Cultivating Anthro CEO RPG Hero Harem Reincarnation In Another World

Chapter 86 - A Perfectly Normal High School Siege Battle

It wasn't just Akari whose life was under threat by Flying Monkeys: as at the same time Mizuru was coming to her aid, a whole flock had descended from the fog onto the school's rooftop, where an unsuspecting Keiko and the [Student Council President] still resided.

"How annoying," Keiko said, observing the dozen or so airborne apes circling overhead as she cautiously readied a flow of enhancing chi into her fists. "I just got this power, and I'm already being tested."

The Student Council President fell back on his rear, trembling as he pointed up at them. "W-w-what the?!"

They then watched as a number of them proceeded to alight upon the roof in a succession of clumsy swallow-dives: taking up positions on the rooftop that served to block off the pair's only escape, hunkering lowly on their feet and knuckles with a frenzy of intimidating hollers and shouts.

"Tch," Keiko spat. "It's one thing to have to fight for myself, but…"—casting a sideways glance at the president, it was with a great look of surprise that she noticed he was scrolling frantically through his System HUD.

"President-san, what are you doing?"

His whole body was trembling; his fingers barely succeeded at their task. "I'm looking to see if there's anything on this in the student council guidelines."

"On Flying Monkeys?!" Keiko angrily gawked. "Are you serious?!"

However, before she could receive a reply, a piercing shriek pulled her attention back skyward as one of the monkeys was swooping down toward them. 

So she braced herself, hunching and pulling back her fist, but then—


A large and iridescently glowing, pale figure suddenly darted past her vision, intercepting the attacking monkey in midair with a devastating tackle.

The council president was startled whereas Keiko gasped, incredulous and in awe. Gawking, at the valiant form of her rescuer, as her brain meticulously began to grasp it: What appeared to be a specter, of a tall, armored knight. Devoid of any mass extending below its waist; only a hazy, pixelated mist exuding beneath its torso as it glided effortlessly through the air, trailed by a long, majestic cape. 

Turning its side to her, there was revealed to be a massive rod jutting from the core of its chest. But moreover, there was one particular aspect of its description that distinctly caught Keiko's eye:

"Are those...strings?" she mused aloud. "Like on an old puppet?"

Upon looking closely: twin pairs of five, faintly glowing green strings traced a course from its broad-plated, gallant the fingertips of the entity's ostensible controller, standing a mere few feet away:

The one known as "CITA."

"You're the one controlling it, through those strings," Keiko said to her.

"Yes," she replied, as their gazes met. Then tugging on the strings, so that the pale armor-clad entity would be returned to her side. "But do not be alarmed, Keiko Nakamura; for what you see before you is [Vanguard]: the ultimate 'ace up my sleeve,' which allows me to both protect my allies and deal harm to enemies."

Keiko bristled. "You know my name?"

"Yes." She nodded, smiling warmly. "And there is much that I shall like to inform you"—she faced up, regaining her usual unflinchingly serious air—"but first, we must finish 'taking care of business.'"

Keiko nodded. "I can't wait." Whoever this person was—as strange and robotic as they came across—she felt she could trust them.

Some of the remaining force of Flying Monkeys had since paused in their flying circle patterns—observing the discarded corpse of their fallen brother below, resentment growing in their brows. Their ensuing cries borne out of vengeful fury, seeking blood as retribution:



Mizuru was running as fast as her legs could take her, with Akari tucked under her arm like a linebacker looking to score a touchdown. Through long hallways of unfolding carnage, as all of Shiroichi was under siege by the Flying Monkeys.

The blood of fallen students smeared the once pristine lockers and floors. Detached limbs and uprooted innards, scattered everywhere.

Most of the survivors had been chased by the chimpanzees into the classrooms. Where the artificially programmed teachers could still be overheard obliviously continuing with their lectures, as normal—even amidst the bone-chilling sounds of their students screaming in agony while being torn to pieces by angry, screaming chimpanzees.

Mizuru kept running, not once stopping. Huffing with exertion, from so much running, by the time she began on the stairs leading to the second floor.

"Hey, Kaneko-san! Stop and catch a breath before you keel over!"

"No...fucking way." She shook her head, stubbornly pushing herself to resume another slow, drawn-out step at a time, even as her lungs were beating against the walls of her chest for respite. "That...pure white chick...said to meet with the others...on the rooftop."

Akari gasped. "Are you talking about CITA?"

Mizuru could only offer a limp nod. As, despite herself, she had reached her limit: abruptly collapsing onto one knee as they reached the midway landing. Where—she realized with an annoyed grunt—there was a pile of desecrated student corpses collected in the corner.

Akari shuddered when she looked upon it, feeling a sinking sensation in her chest.

"This is all really happening, isn't it?"

Mizuru gave a strained, frustrated look. "Don't start with...that shit," she said, waving her hand dismissively. "If it's real, you've just gotta deal with it."

At this declaration, Akari at first looked offended as she made up a pouty face and crossed her arms. But then, her eyes widening with remembrance, she transformed into a smug-faced chibi. "Oho? Do you mean like how you're 'dealing' with the secret feelings you have toward student principal-san?" She deviously snickered.

Mizuru lunged, snatching her by the throat. "If you dare tell anyone—"

Akari was still a chibi in her grasp.

"Don't tell anyone what? Nyaao~" she teased. "Could you be more specific?"

"I'll smash your damn face in."

"If you do kill me, then going through all this trouble to save me woulda"—buzz—"been completely useless, and you'll still look like a fool!"

Mizuru sneered, pulling her face close. "Who said anything about killing you?"

Leaning back, Akari reverted from her chibi form: into a young woman craving sexual delights with every fiber of her being. "You seem tense," she said, smiling coyly as she ran her palms along Mizuru's smooth, fibrous prosthetic arms. "I can help you relax, just as a small reward for saving me."

Mizuru gave an intrigued look. Albeit, still reticent. 

"Harada-san, you're not suggesting we do it right here, in front of our murdered schoolmates?" She cast out an arm, indicating the disembodied head of some poor guy, left standing up near to the wall, staring directly at them through hollowed-out eye sockets.

Akari giggled. "It won't count as being seen." She winked, tapping the side of her skull. "That way, we won't get any demerits.

"Huh. Smart thinking, for a dumb slut." 

"I don't need your flattery," Akari whispered to her sensually. "All I want is this…"

Meanwhile, just as the two had shamelessly started to feverishly kiss and greedily grasp at each other's sublime, youth-remembering bodies...

On the school rooftop, monkeys were being slaughtered left, right, and center by the joint forces of Keiko and CITA, manipulating the levitating knight via the magical strings connecting it to her fingertips. Whereas, the [Student Council President] could do nothing but keep out of the way: nervously avoiding any potential demerits forgetting his uniform splashed with blood, throughout all of the brutal action involving chimpanzees having holes punched into their chests, smashing against the hard cement, being ripped in half by CITA's controlled [Vanguard].

"The others should've arrived by now," CITA said, hiding behind 

He was completely powerless, and so much spoiled by the [Perfectly Normal] life he'd only ever known up to this point, and yet…

Something about all this felt oddly familiar.

"Nakamura-san," he said, staring frozen in place. "I think I'm starting to remember…!"

"What is it?" Keiko demanded, rolling her head back at him. Just as she was ripping apart the jaws of a monkey that had brought its chomping teeth dangerously close to her face.

The president's eyes turned wide, as a series of images flashed through his head. Coalescing into vivid scenes, of a far more spirited, adventurous past: an entire lifetime predating all this slavish devotion toward numbers on a fucking status screen.

"I remember...there were monkeys." He murmured, raising his palms to his face to inspect them. "But...they weren't the same kind of monkeys." He looked up. "It was...dark. And it wasn't fog, but rain. Something that never happens here."

Keiko watched, with bated breath, as he then slowly held up his arms.

'Is he about to use chi powers as well?' she wondered, judging by the pose. Expecting to glimpse the telltale shimmering auras of otherworldly light, taking hold around his upheld hands with cupped palms directed skyward.

Instead of there being light, however, there was flame.

Flames that formed from nothing, first starting as tiny embers nestled in the cups of his hands. But gradually growing, both in size and intensity, the longer he held them. Letting them "cook" like so for a bit, before then masterfully merging their strengths as a single giant [Fireball], when he lowered both hands and brought them together at the front-side of his hip.

"Also..." he said, straining from the effort of rearing back the giant ball of swirling flames.

"I remember, I used to wear a hat."

And then, he turned the giant fireball loose.

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