Akira Maximilian knew when to take risks, and this was not the time.

He was forced into a retreat with Kiki, swerving to avoid a confrontation with Guy Fly—what he knew would have inevitably devolved into a one-sided slaughter, reminiscent of how powerless he'd felt in the presence of the Azure Oracle: a naked virgin, before the almighty Zeus.

The pair stopped next to a wall outside of the stove room. Neither had eaten their lunch yet that day, so the wafting aromas of freshly cooked pizza didn't help their rumbling stomachs.

Kiki had her arms around Akira's waist from behind, her head resting on their shoulders, as the two trailed off from the canteen.

"It's alright," Kiki said mildly. "We just need to figure out another way."

Akira scoffed. "How is a freak like that at such a high level, anyway?" she fumed, gently brushing Kiki off her back and turning to face them.

"When do I learn to control chi?"

Kiki frowned. "It takes years to reach the level Guy Fly is at now…"

"It's not that I'm looking for a shortcut, because I know it won't be that easy to beat him," Akira said, tapping a finger against the side of her head. "I'm thinking about the long term—acquiring every ounce of power I can, to reach my goals." Not to mention, leaning Chi Control was necessary for one to be accepted as a fully-fledged Dragon Monk, and thus be more likely to secure a spot on the caravan delivery trips into Mithil's ivory quarter.

"Even if it means leaving her behind?"

Akira turned her gaze in the direction of the canteen; where she could still see Guy Fly, now holding up a happily laughing Ai on his shoulder to a cheering crowd.

"For now," Akira corrected, turning back to Kiki with a solemn air. "At least that bastard is treating her well."

It wasn't an easy decision to make, though. After all, Ai had been Akira's first love. The first to teach her how to be intimate. A person with whom she'd been through thick and thin; enduring some hiccups and hardships in their relationship along the way, but never once losing sight of their love for each other. 

So: whether it be due to inaction, or a failure caused by acting too rashly, Akira wasn't about to let something so precious to her heart go to waste. Not without a struggle.

Kiki, meanwhile, understood all of this, absent any words.

"I'll help you get her back," she said.

Akira glanced at her, smirking. "I thought you didn't approve of me having other lovers?"

"W-well…" Kiki said. Lightly sighing, then closing her eyes with a pacified smile. "I guess it's not so much of a big deal if it makes you happy."

"Kiki-chan. I don't want you to feel pressured."

Her eyelids drifted open partially, imparting a sleepy look as she shook her head.

"No, it's not like that," she said plainly. "I've been thinking, and now I want to try it. Just to try something different, and because…" she trailed off, smoothing a strand of her delicately groomed dark hair across her head; awkwardly grinning to herself, all her teeth showing.

"I used to read a lot of...erotic novels, and manga."

"Oh?" Akira said, curious.

Kiki gave a sharp nod. "Uh-huh. I was always the type of girl with no friends, who barely speaks. Who sits alone, in the back of the classroom..." She paused, swallowing a smile and her lower lip, her face glowing bright red. "Reading tentacle rape and male impregnation stories."

Akira raised an eyebrow; unsurprised, but no less put off by the reveal.

Kiki swallowed. "What I'm saying is I didn't get to do much in my old life, so I'm looking to make up for it now. By trying out new things, meeting new people..."

Akira grinned wryly, arms crossed. "You're completely hooked on sex, aren't you?"

"Wh-what!" Kiki jumped back.

"Admit it: just one partner isn't enough, even though we do it every night."

"A-Akira-kun, that's not true!" she exclaimed.

Still, Akira was mockingly grinning as she teased their hair with one hand. "Be more upfront with your feelings, Kiki," she said. "I shouldn't have to chase you out into a wheatfield just to get a clear answer on what it is you're feeling."

Kiki pouted, her gaze half-raised as her head was sheepishly sunken.

"Yes, daddy," she mumbled.

"Now, tell me: was I right in my guess?"

Kiki made a long swallow, before timidly answering:


"Yes, what?" Akira asked, pointing an ear at her.

"Don't make me say it out loud," she grumbled, shifting her eyes around. "There's people…"

"Yeah, and most of them get together to do it in a giant pile every night, for cultivation experience," Akira playfully chimed. "So I'm certain you wouldn't be disturbing anyone if you just spoke a little more concisely—"

"I WANT. MORE. SEX!" Kiki belted loudly, all of a sudden; bending forward, slamming her arms against her thighs in an expression of pure, unbottled frustration. As consequently, she earned some "curious" glances from other Dragon Monks that were milling about, loud enough to be heard from as far away as the canteen; with Ai giggling and Guy Fly glancing up from his grill, nodding and giving a thumbs up in approval.

Akira then bore a serious frown, remembering she had goals in this world as well. Goals, within goals: Starting small, with attaining the ability to control Chi; and ending big, with raping the Azure Oracle.

Goals were what kept Akira going, when she would otherwise probably gang herself.

She asked Kiki about learning how to manipulate chi, and was immediately met by a horrified stare.

"What? Is the training hard, or something?"

"No, it's that..." she bit her lip. "There's a trial you have to take."

"A trial? Well, it can't be that difficult"

"You need to let them have their way with you. That's the secret." 

Akira gave a mystified look.


It was a calm, clear night—most unbefitting of what dreadful business was set to follow.

A crescent moon illuminated the way for a small, tight-knit procession of monks bearing torches of incense and singing protective chants, as they followed a well-treaded path that curved around the hill of golden grass.

Akira remembered the words of an elder from earlier, when she'd pressed them for more details:

"It is set inside of a cave, protected by four ancient golems that are each a master of a different respective chi control application. You will be locked inside of the cave with them for five hours, from the time of midnight to sunrise, with only one objective..."

To survive, Akira remembered glumly; as a huge and craterous, gaping entrance into the earth was revealed to the procession, with innumerable sharpened stalagmites and stalactites like rows of jagged teeth.

Akira stood still, gawking at its uncanny semblance to a fanged mouth when a familiar face walked up and greeted her.

"I was researching the monastery's history, and found that it gained its name from this exact cave," the monk mused, stroking her chin thoughtfully as she stared up at it. "'Hidden Dragon's Mouth' was the name given to this cave, in ancient times, before the monastery was even built."

"V-Vash!" Akira blurted when she realized who it was, giving a warm hug. Then drawing back, excited. "You're here to take the trial, too?"

"Yup! It'd be a waste not to, wouldn't it?"

Akira nodded, brushing a speck of dust out of her eye with her finger. Like old times.

"But, if you're here, then Kanna—"

She appeared at Vash's side before Akira could even finish; grinning, with her body, arched like a snake wanting to pounce. An overall aura of smugness exuded in her expression and bitter, snarky tone.

"Oh, Akira!" she said, giving a fake sigh. "Your new girlfriend isn't with you, again!"

"Because she's already beaten the trial..."

Kanna sneered. "Maybe she grew a brain and found something better"—she pretebded to think on it for a bit—"like a man that doesn't pick up random girls, everywhere he goes!"

Akira grinned, thinking of her conversation with Kiki earlier that resolidified her faith in them for good.

"I doubt it. Nice try, though."

"Grr!" Kanna hissed, her eyes widening with a vicious glare, bits of saliva drooling from her snarling lips."Asshole! I bet you think you're so cool because you don't give a shit!"

In actuality, Akira wasn't thinking anything at all as she scratched her head, watching Kanna's unfolding spectacle with a slightly amused smirk.

"Uh...why are you so pissed at me, again?"

Kanna offendedly gawked. "You wanna know why?

"I bet it's just so you can try to figure out the right words to say," she spat. "So you can just get me to shut up and fall back in line like nothing's the matter with you constantly ignoring me, right?"

Akira shrugged, still unmoved. "Yeah…?"

At this Kanna groaned loudly, quickly turning then storming off to rejoin the main group of trial-takers and elders; all gathered in the main cavern that was enveloped in flickering torchlight, before a wide set of stone doors. Many of them repeatedly checking their [Status Menus] to keep track of the time, in the minutes counting down to midnight.

Akira stared at the door's intricately engraved design for a while, to make out what appeared to be depictions of various animals:

'That's a bear, and some kind of...bird…'

'And that one's a...rabbit?'

That's when Vash, who had shyly retreated to a back wall during Kanna's earlier bickering, came forward again to stand by Akira's side. They had a determined look to them; but Akira could tell, from how long she'd known Vash, that they were secretly mortified.

"This might be our last adventure together," Akira said.

"Let's go out with a bang," Vash returned.

At midnight, the elders fired [Chi Streams] at the door to unseal it.

Akira's biggest trial yet was about to begin.

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