Cultivating Anthro CEO RPG Hero Harem Reincarnation In Another World

Chapter 79 - Overturning The Terrible Trial (Part III)

After the contracted high-levels had awoken and dealt with Purple Fox, the Hidden Dragon Mouth Temple was officially golem-free. Thus, marking the end of a prolonged era of untold bloodshed and suffering, as now the efforts to reconvert the trial temple—into a pizza parlor proper—could commence. 

But first, the fledgling establishment still needed to be christened…

"That's it!" Akira Maximilian announced as she stood up sharply, while at a boardroom meeting of sorts between himself, and the two other major shareholders: the purple elder, and Rumia. Being held in what was henceforth to be called "the main dining hall," with its rows of long, stone banquet tables that would be perfect for diners looking to enjoy their meals in a more open and relaxed, "social" dining atmosphere.

The company of three had been deliberating for nearly an hour, when suddenly, Akira was struck with a wild epiphany:

"We should call it Red Bear's Pizzeria!"

The purple elder's reaction was instant: a disgusted scowl, crossing his arms and furrowing his brow. "I'm not so sure if it's in our best interest to name a family-friendly pizza parlor after a mass-murdering serial rapist."

"Oh, but Red Bear isn't any of those things, anymore," Akira retorted with a coy smirk. "He's only a harmless drink dispenser."

Saying this, she walked over to a counter facing from the kitchen area off to the side, where the four golems—what remained of them—were all lined up in a neat row. With no limbs, and their jaws tightly bound by locked steel muzzles, all they could do was nervously scan their surroundings—locking on to Akira as she approached.

Akira was, incidentally, feeling rather parched at this moment; her voluptuous body entirely slicked in freshly-drawn sweat as, unfortunately, the technology behind a rudimentary form of air conditioning was still being developed, through ongoing trials being conducted by Rumia's best ape engineers.

So, for now, Akira would have to settle for a nice, cool, refreshing drink. First, shifting over to the rugged ape tech ice machine set up next to the golems, letting it run into her mug until she was content. After which, she moved to the [Red Bear Dispenser], meeting its eyes with a mischievous smile as she held her mug under the tip of its flaccid, clay-formed member.

"What's the matter?" Akira teased in a condescending voice, whilst playfully pinching at the pathetically puny protrusion. "Need a little help getting it up today?"

The golem could be heard attempting one of its shrill, high-pitched shrieks: its hallmark cry, once capable of stirring terror into the hearts of many. Only now, with its jaws securely sealed, it came out muffled. Near-inaudibly quiet. A petty, pathetic resistance to the ensuing jerking and wringing of Akira's nimble squirrel fingers, along its shaft—forcing it to grow ever larger. More swollen. Bearing a steadily growing amber-orange luminescence.

"Good boy. That's right," Akira continued to tease while patting it on the back with her other hand. Then, leaning in close to its ear, to whisper: "you're not just my bitch, now—you're everyone's bitch. And I'm gonna add cherry fruit flavoring to your jizz, just as soon as someone in this backwards-ass world invents artificial flavorings. Just to make you an even bigger bitch. So that, from then on, you'll just be called the 'cherry flavor drink machine bitch.'" She laughed. "Or, some other gay shit I haven't thought of yet, that'll appeal more to the kids." 

With this, she leaned in even closer, so that her soft warm lips touching against cold steel. "How does it make you feel, hm? Knowing all the kiddies are going to be drinking your cherry-flavored jizz."

A mugful of the detestable golem's glowing golden chi splooged out into her cup, though, with a native consistency most akin to maple syrup, it hardly suited the criteria of a "drink.'' That is, until it was mixed in with water from another nearby machine, to create a surprisingly decent carbonated mixture with a flavor, not unlike cream soda.

It was a triumphant day, to be sure. But also one of great sorrow, as there was still one last bit of business to attend to…

Rumia had called in a fleet of [Nanacopters], to serve as transportation. Arrangements had been made for a ground-breaking ceremony, for Vash and the other acolytes who died in the last trial. But also, to honor all the victims of the golems over the years. 

It was set at the Mithil Cemetery, with a huge turnout: Akira. Kanna. Kiki. Rumia. The purple elder. Dozens of Dragon Monk Acolytes—all of them dressed in black robes—and some elders. All watching somberly as a macaque, garbed in white and gold priest robes, went over the last rites for each recently dead monk, one at a time, before their coffins would then be lowered into the soil.

Though, when it came time for Vash's service, Akira immediately fell to her knees, bursting out into crying.

"it's no fair!" She wailed. "Vash was...was...

She wailed louder. "So goddamn sexy!"

Kiki was also crying, having been moved to tears throughout all the multiple services—much to Kanna's growing annoyance and displeasure.

"Sheesh! What the Hell are you crying so much for?!" she finally snapped.

"Ow, it's just so...tragic" Kiki mournfully said, her hands clasped under her chin. "To die and be reborn in this world, only to die again." She shook her head back and forth violently, with a malcontent squeal. "It's just too cruel!"

Kanna grabbed her by the shoulders, glaring into her sweet, round eyes. "Ara ara! Shut the fuck up! You barely even knew any of the victims!" She madly. "I was sleeping with Vash!" She sniffed, her tough expression crumbling. "Vash and I...we were"—sniff—"going to retire from adventuring. We made a plan to settle down, and raise a family together." Her sniffing grew louder, her voice cracking as she could no longer hold back her true feelings. " don't see me a—"

"Mama Kanna," Kiki murmured, as Kanna then dropped her head against their chest, full-on weeping.

"Wh-what?!" Kanna sobbed. "If anyone has a right to cry, it's me! Ever since, all I've been doing is trying to distract myself from thinking about it. Though it's been weighing on me, all along..." Falling to her knees, hunched forward, she clenched her trembling fists. "This...pain…of knowing I'll never see him again."

That's when Kanna felt something cover her head all of a sudden. "Huh? What's this?" She asked, her tears momentarily stifled by the surprise she felt, her heart beating like a drum as she dragged a pair of fingers along the wide, leathery brim of a hat that had now found itself rested upon her head. "Is it—"

"Vash's hat," Akira said, clutching her from behind by the waist. "It wasn't easy, but I fought the urge to pass out during the trial, just so I could make sure Vash's loot was safe." She grinned. "If you don't mind, I'll be keeping her robe."

Kanna nodded, a serene look on her face. "What about Vash's [Memento]?"

Akira flashed the [Plain Business Tie]. "I did some investigating, and found out that it won't become [Soulbound] to a new player unless they equip it."

Kanna brightened. "Oh? Does that mean you're thinking of giving it away?"

"Yeah." She turned to Kiki.

Kanna huffed. "I know you're cutthroat and all. But you're not thinking of selling it, are you?"

"Never." Akira glared. "There are some things even I could never put a price on." She examined the Tie, sloped over her thumb. Like hers, but plain black, instead of green with a crisscross pattern design. "Kiki, get over your cute butt over here."

"Yes?" She appeared at her side, swiveling cutely with a light giggle. "And didn't you mean 'cute ass?'"

"Oh? Haha, that's true." Akira chuckled, thereby causing Kiki to lower her guard, before clapping her on the behind then pointing, up close, at her face—abruptly serious. "You're getting comfortable in that outfit, to be talking back to me like that. Aren't you?" 

Kiki shuddered. "N-n-no! I'm never comfortable! Must be I'm still groggy from the drugs that elder stuck me with."

"That's right." Akira patted her on the head, with a pandering smirk. "You wandered off"—she stressed: "Like a dumbass! Coming this close to wasting all that I've invested into you."

"Ow. I'm sorry, daddy. I know you were worried…"

"Damn right I was!" Akira snapped. "So, I was thinking of getting you a leash, but figured that would be too, uh, dehumanizing."

Without further ado, Akira placed the [Plain Business Tie] around Kiki's neck.

She gasped. Kanna gasped.

The macaque priest scratched himself—his robes clinging uncomfortably tight to his fur.

"Huh?" Kiki touched the tie, incredulous.

Akira touched her on the arm. "It's not a leash, but the next best thing," she said in a low, uncommonly sincere voice. "It'll bring you back to me if we ever get split again, assuming you aren't drugged." She shrugged. "In which case, I dunno. You're fucked, I guess." 

"Awww!" Kiki squealed, teary-eyed, as she then tackled Akira—pulling her onto the ground with a hug of gratitude.

"I won't let it happen again, daddy!"

Kanna made a small groan watching them, at first looking slightly disappointed, but it quickly faded into a serene smile. 

Rumia came up beside her. "Hey."

"Your majesty."

"Hah. Please don't call me that."

Kanna gave a nervous giggle. "Umm, I feel like I should thank you. For all you've, done for us. For making all this possible."

"Well, I'm not done giving, just yet."

Kanna gave a startled look.

Rumia grinned. "What? I'm staying true to my promise to give all those Pillow Girls prosthetics, but I can see you're lacking a few limbs yourself."

Kanna beamed, then grew intense. "It better not be a pair of giant bananas."

"Of course not." Rumia winked, then started walking Kanna with her to a waiting [Nanacopter]. "For you, babe, I'd only offer the best that money can buy."

Just as those two were leaving together, Kiki had a sudden realization as she was sitting on top of Akira—raising her head, searching the crowd of attendees for someone in particular, but glimpsing no sight of them.

Then, Akira seemed to read her mind:

"If you're wondering whether Ai showed, she didn't," she said plainly, prompting a shocked look from Kiki.

"Not even to see off an old friend?"

Akira turned away, bearing a sad frown. "She left the monastery with Guy Fly, some days ago."

Kiki gasped, her eyes widening. 

"Ah! There's something else!" she jumped to her feet, exclaiming. "I just remembered! Ai-chan spoke to me the morning after your trial, and wanted me to pass on a message to you!"

Akira sat up, fixing at her impatiently. "What was it? And don't tell me you only just remembered!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She profusely bowed.

"It's fine, alright! Just tell me what Ai wanted you to say!"

Kiki took in a deep breath.

"Ai-chan said, 'the bookish monk looked exactly the same as the milk bar owner.'"

Akira's eyes widened. "What?!'


Sometime later, after the service was over with…

The purple elder was knelt at a headstone in the Mithil cemetery, crumbled and mossy with age, with his head bowed and eyes closed in silent prayer.

"I wish you'd remain with us a while longer," he said, without raising his head nor opening his eyes, just as he sensed the slight presence looming behind him. "Your continued counsel would be most welcome, for the days ahead."

The figure behind him—a slender, tall lady in a grey school uniform blouse and black skirt, adjusted her glasses.

"I expect you'll do just fine," she said. "Besides, I must begin to conserve my energy from now. Maximilian will now be headed my way, so I must be amply prepared."

The purple elder smiled. "That means you'll finally have it, old friend. Your freedom."

The woman smiled.

"Indeed, I shall.. Or give up my life fighting."

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