Cultivating Anthro CEO RPG Hero Harem Reincarnation In Another World

Chapter 84 - A Perfectly Normal School Life...?! (Part 3)

The [Student Council President] never could've expected to see the motley group of girls that appeared before him that day.

Just as they'd presumed, he was in the student council room: A plain, unpretentious space furnished by two long desks lined with school chairs, connected by a shorter desk to form a "U" shape. Laid out before a humble wooden podium in front of a blackboard, scrawled with notes on the official business of the day.

He was seated on the outside of the small center desk, facing toward the door, chatting with some other council members while eating his lunch of [Spaghetti & Meatballs], when Keiko and Akari suddenly burst in.

"Nakamura-san, Harada-san!" he exclaimed, caught by surprise. 

Mizuru came in last, looking annoyed.

"Wah?!" The student council president lifted out of his seat, sweating in fear. "Kaneko-san is with you as well!" 'Am I about to get bullied?'

Keiko said, "We're here because of some questions we all have." She then glanced around the room, at the other student council members that were idling around, eating their lunches. "I hope you don't mind."

The president gave a small gasp, realizing what she was implying.

"Of c-course I'll help," he replied uneasily, as he retook to his seat with his elbows propped on the table and hands clasped in front of him. "Just please, don't hurt me."

At this, Keiko and Akari both glanced at Mizuru expectantly. 

She sighed, pouting her lip. Looking away.

"Tch. I won't. I promise."

Once the room was then promptly emptied, so that it was just the three questing girls and the student council president, they took their seats at one of the long desks adjacent to him.

"Alright," the president said only after he'd set his spaghetti aside, leaning back and rubbing the side of his neck with a tired yawn. "You've got my full attention. How can I help you nice young ladies"—narrowing his eyes, he leered at Mizuru who was seated farthest from him, looking back with an over-emphasized frown—"and Kaneko-san."

Mizuru grunted, as though irked. But when Akari cautiously stole a glance to the side at her, she noticed they were blushing—becoming a chibi in mischievous delight.

'Oho, is this a secret crush I'm seeing?"

Whereas Keiko remained solely focused on the task at hand, speaking seriously to the student council president:

"This might sound weird, but it's about a memory that recently came to my mind," she said. "Or at least I'm pretty certain it's a memory, and not just my imagination."

"A long-lost memory? Interesting."

"Yes, and you were in it. You were fighting with Akari, and she was teasing you about getting demerits for being aroused in public."

The president gave a nervous laugh.

"Funny—you would think I would remember something so embarrassing!"

Meanwhile, Akari's interest was instantly piqued at the mention of this event. "I teased the President-san?" She tilted her head, brows straining in apparent thought. Although, with an [Academics] merit score as low as hers, this could take a while.

Meanwhile, the president shook his head. "Sorry. Doesn't ring a bell."

"Really?" Keiko frowned. "Nothing at all?"

"What makes you so sure that you didn't just dream it up?"

Keiko lowered her gaze. "Well…"

Suddenly, Mizuru stood as everyone turned to her. That is, except for Akari: still struggling to dredge up the tiniest nugget of information, from her useless, [Dumb Sl*t] brain.

"Here's your proof," she said, showing the inside of her left arm.

The President leaned forward in his chair.

"Is that a...crack? In your arm?" He said, squinting, then abruptly showing a face of surprise. "Kaneko-san! You've been injured?!"

"That's not the point, you idiot!" she snapped.

"Ah." He blinked, admitting: "I don't follow."

"It's these cracks, leftover from where she hit me!" Mizuru ranted. "Since when can an arm form cracks, huh?"

"Huh. Now that you mention it…"

Mizuru then rested the injured arm in her other hand, gazing mournfully at it. "I...always had this thought, that something wasn't quite 'right' about my arms. Like they don't work the way regular arms are supposed to."

With some mild effort, clearly reflected in her ardently focused eyes and tensely biting lip, she managed to clench her hand into a tight fist. 

"Even though they look normal, and I have no memory of it…" 

Solemnly, she glanced over at Keiko. 

"Somehow Nakamura-san knew that it was a fake, before even I did."

The [Student Council President] was incredulous. "Is that true, Nakamura-san?" he questioned. "And it's because you're certain you've known Kaneko-san in the past?"

Kiko nodded. "It's also how I knew about the power I used to beat her."

"Hwoah! You actually beat Kaneko-san?"

Keiko opened her mouth to answer, but was interrupted by Mizuru making a noise clearing her throat as she returned to her seat.

"She only beat me because of her dumb BS Anime powers," Mizuru said.

The president laughed. "Powers?!" He questioned, in disbelief, before becoming serious: "Really? And how do you expect me to believe such a bold claim?"

But Keiko was stone-faced—adamant in the validity of her claims.

"Should I provide a demonstration?"

"Oh, don't bother!" The president scoffed, dismissively reaching for his set-aside tray of [Spaghetti]. "If this was all just an attempt at satisfying a [Prank the Authorities] [Delinquent] quest, I would suggest you pick out on someone more gullible next time."

Keiko stood, focusing her breaths. Her fists glowing, with a strange yellow aura.

The president recoiled against his seat.

"W-w-wait! What's happened to your hands? What are you—"


She punched her fist down through the table in front of her, ignoring her [Shiroichi Watch] buzzing again, as the incredible might of her chi-enhanced fist split it perfectly down the center.

Everyone was stunned by the display. Again, except for Akari: still doing her best.

"So...that's your power," the president said.

"Chi manipulation," Keiko clarified, glaring intensely at him. "That's the name of my special power, but I don't remember much else. Only that I can wield it."

He nodded, swallowing nervously. "Chi...powers."

Keiko smirked. "So, you believe me now?"

He gave a slow nod. "Tell me more."

"Well, I'm having these...flashing memories, all of a sudden. Almost like a different life I had, before becoming a student at Shiroichi. And because I saw you in one of my memories, I came here hoping you could provide some clues that'll help me piece together what happened."

The president held his finger against his lip, seemingly contemplating his response.

A moment passed, in silence…

"I'll admit, this is all very interesting," he said. "And based on the"—he glanced at the split remnants of the long table—"evidence that you've presented to me"—he returned his gaze to Keiko—"I'm inclined to believe you're telling the truth. However…"

He gave an apologetic frown, shrugging. 

"I really have no recollection of this supposed incident with Harada-san."

"Damn it," Keiko cursed. 'Now what?' Was it back to square one, for her investigation? Where else could she possibly look, to seek out answers? Her mind was like the fog that swirled beyond the walls of the Shiroichi, providing only fleeting glimpses of the truth she sought.

But it was then, just when all seemed hopeless for the newly formed investigative team, that Akari was finally pulled from her thoughts.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" She exclaimed, bouncing with excitement. "I have an idea!"

Keiko glanced at her, sighing. "Akari-chan, it's alright. Don't strain yourself." Based on what few glimpses Keiko had thus far been given of the former Akari, it was plain to see that, through the transition, a major loss of mental faculties had occurred.

However, Akari was insistent: showing a boastful look as she stood with her hands on her hips, facing the [Student Council President].

"Check your notifications log!" she said. "That'll give us the proof we need."

He chuckled. "Proof of what, dumb slut?"

"Tcah! How rude and ungrateful!" Akari fumed, hunching her neck as her cheeks puffed in anger. "I just handed you the answer to all our problems, and you chose to thank me with an insult!"

The president gave a vacant stare. "You're literally a [Dumb Slut], though…"

"Wait," Mizuru said, rising with her eyes frozen wide, holding her arms out at the others. "I think the dumb slut's actually on to something."

The others looked at her, questioning her sanity, while Akira bore a smug grin.

"See, I realized that if this past version of me really did tease you for getting demerits for being indecent, it would have to show up in the notification logs of your [Shiroichi Watch]."

At once, the [School Council President's] eyes widened as he found himself under the spotlight of the three girls' anticipating gazes.

"It's not possible!" he snapped. "I'm no p-p-pervert!" 

Keiko glared. "Check."

It was a bridge too far, for the prideful president. As, up until then, he'd humored the three. Held off on his lunch, to facilitate their wild talks with a critical mind. Even allowed himself to begin considering that, perhaps, they were actually telling the truth. That this wasn't just a prank being pulled on him for the sake of 10 merit points. 

However, at that moment, all of his good faith had evaporated—as soon as his character was being brought into question.

"Oh, fine!" He scoffed, airing his frustration, as he brought up his System Hud. "Just know I'm not the type to lose myself to passion, in the mere presence of a beautiful miss!" 

With his honor and dignity now on the line, he set about scrolling through the long list of all the merits he'd accrued over the past several days.

Noticeably, without a single demerit in sight. 

"Haha! See?" he proclaimed, looking between the three girls that had huddled around him. "The President of the Shiroichi Student Council does not simply get demerits! My position demands that I hold myself to a higher standard of excellence, to serve as a fine example for my fellow students!"

Akari, however, was quick to deflate his confidence: pointing out a particular small grouping of notification entries that immediately stood out while they were scrolling.

"You should check again, dumbass!"

Caught with his pants down, as it were, the president turned pale in the face.

Whereas Keiko beamed at the discovery:

"It says here that you received three demerits, a couple weeks ago."

She turned, cornering him with her gaze.

"Listed under 'public indecency.'"

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