Cultivating Anthro CEO RPG Hero Harem Reincarnation In Another World

Chapter 54 - An Unstoppable Force Meets An Impenetrable Wall!

It was early the next morning, when a lone damsel dressed in a brown fur cloak approached the Mithil guard checkpoint.

A [Mithil Guard] on duty at the time, his head drooping from exhaustion, could swear the lonesome traveler had emerged from out of the woods, and was immediately suspicious. Her name and level were both hidden, and curiously, she was holding up a plain red neck tie in one palm—"pointing" it forward—only halting in her tracks when she peered up and glimpsed him watching her gravely from atop the wall.

" this the gate leading to...Mithil?" She asked him—wide-eyed, and timid as a doe.

"State your business in our fair city!" The guard hailed her, as he warily raised a hand to command the line of crossbowmen at his back to ready their weapons.

The girl at once drew back with a fearful look, and holding her arms up in surrender.

"I'm just looking for someone! I was told—err, I mean I THINK they're in a town called...Mithil."

The guard scoffed, his bovine face painted in a smirk. "Likely story." Already, he was confident that this was just a Rakshasa in disguise, and a feeble one at that.

Regardless...he would 'amuse' himself with her for a little while; if only out of boredom.

"Now, if you value your life you'll stay right where you are, and not move a single muscle."

The girl nodded and obeyed—still holding her arms up and sweating nervously as a detachment of guards promptly burst through a door nearby. They proceeded, in perfect uniformity, to march forth with their armors clattering noisily, to form a tight ring around her from which there was to be no escape.

With a dozen or so crossbow bolts pointed at her...she waited tensely, as the guard she'd talked to before slowly took a step forward.

"Lower that hood of yours." He ordered. "Show us more of that pretty face you're wearing."

The girl felt her face run hot, despite the seriousness of the moment.

'Pretty...face?' Context aside, she wasn't accustomed to such compliments. 'Oh, God...'

She could feel their hungry gazes on her: scanning the slender frame she possessed, and her cutely insecure visage. Eyeing her soft pink lips, and the way they continually parted with her shallow, scared breaths. Upon lowering her hood, she heard a few restrained gasps—perhaps due to surprise at the reveal of her unkempt ringlets of crisp brown hair, and bristly red-brown Squell's ears.

Based on these signs, a truly frightening thought then occurred to her...

'All these soldiers...want to bang the shit out of me!'

"J-j-just so you all know—I'm already happily married!" She blurted out shakily, in a bid to appeal to their senses of honor, only to be met with an unscrupulous, cloven-hoofed hand on her shoulder.

Concurrently, another grazed along the extent of her body, with its subtle curves.

Another poked at one of her breasts several times, as if to confirm it was not in fact one in a pair of concealed Rakshasa burgers.

All the while, the Squell could feel their hot breaths upon her, and let out a deeply weary sigh.

'I fucking hate my life.' She thought to herself, as the tail behind her fittingly drooped.

These cowmen were not only bored, but also extremely deprived of a woman's soft touch, during their borderline unethically long shifts.

She shivered as one leaned his face next to her ear, and spoke in a soft whisper.

"How's about you tell us your name, sweetheart?" He said.

Vash swallowed nervously—positively dreading that she might soon have to engage in a whole different kind of 'swallowing,' if she was to have any hope of getting through those gates...

Suddenly, being deprived of magic and crawling around on all fours didn't sound so bad.

'I guess this just confirms what I already knew to be true...'

'That, no matter WHAT form I'm in, I'm just fated to constantly getting FUCKED!'


Meanwhile, Akira, Ai, and Kanna were being lead through the city by the Barkeep of the Amrita, in accordance with her promise to aid them the night before.

"There's this...barrier...that keeps all the lowlifes out." She told them, as they approached an area of the Ebony quarter faced with an imposingly tall white stone wall, along the distant side of a wide moat filled with putrid smelling, trash-filled water. Looming above it all—rendered faintly perceptible in the early morning rays—was an impossibly large dome, forming a barrier around the world of the Ivories that lie, hidden out of view, beyond the boundaries of the white wall it contained.

Furthermore, within the boundaries of the barrier and the wall, it could be seen that the sky was a clear blue—as if even the quality of the air itself was cordoned off between the two socioeconomic castes.

For all intents and purposes, the Ivory quarter was a completely separate world within Mithil.

Akira, without thinking, lifted up her [Longbow] and fired an arrow--just to watch it, predictably, snap upon impact.

Ai then nudged Akira, with a suggestion:"How about trying that OTHER bow of yours?"

Nodding, Akira promptly drew out the [Gandiva] and fired forth a tremendous beam.

Said beam crashed loudly against the side of the barrier, in a huge cloud of debris that briefly wafted across the outer surface of the wall before just as soon evaporating.

In its wake...there was nary even a scratch left on the surface of the barrier.

"It's pointless." The Barkeep said, whilst clearly hiding her amusement at watching the CEO's attempts fail. "Nothing has ever been able to break through that wall, and believe me, people have tried and tried breaking into the Ivory quarter...for YEARS, to no success."

"In all the time that the barrier has been up, so one's ever been able to break it."

With this sobering declaration, she proceeded to walk the company to a gate at another side of the white wall, where a long line of incoming and outgoing carts were lined up to be processed by the guardsmen that were stationed there. Essentially, it was another checkpoint like the one outside of the city, only it was even more tightly guarded by these so-called [Ivory Soldiers], that presented as far more fearsome than their cohorts—with levels numbering in the 15+ range, and their all-white armors with visored helmets concealing any semblance of their humanity.

"THAT is the only way to get in or out of the Ivory Quarter." The Barkeep said. "So, unless you're a monk or a merchant, you might as well give up."

Despite the harsh finality of her tone, Akira Maximilian wasn't deterred.

"I will do no such thing! Not until I've tried out every possibility I can think of; and, even if none of those work-- I'll just come up with a new one!"

The Barkeep sighed, crossing her arms against her gigantic breasts. "Why are you so determined? What EXACTLY do you stand to gain from confronting the Madame? You'll be putting the life of yourself and your girl friends on the line...for what? Revenge!?"

Akira shook her head. "It's not about revenge, but about JUSTICE! It's about bringing her to answer for what she did! The Madame thinks she can hide away in some fancy mansion somewhere, and not be held accountable, but I simply won't allow it!" She declared, pumping her fist. "Not on my honor, as a man!"

Ai and Kanna were both clinging unto each of her arms, starry-eyed and excited to see her whipped into such a righteous fervor.

Albeit, the proudly self-professed cutthroat CEO was naturally being guided by several other, far less "noble" ulterior motives...

'I'm also a bit curious about what kind of business that Madame has been secretly engaged in; since, from what I've gathered, it seems like she has a good head for business on her shoulders I can work with, and simply underestimated me in our first encounter. I think, because I succeeded in her challenge, I'm entitled to some kind of reward!'

Akira breathed deeply—feeling an all too familiar tingling sensation throughout her body. It was such that she couldn't help but share her continuing thoughts out loud:

"I have to meet her in person, and finally talk to her face-to-face!"

"If she's not only smart, and RUTHLESS, but ALSO has the looks to back it up--it'll be the perfect package!"

Smiling, Ai gasped. "Big Sis! Are you really thinking of—"

Kanna chimed in, looking far less enthused.

"If three's a crowd, then what'll that make four?"

"I...don't know!" Akira answered, after a brief hesitation, without looking at her—only skyward, at the faint shape of the dome surrounding the Ivory quarter.

"But mark my words: I will not REST, or LEAVE this town, until I've brought its MADAME to heel!"

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