Cultivating Anthro CEO RPG Hero Harem Reincarnation In Another World

Chapter 49 - The Ballad Of Heidi: One Rakshasa Who Remains Pure!

In all the Shadowlands, there is perhaps no place more feared than the [Pit of Hell].

People saw it as a massive, bottomless hole in the ground: a literal entrance to Hell, from which local legend states Rakshasa emerge, at night, to drag men and cow-men to their dooms.

In reality, the Pit was an entrance to an intricate system of tunnels that spread for miles underground, connecting with innumerable smaller caverns.

It was not a literal Hell, by any means, but indeed a place called home by the Rakshasa, who had remained there undisturbed for many centuries.

The main cavern was packed with throngs of all manners of beasts and people, swarming along pathways lit by hanging strings of lanterns that contained Rakshasa criminals serving out their sentences, as transformed fireflies. All in all, it could be estimated that around 95% of all Rakshasa in the Shadowlands lived here, under the kingship of Lord Dimba—whose constant vows to bring his people to a new, golden age of prosperity, seemed to always be just barely out of reach.

Following the recent ill-fated 'Pizza Delivery Massacre,' as it was being referred to, the whole cave system was especially abuzz with activity, as atop a formation that served as a public stage, survivors came forward to tell their story:

"I was out there on the front lines when it happened, my brothers." Said the current speaker—a [Level 5] [Rakshasa Veteran], whose faraway, vacant gaze hinted at a soul forever changed. "It was like nothing you can even possibly imagine."

"Half-eaten burgers, and half-eaten brothers." He said, in a gritty voice. "EVERYWHERE."

"God hates us so much that he won't pixel us right away, I guess."

He paused to take a sip from his can of [Amrita Lite], as the crowd cheered in approval.

"Yessir." He continued, licking his lips. "Lets our corpses rest there a bit—unlike the other races, who get their quick chariot to oblivion."

"Instead, it's like he has to deny us our dignity, all the way through...until DEATH!"

Heidi rolled her eyes, and turned away.

Rakshasa humor was all the same.

She started to walk away, until she overheard the sound of feminine moans and moist flesh slapping together. To be sure, this was an all too common phenomenon in the communal home of a oft denigrated race of shapeshifters—as sure enough, this time Heidi encountered a sum of five [Large Men] engaged in group cultivation with a single [Akira Maximilian], pinned up against a stalagmite.

The Akira clone winked at Heidi as she stood there, watching the scene in disgust.

"Five silver pieces...if you wanna join in." The Rakshasa prostitute said, holding out a furry palm toward her whilst continuing to be violated from all sides.

"Everyone's lining up to screw around with the legendary SexLover, so get it while you can!"

Heidi, feeling the furthest thing from aroused, said nothing and transformed into a cheetah—so she could get away, as fast as possible, from yet another example of the kinds of disgusting madness that were all too commonplace, in what had unfortunately become her entire existence.

Cages lined the streets, packed with human and Nandi prisoners and slaves--if not cooking ingredients.

'I don't even understand how this all came to happen...'

'I remember I stayed up late, studying for midterms one night—until I fell asleep, and...'

'I woke up in this new form! Everyone was treating me like a MONSTER, in this bizarre world!'

She found herself a nice little shaded crevice to mope in, and reverted into her normal form.

Holding back sobs, it was there that Heidi allowed her thoughts to drift...


It was an early spring morning, in a time and place that seemed more like a fleeting dream.

Homeroom was in session, at Classroom 12-B of IXXXXXXXX High School.

Attendance was being called, and the students are bustling and lively as ever...except for Heidi.

"Hey-di...FIZZ-scher." The teacher enunciated slowly, in horridly strained English.

He glanced up from the roster sheet, beaming. "The America-jin!"

Heidi froze, sensing her classmates' eyes and expectant smiles upon her.

In a situation like this, she knew no matter what she did it'd be met with laughter: such was the preordained destiny of the only orange-haired, green-eyed GAIJIN in the class.

"P-p-present!" She blurted, earning some of the usual isolated snickers from her classmates.

Still, the laughter alone was fine. She'd grown used to it, by that stage.

Moreover, she was worried if anyone could see the REAL reason why she was nervous...

She wasn't sure if any of her classmates could see Aizawa, the boy seated at the desk behind her, whispering softly into her ear...

A chill ran up her spine, as his breath lightly tickled the hairs on the back of her neck.

Her body grew hot.

Her thoughts became muddled, and frantic.

'This—is it a sign that he likes me?' Heidi wondered. 'Or am I overthinking it?'

Thinking back on it, there were certainly some possible signs he was interested in her, throughout the several months they'd known each other.

Aizawa had always been kind and gentle toward Heidi: greeting her in the mornings with a wave, and a warm smile. Fiercely protecting her from the others, that would always try to pick on her. He'd break away from his group of friends to buy them both sodas, and lay beside her on the rooftop, watching the clouds go: talking, and laughing over random gossip.

Just looking back, and imagining all those experiences they'd shared...made her blush.

'Could such a handsome, cool guy like Aizawa...really have feelings for a boring girl like me?'

Despite the language barrier...Heidi did already consider Aizawa to be a good friend. It's just, she wasn't sure if there was anything more to their relationship beyond that.

It weighed on her mind all day, distracting her from her work.

Heidi had always been the type to let nerves get the best of her--a worrywart, as her mother used to call her—but this was just ridiculous.

She could feel Aizawa's presence behind her the entire time...only pressuring her even further.

At lunch break, the air was unusually tense between the two when they met in the hallway. He'd greeted her in his usual happy-go-lucky way, but his smile promptly faded when she failed to return the gesture.

"What's wrong?" He asked, in that accent Heidi had always found so cute.

She squirmed at the question, unsure of how to answer it.

Obviously, Aizawa had done nothing wrong, yet there was still this uneasy feeling in her stomach...

The feelings were too much for her—she had to eject herself, with immediacy.

So Heidi bowed, in the same manner she'd seen her classmates do countless times before.

"Thank you, for everything." Was all she could bring herself to say, before turning her back to her cherished friend Aizawa...and running down the hall.

Little did she know, it was to mark the last time they would ever speak to each other.


Returning back to the present...

To the disgusting game world, in which she'd been cursed to inhabit...

Heidi could only imagine what might've been.

What might've been, if she hadn't been a "worrywart," for just a day.

She didn't have much time to ponder about the past, however, as it wasn't long before the present reality came crashing down again.

Reality, this time, appeared in the form of a crow: that alighted on the ground in front of her, whereupon it reverted to its original form—that of a [Level 8] [Rakshasa Scout].

"King Dimba requests your presence." The Scout said, crouched in obsequience. "My Lord tells it is of utmost importance."

Heidi's throat clenched. If Dimba was calling upon her, and saying it was urgent...

Whatever it might be, it assuredly wasn't going to be good.

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