[Turning on Deep Karma systems...CHECK.]

[Player Karma Profile: Abysmally Poor.]

[New Account Credentials...CHECK.]

[Awaiting player confirmation...]

Akira's strayed consciousness was floating adrift, across the same formless, pitch black void that greeted the protagonist at 9the start of almost every reincarnation story, as a similarly generic "strange green text" scrolled across his vision.

[Awaiting player confirmation...CHECK.]

[Commencing Avatar creation...]

"Am I...dead?" he questioned. Again, like every protagonist in a reincarnation sto--

"My balls itch, but I don't have any hands."

[Well, that's too bad. Then again, you deserve all the suffering you recieve for how much of a tremendous asshole you've been to everyone in your entire life.]

"Huh? Is someone in there--giving me shit?!"

[Oops! I'm sorry. My words slipped.]

[I meant to say I hope there's only green pastures and clear blue skies awaiting you!]

"Really? Well, I'd much rather a trip to--"

[Haha! Just kidding.]

[I hope you rot in eternal damnation, you sick heart-crushing bastard!]

"Oho! Well then fuck you too, bitch!"

This last bit of oddly extremely bitter System text faded with Akira's entire view being engulfed in flames, causing him to metaphorically leap back in surprise with an equally intangible scream.

Akira Maximilian wasn't on track for Hell just yet, though.

Instead, the fires quickly dispersed to be replaced by what looked like a character customization screen in a MMORPG, with a slew of sliding bars at his disposal to adjust the impressive array of appearance options.

'Eh? Who's this cutie?' Akira wondered

--already past his recent brush with hellfire--at the mere glimpse of a pretty girl.

The character preview at the center of the display was drawn in a cute and bouncy, fully-rendered 3D artstyle with vibrant, pastel colors: depicting a lovely girl with a giant fluffy squirrel tail, perky squirrel ears and lightly furred squirrel hands and feet; apparently nude, but with an animated 3D cloud graphic obscuring her immodest areas.

Akira Maximillian couldn't be more aroused.

After all, the three things he prized most were beautiful women, huge stacks of money...

And of course, control.

As while within this space, he controlled all actions (the cursor) with only his mind--

Just as he always wished he could in real life!

"That's right!" he bellowed at the disgustingly cute squirrel girl that was like putty to him--free to be twisted and molded for the sake of his own sick amusement.

"I am your God!" he further declared, as if expecting this thunderous declaration to shift the preview model out of its constantly recycling animation of "dozing off to sleep, and suddenly waking with an adorable startle"--to a state of trembling in absolute fear, of his supposed divine wrath!

Obviously, the bunch of computer pixels didn't react--as nevertheless, Akira's experience with this (what he assumed to be a "video game") were shaping up to be pretty good thus far.

Despite the fact that--still--he had no idea what was going on.

"I have no idea what's going on," said the 18-year old billionaire CEO without any experience playing video games, "but it looks like I can change this naked squirrel girl to look exactly how I want!"

And with such power at his disposal...

Akira would create the sexiest squirrel-girl there ever was!

One-by-one, he went through the options:

For the skin tone he chose a warm caramel tan, because a girl trying super-hard to look super-sexy by getting a tan was, in itself, super-sexy!

For the hair color, he settled on a deep blood-red hue identical to his own.

As for a hairstyle, he chose a glamorous, sheeny curled bob which he thought paired well with a sultry, smoldering look he'd managed to capture in her orange-yellow eyes; all wrapped in a smug, slightly mischievous grin. Looking like a devout housewife with multiple affairs.

Fore sure, Akira was running wild with the amount of customization options.

Especially when it came to "fun" stuff, like--

"Sweet! I even have an option to change the size of her tits and ass!"

She toyed with the set of sliders appropriately labelled "Top" and "Bottom"—going back and forth, watching the squirrel-girl's curves continually inflate and deflate, inflate and deflate...like a rat in a skinner box.

But which of the two would he ultimately choose?

Flat justice, or big mommy milkers?

Akira didn't give it much thought. He was, at the end of the day--despite his vast wealth--a simple beast with simple tastes.

He flipped both sliders to the absolute max.

The squirrel-girl performed a brief dance animation, same as before, whenever he'd make a change to one of her dimensions.

Only this time, every loose-hanging part of her was jiggling, with tits the size of watermelons!

Thighs nearly as thick as Akira's body!

A pleasantly plump, feminine waist and curvaceous hips!

"Nice," was all he had to say. Real nice.

Thus, content with his creation, Akira locked in his changes by activating the giant "Confirm" button.

It transitioned the screen into a whole new window where, much to Akira's perplexity, he was prompted to "Choose a Class," between three options:

Warrior, Mage, and Rogue--

All aligned as selections in a neat column, each accompanied with passages of flavor text whenever he hovered his thoughts over it: explaining how each class functions, their equippable weapon and armor types, etc. etc.

However, since Akira was an absolute ape that couldn't actually bother to read anything...

He decided to choose based solely on just the look of the preview outfits, displayed for each class, which were all delightfully risque--as anyone would tell you female armor should be.

It was a classic example, in his business-oriented brain, of overwhelming the consumer with too many tantalizing options at once.

'They're all so sexy! I can't possibly choose.'

In fact it was so difficult for him to choose, with no prior basis of RPG class archetypes to go by, that he though he would try a different approach.

He started by closed his eyes.

Then, rather thanfocusing his thoughts on making a concise selection, he thought about moving the hovering cursor between the selections real fast--until it was impossible to track in his visual memory--at which point he thought "make a selection," with his eyes still closed--thereby letting it be entirely random.

And afterward, when he opened his eyes again it seemed his method had worked, since the window had progressed to a new one--asking for him to enter a username.

Since the flavor text was brief, he actually took a moment to read it:

'My username will be shown to other players.'

Other players? So then, it really was a video game! 

'Anyway, I have to pick something really good!'

'A kind of name that'll make me stand out from the mere peasants...'

'Something...memorable. Classy. Cool.'

Akira thought about it for a long time, until he was certain he had found just the perfect name: possessing all of these admirable qualities, rolled into one.

So heentered it into the text prompt, and--

"Confirm [SexLover69] as your player name?"


Following this, the entire screen turned black.

Until shortly after, when a line of white text like narration in a movie scrolled across it.

Text, which read:

"The Squell race is being rounded up and devoured, by King Ravana's forces."

"It is up to you to—" An unintelligible, garbled mess of letters and symbols followed, as the screen grew warped and distorted with chaotic color arrangements.

This carried on for a while, with Akira panicking: worried he might've broken something--

Until, from out of the madness--

A clear scene emerged.

A scene of dozens of other squirrel-girls like the one Akira had just designed, wearing only slim loincloth bikinis, crammed together tightly in a cage; individually labelled by white text floating above their heads, all which read [Squell Cattle], and [Level 1]--whatever the hell that meant.

All except for one lone figure, labelled [Lazuli] [Level ???], who was standing completely still at the center of the cage garbed in a long brown cloak.

Akira watched in anticipation as the cage, containing all these "Squell Cattle" and the mysterious "Lazuli," was being towed on a set of rollers by a pair of bizarre beings. Beings that, although they stood upright on two legs—like a human—bore the long faces and rounded snouts of a bull; large, thick horns; cloven hooves that clopped noisily against the stone floor of a dark, medieval-looking corridor.

These were called [Hungry Nandi] [Level 5], and it being the case that they were garbed in only ragged brown loincloths, their bulging pot-bellies wobbled with the gyrations of the cage--not at all a pretty sight.

Thankfully, the only light source within these dark depths came in the form of torches placed along the wall, allowing Akira only scattered glimpses of unspeakable violent, sexual acts: being performed by the nasty bull-men unto others of the squirrel-girl distinction, amid the latter demographic's anguished cries and screams.

And yet, even these mere scattered glimpses were enough to cause a break in him.

Akira couldn't stop laughing.

Not because he found it funny, but because it was so fucked up.

'This is the kind of stuff I'm missing out on...?"

'In video games, anime and manga...?'

'Vile, deplorable garbage like this is what people are into nowadays?'

Suddenly, he heard a girl's voice yell:

"Hey, you!"--sounding like someone with a huge bone to pick, that couldn't wait. "What exactly is so funny, you disgusting creep?"

"Huh?" Someone was talking to him?

Was this like that "virtual reality" stuff he'd been hearing about?

Akira's first instinct was to summon his bodyguards, but that currently wasn't an option. Nor did he have any money on him to hand off as a bribe, either.

Instead, he would have to--he cringed--talk to whoever it was that was troubling him.

But as he turned to look, though, it would appear talks were out of the question as well, because Akira Maximilian was immediately met with something his mama perhaps should've given him years ago:

A vicious, hard slap across his Chief Executive face!

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