Cultivating Anthro CEO RPG Hero Harem Reincarnation In Another World

Chapter 40 - Akira "Kicks It" With A Cute Karate Girl!

In the aftermath of the Rakshasa ambush, Akira wanted some answers.

This seemed as good an excuse as any to gravitate toward the cute monk girl--Kiki--that he'd noticed before, now sat on the ground hunkered against a tree. Still trembling from the whole ordeal. 

"Those shapeshifters...the Rakshasa," Kiki said, pausing to take a deep breath, followed by a long drawn-out exhale, before continuing: "Ow...they're always out to kill us! But, they have to be sneaky 'cuz the fire and our chanting is supposed to ward them off." She shook her head gravely. "Just now, it scary!"

"A monastery?" Akira said. "I wouldn't take you for a nun."

"Wrong kind of monastery. We're taught how to fight, and meditate and stuff. I just cook, though, so I level real slow." She groaned. "Oh, and there's...umm, parties. Every night."

"Orgies?" Akira frowned.

"Y-y-yah." she replied, nodding shakily.

"Do you partake."

"Yeah..." she answered again, noticing the shadow of disappointment fallen over his face. "Uh, is that bad? I don't really like it, either. But, still...the EXP..."

Akira smirked. "Well, setting my personal feelings aside--"

In one smooth, grandiose movement, she knelt to take Kiki's hand, in the manner of a loyal subject about to kiss the hand of his queen. "A gorgeous girl, such as yourself, deserves special 1-on-1 treatment."

Kiki eyes sparkled. "G-g-gorgeous? I don't think I've ever been called that, in all my life..."

Akira set her back on her feet.

"Well, about those Rakshasa, why hasn't something been done?"

Kiki shot up suddenly, sweating with fear. "It isn't so simple as that! They're shapeshifters... so they can be everywhere! Be anything! You can't just...swoop in and--"

Akira drew close and touched her face, eliciting a small gasp.

"But I like swooping in," Akira said, gingerly tucking a loose strand of Kiki's hair into place behind her ear. "Swooping in and taking charge is what I do."

Kiki's voice was quaking: "I've...noticed."

Her pulse was quickening, her breath catching in her throat.

Akira could plainly see all the effects her moves were having on the depressed little monk lady, grinning like a hunter with a wounded deer in his rifle sights. "My Akira Maximilian," she said. "I'm new to the area, so I'd like to hitch a ride with your people into town."

"N-n-no...the monks...they wouldn't--" Her fractured speech broke off with an aroused moan: Akira's hands were circling her slender waist, her tiny lips drawing apart as her eyelids drifted closed, her pale cheeks flushed a bright rosy pink.

"I'm the Hero." Akira gloated to her. "So of course they'll say yes."

"Y-y-yes." Kiki nodded, quietly entranced.

"We can really get to know each other better, along the way."

Kiki's mind turned to mush as Akira's hands glided up through the white gi she wore, delicately grazing along her bare flesh to have their first taste of what tender delicacies were to come; a mild appetizer, preceding the mouth-watering main course.

Because if Akira's hands kept treating her this way, like a nice thin piece of meat served on a platter…

Kiki would agree to anything.


Elsewhere, Kanna was seated on a large rock, wiping away the freshly spilled blood on her hammer. She was sighing to herself, thinking about Vash again, regretting some of her past decisions.

'Vash never stopped having feelings for me, even after I swore my heart to Akira...'

'It must've been like torture, seeing us together. And it isn't like I tried to be subtle about it, when we were always kissing and making out in front of him.'

She groaned, feeling hopeless.

'He's like a dorky little brother that desperately wants to sleep with me.'

It was then Kanna she felt a poke from behind, so she turned to be met with a surprise peck on the lips from Ai, hanging upside down from a tree branch. "Hiya, Kanna-sis! Whatcha doing?"

"Nothing. Just…wiping off my hammer."

While giggling, Ai let go of the branch, landing gracefully on her feet.

"Liar, liar, liar~~~" she chanted as she sloped herself across Kanna's back, wrapping both arms around her tightly. "I can tell you're sad about something."

Kanna at first turned her head to glare at Ai, but then smiled with her eyes closed; amused.

"Ara,'re an observant little one."

"You're my lovely big sis Kanna, so of course I can tell if something's wrong."

Kanna, the proud Warrior, bit her lip as she turned silent. It was plainly obvious that she found it difficult to talk about her feelings from the crossed arms and complicated expression: with narrowed eyes and furrowed brow, her mouth clenched like she's about to hurl an insult. 

Ai watched Kanna patiently, massaging her shoulders as if to try and ease the words out. Bringing her neck forward, so that their cheeks grazed.

"It's alright, Kanna-sis," she said. "You know you don't have to act tough around me, right?"

Kanna touched Ai's hand. "You're right."

"Well? If I'm right--"Ai wrapped her arms around Kanna's neck, squeezing, kissing the back of her head until she laughed--"go ahead and tell me!"

"I was...thinking about Vash."

Ai's entire demeanor sank: her good ear drooping and tail twitching at the mere mention of his name. "That squirrel, we thought was him--" 

"It was him." Kanna was wiping her hammer with wider, more furious strokes.

"Then where'd he go? Did he run away, or…?"

Kanna shook her head, grimacing, speaking through her gritted teeth: "He's out there somewhere, that...goofball!"

"That...good-for-nothing mage!"


"Know-it-all smartypants pervy uncle!" Ai added, frowning as she could feel Kanna's whole body start to tremble, followed by the sound of her sucking in sobs; defiantly resisting, but ultimately succumbing to her sorrow with deep, gasping breaths in a river of tears.

"Oh, Kanna-sis..." Ai said, stroking Kanna's hair tenderly, hugging her close. "It's alright to cry. I miss him too."

'I was a terrible friend, Ai." She wailed. 'Vash...I'm sorry! We were such a good team together, you...dummy! With your magic, and my muscle! Your brain, and my brawn! Your...stupid, awkward smile and those damn bandages, that you seemed to always have an infinite supply of!'

Kanna couldn't help but to chuckle, only for it to quickly fade.

"If he really did just run away…"

She sniffed back a tear.

"I hope...he'll make it back to us someday…to our weird, fucked up little family..." 

"So I can personally rip him a new one!"

Not long after...

The monk caravan had resumed its journey, as Ai and Kanna were walking alongside the wagon, dutifully guarding it together with the surviving monks.

However, the self-called "Hero" herself was nowhere to be seen.

"AKIIIIIIIRA!" Kiki's shrill cry could be heard from within the wagon--alerting some of the monks, and causing birds to scatter from the treetops...

Ai and Kanna exchanged knowing glances.

"Ara ara, a new girl already." Kanna said.

"A new sister, yay!" Ai cheered. "I can't wait!"

Inside the tent, meanwhile...

Just as it was during the Rakshasa attack, Kiki was completely at another's mercy.

As Akira, situated in front of her, had drawn her plain white gi open across her shoulders, down to the waist. Diligently working her 'CEO magic' on the girl's flat breasts with prominently perked nipples.

"It feels so...good..." Kiki rasped.

"Good. You deserve to be pampered, and treated like a princess."

"Is this really how...princesses are treated?"

The couple rocked to and fro along with every bump in the road as Akira then knelt forward, conjoining her lips with Kiki's.

Akira basked in the intimate scent of the sweat on her skin, mixed with a lingering woody fragrance of incense. Excited at her every enraptured petty, pleasured gasp and whimpering moan. All of it driving him to push farther than ever for absolute control, over this soft creature with seemingly no desire to hold unto it.

"I''ve never...been this...before," Kiki strained between breaths.

"I want you to promise me you'll never go to an orgy again," Akira said in a forceful, patriarchal tone. Exuding pure manliness, even despite being a female, as one of her furry hands then slid downward along the smooth, cushy surface of Kiki's torso. It being adorably wide and soft, offering plenty of avenues of pure, untarnished ripples of womanly fat to explore.

She continued along this trajectory to Kiki's waist--apruptly diving her face in between their plush thighs.

Kiki gasped as her knees buckled, wrapping Akira's head between her flawlessly smooth thighs as the Squell continued probing her tongue inside of them without restraint: lapping up, sucking on and slurping their endlessly flowing [Girl Nectar].

Kiki could no longer think straight: only react.

Her moans were becoming shriller, louder.

Akira then returned to massaging one of their budding soft breasts, as she nibbled at the young monk's tender neck with her oversized molars--just hard enough to apply a sharp pressure, without it hurting.

"Promise. No more orgies." Akira demanded. Again.

While teasing her most sensitive spot.

While titillating her, like no other man turned into a squirrel-woman ever could.

"Admit it: I am all the orgy you need."

"Yes...yes!" Kiki pleaded—already a slave to pleasure. "I promise!"

Akira's touch had become her whole world!

Her passionate scream carried through the forest, such that all living things within a several mile-radius could hear, as the gloomy, previously untouchable girl broached the zenith heights of her ecstacy:


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