Cultivating Anthro CEO RPG Hero Harem Reincarnation In Another World

Chapter 58 - A Donkey Cart Filled With Troubles

The Hidden Dragon Monastery was a sprawling complex of smaller, one-storey buildings centered around a towering main hub, bordered by ancient walls of brick and stone. 

Its buildings all bore the hallmarks of traditional Chinese architecture: Rectangular designs upon raised platforms of earth faced with tile, the entrances connected by stone stairs. Smooth timber walls wrapped in intricate, colorful mosaic patterns. Inclined roofs scaled in glazed green and yellow tiles, styled with the iconic upswept eaves--imbuing within the viewer strong impressions of majesty and grandeur.

Considered a sacred place by some, it served as a refuge for those seeking refinement: physical, mental, spiritual--even sexual--as well as being a pizza parlor renowned all throughout Nirvana.

When Kiki was first dragged here by Mithil Guards, along with a whole group of other "vagrant" low-level players--those without any occupations, yet too weak to adventure--she didn't know what to think. 

Such a concept seemed so outrageous, on the face of it (they're like Shaolin monks, but they also do delivery?) However, just like many before her, Kiki gradually began to realize that what makes "sense," within the context of the world she once knew, doesn't necessarily always apply to Nirvana. 

Because in Nirvana, varied tastes and sensibilities were constantly being incorporated by players coming from all kinds of cultures and walks of life, resulting in many such freak permutations.

Nothing was truly sacred. Utility and ever-shifting wants often outshined old traditions, with ancient architecture being frequently repurposed and modernized to suit. Therefore, the existence of a Pizza Dojo actually wasn't very strange at all: that as earnings through donations were drying up, a monastery would also become a glorified boot camp in exchange for government kickbacks, on top of delivering pizzas to the wealthy elite of Mithil.

And Kiki had gained the most she possibly could during her time spent with them, having intensified her training in the days since she'd made her pact with Akira.

It was a grueling daily training regiment, starting when she would rise with the other disciples just as the first rays of sunlight streaked across the purple horizon, to charge in a line up the side of a mountain, carrying buckets of water hanging from a stick of bamboo laid across their shoulders.

And for these efforts, she would earn a decent amount of cultivation EXP—depending on how fervently she jogged.

Afterward, she would join the students in the main hall to perform their daily formation drills. Hours upon hours of running through the same few stances, both unarmed and while wielding a variety of weapons, in choreographed unison.

And if she managed to control her breathing well enough, she would gain a hefty amount of cultivation EXP.

However, one thing she never did anymore was participate in the nightly "extracurricular" training sessions, in which disciples solemnly indulged in Group Sex Cultivation well past the hours of midnight. Not since she'd made her promise to Akira; instead choosing to spend the time meditating for some extra tiny slivers of EXP, right before bed.

Through all these efforts, she'd earned herself the black gi of a fully-fledged [Dragon Monk], and managed to reach [Level 9]—just one level short of the mandatory training requirement imposed on her by Mithil law.

EXP gains had now slowed to a trickle, but Kiki was no less determined. 

She was practicing her formations alone during her free time one day, on an isolated patch of golden earth just outside of the monastery walls, thinking about how pleased Akira would be with her progress.

The sun was setting, casting the sky in a fiery orange blaze that reflected the feeling in her heart.

A strong wind was blowing: one of change.

The Hidden Dragon Monastery resided on an enormous incline, blessing her with a scenic view of vast, flowing fields of wheat carved all along the hillside--a tiny splash of Yin floating above the sea of Yang that was the Shadowlands.

She spotted a lone donkey kart that had just begun its journey along the winding stretch of road woven up the hill.

'Probably a merchant,' she thought.

Still, she squinted her eyes to get a better look--just in case--seeing a party of four lounging in the back of the kart, nestled in a bed of straw. They were all ladies, sitting quietly apart from each other, all with faces that were familiar to Kiko.

Especially one in particular--the sight of them causing her chest to swell with joy.

'No freakin' way...!' 

'It can't be!'

Oh, but her eyes did not deceive her--

Akira and Company had taken the first donkey cart they could find out of Mithil; just as soon as they were rested, following their recent graveyard smash.

Most of the talk that had gone on between them that day was exchanged by Akira and Vash, both of whom were excited by the latter's recent transformation. Whereas Ai still fretted over her bloated stomach, which had become several times larger overnight--to the size of a basketball at least--circling her palm over the tender, swollen skin with a squeamish face.

Kanna had been staring out at the surroundings, other than to occasionally cast a glance at Vash, saying nothing.

Vash had noticed this strange behavior, but hadn't said anything until now. So, while Akira was going to check on Ai he sidled up beside her, putting on an air of confidence.

"What's wrong?" she asked, donning a sly "come-hither" smile as she stretched and pushed out her chest, such that her incredible breasts protruded out even further. "What's wrong, Kanna-chan? Have you been struggling to keep your eyes off me for a second?"

Kanna groaned, shaking her head. "This is too goddamn weird..."

"What is?" Vash beamed with mischief--Squell molars showing--cupping and squeezing at her own breasts. "The fact that I've got these beautiful things now?"

"Uhh...yeah. That's exactly it."

Vash laughed. "Don't worry! I'm still the same old me--only sexier!"

"Eh. You can't possibly be, though..."

"What do you mean!?" Vash snapped. "I'm telling you I am!"

"See, the real Vash would never speak back to me so confidently." Kanna sighed. "You're basically just a knock-off version of Akira now..."

"W-w-what?! No! You've got it wrong!" Vash hastened to say, her Squell parts bristling with sheepishness--out of her desire to not disappoint Kanna, whom she still possessed strong feelings for. "I'm still totally not confident whatsoever!"

Kanna scratched her head. "I don't sound pretty confident as you're saying that."

"Grrr...fine! I'll prove it to you right now!"

Vash moved fast: proceeding to scoot over to Akira on her knees.

"Akira-samaaaaa!" She cried in a cute voice while holding her hands up in front of her like a begging cat, eyes twinkling with innocence.

"Hm?" Akira turned to her, breaking from the chat she'd been having with Ai.

"Forgive me for interrupting you, Akira-sama! I was just thinking, as a way to ensure that everyone knows I belong to you--"She squealed, her hands pinned to her chest. "Please please please, buy me a tattoo of your name! So I can display it proudly, anywhere you want me to have it!"

Consumed by a sudden intensity, she grasped Akira's shoulders, yanking her close. "I'm your piece of meat: so you've gotta brand me, right?"

Akira licked her lips, her face burning hot at the thought.

"Mm. In that case, I'll get tattoos for all of you."

Vash gasped. "NO!" Seizing Akira in her hard grip, she shook her like a ragdoll. "Only for me--or it isn't special anymore! I should get a tattoo, and nobody else!"

As the shaking continued, Akira smiled sheepishly with an unbothered air.

"I'm a rancher with many cows, though."

Vash let go of her, scowling. "Never mind!"

She then stormed back to Kanna, retaining some bitterness.

"See? No confidence! A total doormat."

Kanna's eyebrows creased, taking a moment to earnestly try--using all the mental faculties available to her--to comprehend Vash's thought process.

Her final result being:

"Ara ara, all that stunt succeeded in proving is that you're a total bitch."

However, Vash didn't take it as an insult.

Instead she giggled, flirtatiously toying with her own hair. "A bitch? Well, if you're saying I'm Akira's bitch, then I'd say absolutely..."

Kanna rolled her eyes. There wasn't enough air in her lungs to sigh as hard as this sad spectacle warranted, with it having now been made abundantly clear to her that the clumsy, neurotic know-it-all Vash she'd once known and loved...

Was gone; replaced by this vain and vapid, self-obsessed bootlicker.

'At least he seems happier now,' she thought to herself. Even as sorrow tugged at her brow, as it did her heartstrings. 'So maybe it's for the best.'

Akira, meanwhile, still had another problem to deal with.

"Oooow!" Ai groaned. "I felt it kick again!"

She'd been complaining about random pains in her stomach all morning, as they were becoming more and more prevalent.

"UWAA! Something is moving inside me!"

"Relaaaaax," Akira purred, drawing close to her ear. "I told you it's just the kebabs." 

"No, you idiot! It has to be that curse!"

While swerving to avoid Ai's ensuing aggravated attempts to nab her, Akira massaged Ai's shoulders trying to put her at ease. Although, it was obvious right away that something wasn't as it used to be.

Squish. Squish. 'Oho, what's this?'

She tried several light squeezes on Ai's arm, grasping at far more than just skin and bon; there being a noticeable layer of soft, cushiony padding.

Though not just her arms had been affected: Her once slender sides were now draped with rolls of fat. Her once cutely thin thighs and legs were like drumsticks. Her face and neck had become wider, imparting a distinctly more mature, adult look to better suit the healthy pair of breasts that had sprouted where, previously, there'd only been flat earth.

Not a whale by any means; Ai had just been inflated somewhat, by the looks of it.

And Akira was in total awe.

"You're...really putting on weight!" Akira said, breaking out in a nervous sweat from the arousal she felt at viewing this substantially more "womanly" Ai.

However, Ai was having none of Akira's perverted antics right now.

"What...did you...just say to me?" she growled through gritted teeth, her fist raised and clenched. The look in her eyes spelling bloody murder. All clear indicators that Akira should choose her next words very, very carefully.

Unfortunately, if Akira could be said to possess an Achilles' heel…well, firstly, he'd probably be a centipede that owns several. 

But with that said, one would definitely be his ability to decipher social cues.

"What I said was, I notice you've been getting fat--"

At this exact same moment in time, Kiki was panting from running the whole way to meet the donkey cart--arriving just as Akira was flung overboard, screaming, to land perfectly in her arms.

Vash and Kanna saw while looking back, as the donkey cart was moving away.

"Who's that cutie?" Vash asked.

Ai was grinning. "I bet this'll be good."

"That insensitive shit." Kanna grumbled to herself. "He screwed her, and doesn't even remember her name."

Kiki was tearing up with excitement.

"Akira! I can't believe it's you!" She exclaimed, as she proceeded to set Akira unto her feet. "When you left, you made it sound like you were going on a whole big adventure."

"Right, haha," Akira replied with a clumsy smile as she dusted herself off.

Kiki pressed up tight against her chest.

"Notice my hair is different?" she whispered, like it was a seductive tease. "Not covering my eyes" —she paused, fluttering her eyelids—"just like you said."

Akira smiled. "You've also levelled up a ton."

Congratulations were in order, so she extended a hand to bestow upon Kiki a nice, gentle pat on the head, causing her cheeks to flush and her lips to fumble.

"Say you're proud of me…" Kiki said, adding in a quiet, cracked voice:


Akira reared in surprise.

Kiki glanced down, pressing her fingers together timidly, as the blush on her face had grown so intense that the skin was turning redder than the Hidden Dragon special recipe for marinara sauce.

"Is it alright if you that?" She asked.

Akira began to sweat, feeling that "daddy" was a huge leap up on the sexy scale from "big sis."

"W-what should I be calling you, then?"

"Say my name, daddy…" She breathed into Akira's neck, sending a shiver up her spine.

Akira Maximilian gulped. How unfortunate. He hadn't felt this unlucky since the time he found a tear in his new Armanillo suit 

--one he'd just had Shizuka buy for him the day before--forcing him to have to fall back to wearing his old one to the board meeting that day.

Everyone knew he bought a new Armanillo every day, so it was quite embarrassing. Although, this was shaping up to be far worse...

Three pissed off ladies, in a matter of minutes!

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