Cultivating Anthro CEO RPG Hero Harem Reincarnation In Another World

Chapter 89 - "Tooki-san," And Akira's Suspicions

Unbeknownst to the others, Akari had regained close to her full memories—near around the same time Keiko had; only pretending to still be a [Dumb Slut] in the meantime, so that Kiki could take charge.

Simply put, Akira felt she needed a break. 

So much had happened recently, that she was running on fumes by this point; with Vash's death and Kanna's dismemberment having taken a far bigger toll on her than she would let on. Which was a large part of why, upon recent reflection, her handling of the monastery's chi trial takeover was so sloppy. In a situation that nearly could've ended in total disaster.

'Ah, but being a Hero is so tiring!' she mused to herself, while lying across the seat of one of the school cafeteria's long dining tables. Staring vacantly, up at the ceiling. 'Thankfully, Kiki seems to be doing alright, as my—temporary—replacement.' 


'I don't trust that CITA girl one bit,' she thought to herself, abruptly serious.

Her sweetness was undoubtedly a cover for a much darker side, like Ai's, which she'd displayed on their first meeting at the Amrita milk bar. And, considering it was she that had seemingly lured them here in the first place…

Akira would not allow for another backstabbing—not just after reuniting with Vash, and as she was beginning to pick up the broken pieces of herself.

However, for the time being, she would bide her time. Focusing on getting rest. 

Which is why while the others were busy making plans, she was lounging in the obliterated warzone that was the Shiroichi cafeteria, among some of the other surviving students. Where it was mostly quiet, save for her [Shiroichi Watch's] continued nonstop buzzing: warning of her constant loss of [Social] merits, by the second. For her crime of [Public Indecency], via remaining stripped down to her underwear in the presence of her fellow students.

Yet there was a method to her madness. As, through a discovered quirk of the system, she was simultaneously gaining [Social] merits due to her [Dumb Slut] title. Thus, resulting in a substantial net profit.

Akira Maximilian couldn't help but smile to himself with pride. Over the fact that, even in this bizarre setting, he'd discovered a way to make a quick fortune. And all it required of him was to exhibit a bit more shamelessness than usual: progressing from the [Dumb Slut] title to—she checked and saw, with her eyes widening in surprise—[Disposable Semen Dumpster Bitch], in the process.

Thinking these System titles were becoming inordinately harsh, Akari felt a rumbling in her stomach. Reminding her that hunger was still an issue in the Shiorichi, though sleep was not.

'I haven't eaten since before the flying monkeys invaded.' She thought as she sighed. Sitting up, as she rubbed her aching belly. 'Ah, but I wonder if those things even still work...'

Upon glancing around the cafeteria room, she viewed the rows of kiosks where merits could be exchanged for meals. Lined against the opposite walls: some visibly destroyed, with others still showing idle lights of hope. Even though, in retrospect, as more of Akira's memories had returned to her, it was apparent that the food given by the kiosks was severely lacking in flavor. Because, the huge variety to choose from—albeit, with pizza being curiously absent from the menu—essentially, it was all just bland nutrients being sold in a pretty, yet ultimately unsatisfying culinary package.

'Not exactly my money's worth,' she thought, shrugging. 'But beggars can't be choosers.'

So it was, while feeling somewhat reluctant, that Akira proceeded to activate one of the machines. And immediately, was greeted by the familiar smiling face of the cartoon tanuki 'Tooki-san'—this version wearing a large chef's hat, to distinguish a Meal Time kiosk from a regular one. Same as usual.

Only, it seemed so at first glance.

"Listen here, you little shit," Tooki-san's voice growled, though the expression of the on-screen mascot remained jolly and unassuming. "Don't think I'm not aware of what you're doing. So don't go around thinking you 'broke the system,' 'cuz that's pure bullshit."

Akira stood, gawking. Unable to formulate a response in her awestruck surprise. 

"I see all that happens in Shiroichi. That includes your little friends, scheming to take me down as we speak." He, or rather it, laughed. "But you'll never succeed."

Akira grinned, already past her initial shock. "So it's you. The one at the top."

"That's right, bitch: Here to tell you that your group is not the first to regain sentience, nor will it be the last. And I dare you losers to come challenge me, at the principal's office!"

"Wouldn't that mean we'd be playing right into your hands?" Akira crossed her arms, bearing a smug look. "Nice try."

"Well, how else do you expect to escape?"

Akira shrugged. "We could just walk out the doors now, I'd bet."

"N-n-no you can't! I'll...I'll—"

"Kill us? Then, why haven't you?" Akari stretched, yawning. "It'll take a lot more than some flying chimpanzees to stop us."

"Fool!" Tooki-san snapped. "For what reason would I possibly want to kill off the Shiroichi students, when they're so much more useful to me alive? After all the work and technology I poured into creating this place...why would I want to see all of that go to waste?!'

Akira scratched her chin for a moment, her brow pinched with thought. "Interesting. You're saying the attack on the school wasn't your doing, after all."

'Of course it fucking wasn't, you moron!"

"Then who's to blame? I thought you said you had eyes on all of Shiroichi."

"Well, duh! I can see them just fine!" Tooki-san grumbled impatiently in reply, sounding more and more frustrated—just as Akira wanted him to be. Since, if anything, it would help to lure more information out of him, in a desperate bid on his part to save face. "I can see that they're the one producing the monsters, destroying all of my beautiful creations!"

Akira frowned, there being something about all this that didn't quite add up in her head: 

"So then, why not stop them yourself...?"

"Hmmph!' the (by this point) thoroughly annoyed digital voice huffed. "I don't need to explain myself to some loser mortal like you! Now"—his voice abruptly became cheery and playful; more like his standard, customer-friendly norm—"what can I offer you today, to curb that hunger of yours? In exchange for some of those ill-gotten merits?"

"Keep your crappy food," Akira answered, rolling her eyes and sighing. "Back to the business at hand: I'd be interested in offering you a deal."

Tooki-san said nothing for a while, as Akira slowly bit her lip.

Until he firmly said, in a quiet, stern voice:

"Go on."

"Help us catch the one who's responsible."

"Now why would I do that...?"

"Because you're powerless, even though you won't ever admit it. You may have created the Shiorichi, but you're totally dependent on the students to maintain it."

"Human," Tooki-san growled. "You had best watch your ton—"

Akira smiled. "Unfortunately for you, the students are all mostly dead now. That's why you've resorted to reaching out to me, the only way you can—through this Meal Time kiosk—taunting me, in a pathetic attempt to get one of us to waltz into the principal's office. Where there's probably a trap set up."

"Shit," Tooki-san cursed. "How did a [Semen Dumpster] figure all of that out?"

To which Akira responded, with a wink:

"Because I'm not just a [Disposable Semen Dumpster Bitch]—I'm the former world's richest, youngest, cutthroat playboy billionaire CEO [Disposable Semen Dumpster Bitch]."

But anyway, so much for her vacation.

And, she supposed, now was as good a time as any to take care of that certain "other" matter...

Meanwhile, Vash's summons over the PA system had yielded results: bringing in three more students that had been in hiding since the monkey attack. Arriving at the safe room, in a slow trickle, over the next hour. Crying, and coming forward with warm embraces upon rejoining with the other surviving students.

"What a relief," CITA said of the sight, a tearful look in her eyes. Standing with Kiki at the head of the class—the latter also 'brimming' with a slight smile of happiness, for as stoic and unexpressive as she had become.

It was during this time that Akira made it back as well, to tell Kiki and CITA of her odd brush with Tooki-san.

"CITA-san just got through warning me against opening those doors," Kiki said, looking across at her to continue: "doing so will 'reboot' the memories of all the Shiroichi students, as well as allow Tooki-san to repopulate the school—a real 'nightmare scenario.'"

Akira nodded, groaning under her breath. "And there's no telling what to expect from the next monster attack, or if we'll have regained enough of our memories to stand a chance at defending ourselves."

Kiki paused to think more on this issue, the noise of Akira's [Shiroichi Watch] muddying her focus.

"Can you please put some clothes on?!"

"Sorry, but no can do," Akira said plainly, posing with her hand on her hip. "Since the Meal Time kiosks are''—she grimaced—"unfortunately, our only source of food. So I'd rather be safe than sorry, and stock up on merit points."

Then CITA stepped forward, appearing anxious: 

"Please. Inform us of the results of your attempt to broker a deal with our enemy," she said to Akira. "Were you able to 'reach an agreement?'"

"That's a negative as well." Akira scoffed. Grumbling, "that raccoon bastard."

Kiki was listening as they proceeded to relay all the information the party had gathered thus far, as her serious gaze remained fixed on Akira's watch. However, not simply for the fact that its droning buzz and accompanying flash of red light were distracting…

"I have an idea," she declared suddenly, instantly quieting the other two as she glanced between them. "Though it might sound crazy."

But before going through with it, she first wanted to consult Vash.

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