Later that night…

The fire was snapping and crackling loudly, its flickering luminescent tongues of orange and yellow wafting in the chilly sea breeze.

Akira, Ai, and Kanna were huddled around it—clinging their soaking wet, half-naked bodies closely together for warmth. Akira was sat upright in the sand, with Ai's head rested in her lap, lightly brushing a hand across her hair. Kanna was kneeling behind Akira, humming quietly while she gently massaged her beloved CEO's shoulders. Vash-squirrel was sleeping soundly atop a nearby log.

Everyone was perfectly calm at the conclusion of yet another long day: an arousing image of pure harmony between three attractive, young, female lovers, and their pet squirrel.

Akira faced the sky, thinking deep thoughts.

"I spent all my life working toward becoming a CEO, only to die and end up in this world."

For a while, only the chirping of crickets and gentle rolling of the waves could be heard. Ai was clinging on to consciousness, with the brightness of the bonfire reflected in her shiny pupils.

Akira continued, "Was it all a waste?"

"Should I have given up, and tried to just enjoy my life, instead?"

"To reach the level I was at...that is, to become the world's richest, youngest, cutthroat playboy billionaire CEO..."

"I had to cut out a lot of distractions, and make many sacrifices."

"Is it because I was trying to prove something?" Her eyes narrowed. "If so, then what? And to who?"

"Huh." Kanna uttered after a while, struck by a revelation. "Now that you mention it..."

"Pretty much my whole life, ever since I was a little girl, I was into competitive sports..."

"Soccer. Track. Swimming." She said, hugging her arms tightly around Akira's neck. "In my mind, it was always to prove I was better than everyone else."

She let out a weary sigh, shaking her head.

"I wouldn't call it a waste of time. Looking back, it helped to make me the kind of person I am. Although, I had to make sacrifices too"—she pulled her legs up against her face, in a vain attempt to hide the fact she was blushing—"for one, I...never had a boyfriend."

Akira smiled. "To be honest, I never had a boyfriend before, either."

Hearing this, Kanna lifted her head and looked at her with a laugh, just as Akira sidled closer with an arm wrapped around her waist.

"Whatever the purpose of this world is, it's allowed us both to try new things," she said, leaning in close, causing the sporty, tough tomboy to grow timid. "Even though it's your nature, don't treat it as a competition between you and Ai-chan. Because I cherish you both equally, with all of my love that I have to give."

Kanna sighed. "I know. I'm just not used to...this, is all."

Akira then brushed her Squell paw through Kanna's silky smooth pink hair, watching their breathing falter; as Ai, still lying awake in Akira's lap with a cozy smile, had been listening in silent amusement.

"I'm so glad we can all be together like this," she pondered aloud sleepily, with a contented smile, quivering at the ensuing sounds of the other two proceeding to embrace and passionately kiss on the lips, while freely running their arms along each other's seawater-slick, passionately hot bodies.

Wanting a taste of 'dessert' for herself, she sat upright and turned in Akira's lap to join.

Minutes went by…

A [Level 5] [Peckish Owl] hooted from an overhead perch, confused by the carnal scene unfolding below it. was far more interested in the Vash-squirrel, lying fast asleep nearby.

The [Level 5] [Peckish Owl] spared no time before acting in a way that was true to its name: the bird fluttered from its branch, high into the air, before swooping down in a graceful arc to meet its unsuspecting prey.

Vash-squirrel awoke, with a startled squeak, as the sharp talons pierced into his flesh.

'Shit! Shit! SHIT!' Was all he could muster in his thoughts, as he was being flown higher and higher into the sky, until the ground below was entirely deprived of detail—reduced to nothing more than a long, vaguely defined sliver of shadow.

'Holy FUCK!' Vash-squirrel screamed in his thoughts. 'I-I-I'm...actually gonna get eaten! And DIE..."

"All because the Three Bitches were too busy grabbing each other's TITS again!"

Vash-squirrel let out an indignant squeak and flailed his tiny fists. Indeed, if he was truly destined to very soon find himself in the digestive tract of an owl, he could at least take solace with a certainty that he would taste extremely sour!

Meanwhile, the aforementioned 'Three Bitches' were just now wrapping things up.

Each of the girls had climaxed fully, yet still remained tightly interlocked—repeatedly buffeting each other with their rapid exhalations.

"Big so...perfect..." Ai said, between her panting breaths. "I want...a body like hers...someday..."

She wrapped her thin legs around, and pressed her slim body with negligible breasts against Akira's own torso and bosom, both exceedingly rich in womanly fat—the two of them looking just as well looking like a mother and a daughter as they did an older and younger sister.

Akira shook her head. "No, Ai-chan." She said with a smile. "You're beautiful...the way you are..."

Ai loosed a light gasp of joy, as tears sprang forth from her quivering eyes.

"I love you forever and always, Big Sis!" She cried, before her small mouth with cherry pink lips was forcibly cut off by Akira's own.

Kanna wrapped her arms around the kissing girls, clutching their bare buttocks as she watched.

Within a few hours the sun would rise, while the trio was still fully engaged in their combined team effort of Sex Cultivation.

Vash-squirrel, by that time, had had quite the adventure during his nighttime flight.

Whether by good or ill fortune, the Peckish Owl had grazed him against a branch that caused him to fall loose of its grasping talons into a densely wooded area.

So he WAS alive still, albeit with bleeding wounds on his sides and no sense of where to go.

'I guess I lucked out, only to find myself DOOMED anyway...'

'Heh. Story of my fucking LIFE, I suppose.'

Vash dragged his limp, exhausted body across the ground, bracing himself for the cold touch of his second, and somehow even MORE pitiful death...

"My, my..." He suddenly heard a young voice say. "It appears you've had a great fall, little one."

Glancing back, Vash-squirrel looked up and saw a figure looming over him—the details of which were cast in obfuscating shadow, by the growing light of early dawn at its back. Vash-squirrel squinted, to try and get a clearer look, but all he could see were a pair of hands. Hands, gnarled and wrinkled with toil, reaching down toward him with great tenderness.

Vash-squirrel's mouth flitted open and shut, in awe of the beautiful sight before him.

'Is it an...angel...come to take me away?' He dared to think, even despite all he'd endured thus far. He cherished, with all his being, the feeling of the sunlight's warm embrace against his fur as this unknown presence cradled, and lifted him from the cold earth.

And, just like that, for but a moment—JUST a moment, before Vash-squirrel closed his eyes...

He didn't feel at all bitter, nor jaded as he usually did...

He wasn't desiring of a quick, painless death, just to put an end to his frustration and misery...

Vash-squirrel, defying all odds...actually felt a glimmer a HOPE, as he drifted ever closer to a complete loss of consciousness.

'Maybe...things don't always have to keep getting worse...'

'Maybe...things will actually...improve?'

But then, just before he could finish that wonderful, blthoughthought....there was darkness.

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