A throng of [Level -5] [Student Council Members] commenced out of the school's row of entrance doors, like a swarm of ants summoned by a piece of dropped food, oblivious to the unfolding scene between Akira and the [Student Council President]. Then, began unloading the delivered pizzas out of the back of the wagon cart with soldierly efficiency, passing each box along a line to the door in an unbroken rhythm.

Akira and Kiki stood by, transfixed, watching them work as the pummeled President slowly righted himself, groaning in pain, with the aid of a nearby ledge, underneath the shade of a large tree on top of it.

"Oh, cheese and crackers!" he cursed.

Kiki turned to him, blinking innocently. "Will you need to see the school nurse?"

"It's...quite alright," he responded quickly, with a nervous laugh. "I've been slapped by girls before, so I've built up some endurance in that regard." He held up his wrist, inspecting the face of a watch he was wearing with a sigh. "I'm more concerned about the demerits I just received for 'lateness to an arranged meeting,' 'improperly conducting myself with a woman,' and—worst of all—'publicly showing signs of arousal.'"

Akira raised an eyebrow. "What kind of a lame-ass school is this?" she said, then donning a sinister look. "If anything, with our country's declining birthrate, games of grabass between students should be wholeheartedly encouraged."

"Afraid not, ma'am!" The [Student Council President] shook his head. "It would oppose everything the Shiroichi School stands for!"

"Oh? Does that entail being a eunuch?"

"Yes!" he proudly replied, sticking out his chest with his arms at his side. "Honor! Purity! Abstinence! To act as a lone, shining beacon within this world of darkness!"

"Oh"—Akira couldn't stop laughing.

So, while she was recovering, Kiki stepped forward. "What's with all the pizza that gets delivered here?"

"Um.' The President's gaze drifted across her body, as a timid look and warm blush emerged on his face. "It's for our Pizza Party Fridays"—he gave a pleased sigh—"a Shiroichi tradition, much-loved by the students. A reward for all those who haven't received a single demerit all week."

"So, you're given a choice between pizza or sex?" Akira smirked. "How barbarically cruel! How do they expect someone to make such a difficult choice!"

The President gave a suspicious squint.

"Are you two...with the monks?"

"Actually," Kiki came forward, saying. "We're looking for someone—"

"Ah! What's that?" Gasping, Akira frantically pushed Kiki back behind her again. "Don't listen to her!" she anxiously blurted. "Truth is, we're interested in enrolling at your school."

Kiki cast her a bristly look

The President jumped. "Eh?! You two…?"

"Is that a no?" Akira interjected, closing in on him so that he cowered, feeling cornered. "What's the matter? Afraid the two of us will incite too many boners? Cost you another frigging Pizza Party Friday, will I?"

"Yes!" he blurted. But then awkwardly tried to backpedal: "I mean, um, you'd have to speak to the headmaster about it."

Akira leaned on his shoulder.

"Mind taking us to see him, cupcake?"

"He doesn't normally agree to see outsiders—"Akira made him gasp, with a tender kiss on the neck. "No, miss. Please don't—"

"But you like it, don't you?" Akira teased.

"I couldn't possibly! I'm the Shiroichi Student Council President!"

"So what?" She glided a hand across the front of his uniform, stopping to fondle at one of his jacket buttons. "You're still a man, right? I mean, you're looking pretty hot under the collar there."

"Stop it." The President averted his eyes, breathing heavily. "You're giving me more demerits."

"Then quit being a little bitch and take us."

"I w-w-will, but please"—he shifted his gaze to Kiki—"wear something more decent. If not for my sake, for the others."

Akira laughed. "My, how heroic!"

"But I mean it!" the President pleaded. "You'll cost so many of my schoolmates their hard-earned pizza if you go inside dressed like that! And as someone in my position, who has dedicated himself to their wellbeing—"

"Nope!" Akira cut in, hanging his head in Kiki's direction with an expectant look. "Mind telling him why?"

"S-s-sorry. No can do," Kiki sheepishly responded, shyly blushing and sighing as Akira came by her side with an arm around her waist. "I lost a bet...because I'm a wimp. That's why I have to dress like this, for a week."

At this, the President reared forward angrily. "So be it!" he cried out, in a spirit of justice. "In that case, I won't be taking you anywhere!"

Nobly intended though it was, he would go on to quickly learn the error of his ways.

"Adorable" Akira looked at him, amused.

Then, grabbed him by the [Scrotum].

The interior of the Shiroichi School was navigated by long, straight, squeaky clean marble-floored hallways lined with lockers. It was all very mundane. Unblemished, and pristine. Oddly cool, temperature-wise; as explained by the gentle hum of an air-conditioning unit that could be heard, in the deathly quiet air.

'Interesting,' Akira mused about this last detail about the environment. 'I should talk with whoever's in charge, to see if they're willing to get in touch with those shit-eating Macaque scientists."

The Student Council President was limping ahead of her and Kiki. "You're wasting my time," he grumbled bitterly, wincing with every step from the lingering pain in his groin. "Headmaster Seedwell will take one look at you, and laugh you out of his office!" He sighed. "But then, I'll get another demerit. This one, for 'wasting a faculty members' precious time.'"

[Students] were milling about, chatting quietly among themselves. Casting curious glances and judgmental stares at the group as they passed. All were dressed in identical grey and black uniforms; the version for girls trading long sleeves for short-sleeved blouses, and knee-length skirts with black long-socks instead of pants. As for hairstyle selections, they conformed to only the blandest, basic selections with either brown or black colorings. Nothing special or unique, or at all stand-out.

Indeed, throughout the halls of Shiroichi, there was no color; no vibrance—only varying shades of black and white. 

It was something Akira picked up on right away. "Am I colorblind, all of a sudden?" After which, as she was quickly looking back and forth at their dreary surroundings, her tail hit against her face by accident and it caused her to come upon but another observation:

"There's no Squell, or Nandi! Only Human players."

What's more, all the [Shiroichi Students] possessed inordinately young appearances—like actual high schoolers. And because all of them were at [Level -5], along with Akira remembering the negative levels of the children seen around Acquama Town, she was able to put two and two together.

"You're all made to remain at a negative level," she said to the [Student Council President]. "To look more like High Schools."

He didn't stall his pace at all as he answered, "levels? Gah. What're you talking about?"

Akira growled. "Quit screwing with me!"

"I'm not, though! I really have no idea what you're talking about."

"You know: the numbers you see floating above peoples' heads!" Akira shouted back, startling a flock of goody-two-shoes-looking girls passing by. "And the names? They're pretty freaking hard to miss!"

"Huh. Could be you're just"—he turned back, spitting: "insane!"

It was at this time Kiki touched Akira on the arm, just as she was looking to be on the verge of completely flying off the handle. "Give it a rest. It sounds like he really doesn't know, Akira-kun."

The conversation resumed later, while the two were seated in the school's main office waiting area, for the headmaster to see them. 

"But...for real, how is it possible?" Akira persisted in asking. "All it takes is to squint to see peoples' names and levels, so surely he's done it before, at least once. Even by accident."

Kiki, sitting beside her in the cream-walled room with a checkered tile floor, merely shrugged.

"I dunno. Maybe he had it taken away."

Akira turned to Kiki, her mouth hanging open in a wide grin. "Really? That's your theory?"

"Whatever," came her sharply reply. She was staring forward, at a bulletin board on the wall labeled "Student of the Week" in big, black letters, with a lineup of photographs of all the past winners. Frowning, with her arms crossed. An indignant expression.

"I get it; you're angry," Akira said. "But what I don't get"—she breathed deeply, bracing herself—"is why."

"Not at you." She looked down. "At myself."

Akira's face softened. "What for? Wanna talk about it?"

"I almost told that kid the real reason why we're here, without thinking." She sighed. "And now that I've thought about it...I almost screwed everything up, didn't I?"

"Ah, so that's it," Akira said, beaming. "You pounced on what you saw as a chance to contribute. Probably so that I'd pat you on the back, and go"—her eyes dramatically bulged, flashing her hands—"good job!" She rolled her eyes, growing serious again. "But yeah, you really could've screwed us up. Because first, we need to go undercover. This way, we'll gain a better grasp of the potential dangers of this place, before we can begin our search."

"I'm sorry," Kiki murmured. "It's just since Kanna is away, and Ai and Vash are gone, I feel like I should be pulling more weight." 

"Aw. Have I been pressuring you?"

"Well, kinda. Just not really on purpose." She giggled softly, leaning her head against Akira's shoulder. "You've given me Vash's Memento. Kanna-mama gave me her hammer. And so, so much praise. Yet all I've done so far is get kidnapped, and make you worry."

Akira kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry. You'll get a chance to prove yourself," she said, which was enough to calm Kiki's worries as they then closed their eyes, with a peaceful expression.

However, Akira's fright-filled expression tolf a very different story:

'But hopefully, it never comes to that."

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