What other choice do I have? If Noriko-chan is out there somewhere…"

Mina touched him on the shoulder. "Don't be reckless. The island interior is chock full of monsters, so you'll only get killed if you try looking for her on your own."

"Maybe I can get one of those Orb Hunters can help!"

Mina gave an uncertain look, showing her teeth in a nervous grin. "An Orb Hunter? Well, the thing about that is they don't take on extra jobs for cheap…"

"Please!" Hotaru clamored to her. "I'll find work! Whatever it takes!"

She sighed, drawing her eyebrows, her ears twitching ever so slightly. "Even so, I wonder whether they'll even agree to help an Outworlder."

"I have to try, at least! Otherwise, Noriko-san might…"

He couldn't possibly say.

Instead, he frowned, looking away sadly.

"I'm the reason we both ended up here, in the first place. Because I wanted this opportunity to spend more time with her, outside of school. And...maybe...mend things between us"—he smiled sadly—"so that things could go back to the way they used to be; when we would always hang out, and play video games together."

He paused, lowering his head as his eyes grew narrow with building emotion.

"So, it would be all my fault if something happened to her. And, if that's the case" —he shook his head. Growled, in pure indignant frustration. Clenched his fists at his sides, gritting his teeth in a rage over his chronic helplessness—

"I'll never be able to forgive myself!"

Mina's eyes widened.

A flock of parrots dispersed from the canopy below, squawking wildly.

The wind died down, and all was still.

Then, Mina laughed.

Slowly, at first, but gradually increasing ash she bowed down on one knee, cupping Hotaru's face in her smooth hands.

"My,'re such a child, throwing a tantrum like this."

He faced her sternly, without flinching.

Speaking with a firm resolve, "even if I'm just a child, I still have to try."

Mina smiled, though it lacked the same warmth of all the other times: revealing a small underlying hint of malice, perhaps, in her exposed teeth and leering eyes—similar to Ceres before her.

"Even if you're only a child, you say...?"

Mina's POV:

I've gotta admit, the little guy's got spirit.

Though he's not really as young as he looks, is he? Hehe, old enough to have lustful thoughts about a woman, at any rate.

I can see the way he looks at me…

Human men are so simple, it's actually adorable: like he's my cute and innocent little brother, that I have to always be around to protect; or else, there's no telling what kinds of trouble he'll get into! Especially if he's foolish enough to go running through an unfamiliar jungle by himself...

I lied, earlier, when I told him Saint's Vigil Island was safe. Only because I didn't want him to stress about his friend's safety, knowing that the real chances of her still being alive are...rather slim.

So then, how am I supposed to break it to him?

How am I supposed to tell him that his friend—this girl that he's saying he's willing to risk everything for—is most likely worm food by now?!

I simply won't: I'll let him hang on to his hope, no matter how slim.

I'll take him to the Orb Hunter base.

After descending from the lighthouse, Mina takes Hotaru back along the path down which they'd come, with neither saying a word to each other.

Sundown was fast approaching, bathing all their surroundings in a deep orange hue.

All the daytime fauna had gone to roost.

Soon, only their footsteps sliding across dirt and gravel could be heard.

Mina was looking around tensely, hoping that her slightly escalated pace would not compromise her illusion of peace, which she'd strived to paint in Hotaru's mind.

However, the boy caught on fast.

"Mina-san, is there something that's bothering you?"

"It's later than I thought," she whispered, seeming to be talking to herself, before turning to Hotaru sharply. "We have to hurry back to the village, before nightfall."

"But what about the Orb Hunters?!"

"I'll show you to the Orb Hunters in the morning, but we have to get moving!"

Running at full speed, they managed to just barely make it to Mina's house in time; when the sky was streaked with shadow, and the village streets were completely devoid of people.

Mina practically threw Hotaru inside before rushing in after, slamming and locking the door behind them.

Hitaru just stood in the main living area, staring at her while she was slouched with her back pressed against the door, breathing heavily, as she began to slowly sink to the ground.


Her eyes were wide, with fear. Her lips open, showing her clamped jittering teeth.

"What were we running from, just now?"

"Ah!" She sprang up, breaking into a nervous sweat. "N-nothing! This island is totally peaceful like I said! I just really wanted to get home and take a nice, warm bath is all!"

Hotaru glowered at her.

"Just how stupid do you think I am?"

"Hm? Did you just offer to join me, even though we just met?"

"Wha?! No! Don't change the subject!"

But Mina's lips were sealed.

Later that night, Hotaru was lying in bed while gazing up at the ceiling; lamenting how barren it looked, without a smattering of hentai posters.

Huh. I haven't slept anywhere other than my bedroom in my ages.

But more so than that…

Hotaru's gaze drifted down, timidly, to the side of him, where Mina lay: In her underwear, with her crimson hair tied into a ponytail and draped like a trail of blood across the pillow. Mouth opening wide and closing, repeatedly, in rhythm with her loud snores. Taking up most of the space on the small bed with the long span of her carelessly outstretched arms.

Hotaru had not shared a bed with anyone since he was a child, either—much less a beautiful woman!

Noriko-san is out there, somewhere…

Wherever that might be, he hoped she was keeping warm. Then he remembered they'd both gone to the same summer camp, once, when they were still in elementary school: so, at the very least, he knew she could start a campfire.

Mina-san said the island is completely safe, except for some wild animals. And yet she seemed to be in such a hurry to get to the house before dark.

It was certainly suspicious.

Then what about that 'power' that the Kitsuna named Ceres was referring to? What need would anyone have for a special power, on a 'peaceful' island…?

Ceres must be one of the Orb Hunters, Hotaru decided. And that there was probably a far greater threat, lurking on this island, than mere boars and lizards. Something that would require exceptional, superhuman powers, to defeat; while all the villagers clam up in their houses...

Something Noriko wouldn't be able to survive against, alone.

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