Cultivating Anthro CEO RPG Hero Harem Reincarnation In Another World

Chapter 44 - Maidens Get Milked, At A Bar In Mithil Like No Other! (Part I)

It came as no surprise to Akira that the streets of Mithil were every bit as dark, and dismal, and dreary, as everywhere else in the aptly named Shadowlands.

Low-built stone houses, languishing in varying stages of dilapidation and decay, were densely cluttered along the narrow banks of winding, dirt-paved streets. Figures roved in the shadows—n'er-do-wells always keeping one step ahead of the countless guards on patrol, at seemingly every corner, in a perpetual game of cat and mouse. A mysterious fog hovered in the air that blocked vision beyond more than a few meters, but for the ghostly glow of paper lanterns in the dreary gloom.

"Everything's just so...dead," Ai murmured, as she clung even more tightly against Akira's hip. She could feel the appraising stares of unseen eyes, hot on her neck.

All the while, Kanna was braced for an attack she expected to come at any moment.

"Excuse me!" Akira hailed a robed, conspicuously fast-walking Nandi passerby, just as he burst forth from the fog like a pouncing wraith. "Can you direct me to the nearest market?" She bent forward—sticking out her butt and breasts, in a sexy pose. "I'm looking to update my wardrobe. If you would just be willing to lend me a hand, I might let you watch me change..."

However, even despite Akira employing her assets to the fullest extent, the Nandi responded with but a sharp grunt before making a hasty retreat.

"Really!?" Akira huffed. "As if I'd even WANT to hit on an ugly cow person like him!"

Kannagi crossed her arms, thinking. "I wouldn't chalk this cold reception we've been receiving up to mere paranoia, anymore."

Akira turned to her. "No kidding! The people here are just assholes."

Ai bristled. "J-j-jerkface!" She yelled after the rude stranger, with a shake of her little fist.

Upon further attempts at gaining directions proving fruitless, Akira was suddenly struck by an idea— that she felt like a complete IDIOT for having not considered before.

She conferred with the [Big Business Tie], around her neck—its light marking a clear path forward.

"Better than proceeding blindly, I suppose." Kanna mused. "I just hope it doesn't lead us into more danger, like last time."

As the B.B.Tie led them on a few more turns along the forlorn streets, but it wasn't long before the party arrived at something of a hidden oasis, of sorts, in the middle of the melancholic major city; at which, the three all stood gawking upon first laying eyes upon it—a multi-storied building with a design like an old temple, that looked no less worse for wear than its neighbors but with a facade adorned in a festive array of colorful lanterns, and decorative streamers.

Sounds of music could be heard coming from within: voices singing, the twangs of a sitar, beating drums and shrill, horribly out of tune squeaks of a flute.

Here, at last, was a semblance of some LIFE to be found, in all of Mithil.

And if that weren't enough to draw Akira and Co. to its doors, the B.B. Tie was pointed directly at it.

"I know a bar when I see one." Kanna said, as she was watching the throngs of drunken Nandi stumble across the long, red carpet, that coursed from the street to the establishment's set of open double-doors. Above it, "MILK" was ascribed in a bright, white, neon-lit sign.

A pretty [Level ??] [Milk Greeter] stood at the entrance—greeting each customer with an eager smile.

" this place?" Akira asked her, while finding it exceedingly difficult to keep her eyes up.

"You're standing before the [Amrita], ladies." The [Milk Greeter] said to the three, accompanied by a slight bow. "I hope you'll each get to drink your fill, and have a wonderful time."

At last succumbing to her carnal urges, Akira's gaze was finally drawn to her exposed bosom—looking like a bulging pair of watermelons, sloshing about vigorously in the piddly top piece of a cow spots-patterned bikini. As well, a small bell was cutely hung around her neck by a collar, that tinkled in tandem with the slightest of her movements.

It was this particular choice of wardrobe, in combination with her two small nubs for horns and wide protruding ears, that came together to paint an epiphany in Akira's mind.

"You're a...Nandi!" She blurted aloud, without thinking. "That is, except your face, isn't all—"

She quieted abruptly—realizing her poor choice of words too late, yet again.

Ai, frowning, issued her a reprimanding pinch on the cheek.

"Quit being a huge RACIST, Big Sis!" She snapped. "It didn't turn out too well for you last time, remember?"

Akira nodded humbly—although the Greeter, thankfully, was giggling at her mistake.

"We've been expecting you." She said. "Might I say, it's an honor to finally meet the legend in person."

"I'm a legend, am I?" Akira's face lit up. " said you're expecting us?"

"So humble!" The Greeter exclaimed with amusement.

"Why, rumors are spreading, about the arrival of a certain heroic low-level player, who saved all those players that had gone missing from Acquama Town."

"A SQUELL player—" She paused, appraising Akira up and down with a smoldering look.

"One with IMPECCABLE curves, as the story goes...such as yourself."

Akira bore a satisfied smirk. "It's nothing!" He said, waving his hand as he did. "Really, I was only doing what seemed like the right thing at the time."

Kanna and Ai, fawning over their beloved with shared glee, hugged her from behind.

"So, news is already spreading, huh?" Kanna said. "I'd better be on alert—girls are gonna be chasing you all over the place!"

Ai laughed. "Wow! My Big Sis is a super celebrity now!"

For Akira, this was especially big news. Achieving fame and notoriety, as she knew, was a great first step toward establishing her brand in this new world.

She pumped her fists, huffing in triumph.

"Before long, there'll be an Akira Corps. skyscraper in every major city!"

Tears were streaming down her face—so swept was she, in the beauty of such a thought.

"Just you watch, girls! What you've seen so far is just me getting warmed up!"


Stepping into the Amrita...was like wrapping up under an old blanket on a cold, winter night—warm and cozy, even if said blanket was a little torn and flea-bitten.

It was a wide open space with colorful walls and gold-trimmed columns. The place was jam-packed with predominantly male Nandi, clustered around the bar or taking turns at the hookah pipe. All the while, as one drifts across the room a peculiar and strong, but not altogether unpleasant odor—like a mixture of curry, and steamed milk—tickled the nostrils.

Akira, Ai, and Kanna were slowly taking it all in, until the Nandi lady serving at the bar started to take notice.

"What's the matter, ladies?" Said the [Level ??] [Barkeep], with an uncanny grin. "You look lost."

She was dressed in the same suggestive cowprint bikini attire as the Greeter from before, as were the other Nandi women that comprised the Amrita staff, most of them bearing the suggestive title of [Milk Maiden].

"Ah! This Hero doesn't drink." Akira said with undue pride, coolly leaning her arm against the bar counter with a killer smile. "I'll have a Bepsi."

The Barkeep chuckled. "No soda, sweetie. No alcohol either, for that matter—at least not for customers."

Kanna raised an eyebrow. "No alcohol, in a BAR? What the Hell..."

Curiously, she glanced around the room, and sure enough there wasn't a single bottle of liquor to be spotted in the hands of any of the patrons—despite a notable presence of loud-mouthed, shambling drunks in the vicinity, as to be expected with any watering hole.

A mass of Milk Maidens approached the bar, and swarmed around the three girls.

"Such silky smooth skin!" One so-called Maiden said sensually, as she brushed a hand across the anxious Ai's cheek. "Such a small girl, too—I'll be your mama, if you like!"

Ai looked to Akira, with confused eyes, as they started to steadily drag her away. "B-b-big Sis!"

"Hey!" Akira shouted—turning with her fists pumped, and ready. "Hands off my woman!"

Without relent, the Maidens disappeared with Ai through a curtain at the back of the room, as Akira gave pursuit.

Kanna, in the meantime, lacked any such urgency—instead, remaining to confront the Barkeep.

"It's clear to me that this isn't just some run-of-the-mill bar."

The Barkeep, chuckling as she was leaning with one elbow on the counter, answered with a nod.

Kanna continued, "If soda, or even alcohol isn't served here, then what IS?"

"Besides, those girls just now...they were very clearly drunk."

The Barkeep, at this time looking quite amused by all that was going on, was started on drying the inside of a glass with an old dish towel.

"Darling, we DO serve alcohol here in the Amrita—only it's through a different means."

There was a mischievous air about her as she spoke these words, then sharply looked up at Kanna.

"Now, would you like your milk to be spiked, or pure? In a bottle, a glass, or..."

She gripped her pair of bulging breasts in each hand suddenly, and gave them a good shake.

"How about straight from the tap, for just a little bit extra?"

Feeling the sharp tip of a knife blade pressed against her back—held there by the Maiden that was stood behind her—Kanna suppressed a smirk.

"It looks like there's some fun to be had in this town after all!"

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