Akira Maximilian wasn't one to dream, but on his first night in Another World...

He found himself back at his office suite in the Akira Corps. main building's 100th floor, receiving what those in his profession sometimes referred to as "the penthouse special."

"That's it!" he moaned, throwing his head back against the wrinkly leather chair. "Best. Birthday gift. EVER."

Better than any sports car, or private island!

Whoever the girl was, her latching gums and slathering tongue were working divine wonders on Akira's tiny assistant, with an unyielding moist, suctioney grip--desperately craving his climax, as if more than anything in life.

But why? Not out of love, that's for sure.

More likely because she needed to pay off some student loans, or other such peasant crap Akira could resolve with the signing of a single check--never to hear from her again.

Who was she? It didn't matter. So long as she continued to deliver. 

And deliver she did, until earning a delivery in turn as reward.

Because just as Atlas must surely shrug sometimes, so too did Akira's steel fortitude--thus culminating in him blasting out her insides, with his Chief Executive goof juice.

The release was incredible. A sweet surrender to savage ecstasy, from defiling the insides of some guy's daughter without remorse. Only a sick, twisted glee. Better still, the defilement was being paired with the sound of her soft lips diligently accepting it to the tune of several loud, unrestrained gulps. Good girl.

'I have to see her face,' he thought amusedly. 'So that I can thank her personally, for such excellent service.'

More importantly, he had to check to be sure the little whore had swallowed it all; his juice would probably sell for billions on the donor market, and he could have an ice cool Bepsi on call within minutes if she dared think she could get clever with the master of deception and backstabbing himself.

Only, when he finally hunkered down under the desk, to look and see who'd been working their magic on him with their lips all this time...

He was utterly horrified to find:

None other than Shizuka Maximilian! His own little sister, curled into the space beneath his desk, staring up at him!

She was wearing her usual formal secretary attire. Though her hair, once a plain brown, had since been dyed the same blood red as her brother's, and was matted to her head and neck with the sweat of hard work.

Something warm and sticky was spilled onto her lips, which she proceeded to casually lick up like a dog would a spot of gravy.

"Nii-san," she breathed in a sensual murmur, as an ungodly look of sensual delight descended upon her cute, round face with clear blue eyes. "I hope I did a good enough to earn a raise."

"Ah!" Akira awoke from the vision with a yell, as a rock was pelted at her forehead.


Startled, and having completely forgotten that she had slept in a tree, she rolled over too sharply and plummeted out of the tree, landing in Vash's outstretched arms.

"Ah! Sorry to wake you, but I'm headed into town and wondered if you wanna come."

He continued to hold her up by the armpits in front of him, like a doll he'd just found lying around, looking fondly at her brooding look of neutral lips with furrowed eyebrows.

Internally, Akira was screaming from the realization of how small she was to fit in his hands: her cheeks puffed out and her head tilted up slowly, as she nervously held in her breath—if her skin bore anything lighter than the beautiful tan that it did, Vash would undoubtedly be witnessing her face be flushed bright red.

"Putmedown," She blurted out quickly, to which Vash didn't respond.

Then Akira, feeling ignored, erupted—a tiny, fur-covered volcano with big boobies, overflowing with prideful wrath—kicking her legs against his chest:

"SET ME ON THE GROUND, THIS INSTANT!" She shrieked. "I am not a CHILD, or a TOY!"


"Relax," Vash said, being taken aback. "Someone's not a morning person."

Once that kerfuffle was resolved, though...

Of course Akira agreed to go with him: because what's an Isekai story without a traveling party?

And also because, despite how annoying this Vash fellow could be, she had to admit that she at least felt slightly more...secure, having him around. As together, they continued to travel through the woods, only stopping to fend off occasional [Starved Wolves].

Akira was appreciative of all the violence, though. She'd felt extraordinarily tense ever since her dour musings of last night, and it served as a decent outlet for her frustrations.


There were also other, far more fearsome kinds of beasts, which began to crop up--

Such as a [Level 5] [Bitcheater Bear] that reared on its hind legs at their approach, issuing a menacing growl to all bitches that would dare intrude upon its domain! While out of the corner of her eye, Akira smirked when she glimpsed Vash taking a step back…

Looking like a scared lil bitch!

'Now I'll show him who's the noob!' She thought, sprinting forward.

"69, wait!" Vash called to her--

However, it was too late to stop her now.

Akira lunged at the beast, eager to dig her claws into it—only to be warded off with a hard smack across her chest by one of its massive paws, sending her reeling across the grass with a stream of blood flying through the air in her wake.

As she struggled to sit up afterward, she could see the [Bitcheater Bear] barreling toward her!


It looked like there was nothing for her to do but to await an inevitable mauling, as she lay there totally defenseless; until suddenly, a giant fireball came crashing into the bear from its side, with enough size and power to entirely engulf and obliterate the beast instantly.

Akira grew to [Level 3], but the ensuing fanfare of sound and visual effects did nothing to relieve her from her frozen state of terror.

'I...almost died. To some stupid bear.'

Even though this was just a game, it felt so...


She remained frozen, staring in shock, even as Vash ran to her yelling, "I told you to stop!" Looking the angriest that she'd ever seen him, with a bandage already in hand when he knelt beside her. "That Bitcheater Bear had three whole levels over you!"

Akira scoffed. "What do levels matter, anyway?"

"Just about everything," Vash said as he applied the bandage to her wound. "It determines how many hits you can endure without dying. The amount of spells you can cast, and the energy you have to make movements.

"If something is a higher level thsn you, it automatically puts you at a disadvantage.'

"Is that so?" Akira said, scratching her chin as she was made to wonder something about this other world, that she strangely hadn't thought of before.

"What happens if someone dies in this world?"

Vash bit his lips and his eyes narrowed as he turned away, his hands briefly ceasing their application of the bandage to the gaping gash across Akira's chest.

"That's...one thing I don't know," he said with a heavy air about him. "Nobody does."

Akira swallowed nervously.

"I'm...sorry. I was so reckless, and I made you worryThis world is like a second chance at life, but I shouldn't count on there being a third."

"You're apologizing?" Vash questioned.

"Yeah. All you've done is help me, but I've been a total ass."

"But you're a CEO. It's only natural."

Akira shook her head. "No. It's really not."

She bit her lip, thinking of her past cruelties. How she'd been heartless in her treatments of others, even her own sister, saying to herself it was necessary to survive.

However, was it really? Or was Akira Maximilian just an evil person be default?

"I'm going to try to be betted," she said to Vash, accepting his hand to help her up then dusting herself off. "That said, I've noticed your [Fireball] has a brief delay to charge, doesn't it?"

Vash nodded. "Yup. Approximately five seconds. Longer, if I want the extra kick."

"In that case, I'll let you be the first to attack strong enemies. Then, I'll come in from the side, while the enemy is focused on you in your vulnerable state."

Vash grinned. "A sound business strategy, my CEO friend."

Akira patted him on the shoulder.

"I'm counting on you!" she said. "My sweet, sweet ass is an investment that must be protected, at all costs!"

"R-right." Vash replied awkwardly.

Said "sweet ass" was becoming more and more of a lingering presence on his mind.

He'd barely slept a wink last night through a head filled with unshakeable fantasies, of what treasures lie beneath her barely concealing clothing.

'I don't wanna be like one of those scuzzy high levels who prey on low levels!'

Still, he was only a man. It would only be a matter of time, he feared, until merely sleeping apart from her would no longer be sufficient to keep his lust in check.

Their journey through the forest resumed across several more encounters, until eventually they arrived at a river. It was here, Vash explained to Akira that the region they'd been travelling through was called the Azule Forest. Their destination being Acquama Town, a popular hub for new players.

"Shouldn't be much further," Vash told her, as they continued along the river banks.

"Think of Acquama...as basically the Roman capital, after Rome collapsed. All roads still lead to it, even if it's no longer as important as it used to be."

"I'm Interested in seeing how other players trade and interact," Akira said.

"Looking to make a fortune, are you?"

"It's what I do! Though, In a world of infinite puddings and valuable armor pieces dropped from random forest animals, it's obvious I'll have to try some different approaches in this world."

Vash chuckled. "Hearing you talk like that, it's no wonder I was just a salaryman and not a CEO."

Akira shrugged. "I wasn't all that big a deal," she lied with a mischievous look, before abruptly turning serious again. "Hey. Not to bully you or anything, but I'm guessing you're an older guy. Maybe in your late thirties, or early forties...?" She said, judging by the air he gave off—that of a lifelong underling, long since settled into his dismal lot in life.

She watched him smile sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "Actually...I was only twenty-five years old when I committed suicide, and turned up here."

Akira froze, dead in her tracks, as Vash continued to nonchalantly walk forward for a while, before glancing back at her.

"Is there...something wrong?" He asked, bearing an inquisitive look. "69-san..."

Akira was wide-eyed, her mouth left hanging after what she'd just heard. "Did you really just...admit that you had killed yourself, and then walked off like it was nothing?"

They stood apart from each other, silently searching the depths of one another's still gazes, the river rushing loudly at their side.

It was Vash who spoke first, as he proceeded to unveil a normal red business tie he'd secretly been wearing--tucked from view under his outfit. "A memento from my past life," he told her. "Every player receives one. And although mine is just a regular [Business Tie]...it could come in the form of all sorts of things, to best represent who they were in life."

"Memento…?" Akira gawked. "And what do you mean by 'who they were in life?' What exactly are you saying?"

"My death...feels like a long time ago." He said nonchalantly, following with a shrug as he turned away. "I only brought it up so that I could teach you something else that's important to know about this world." He paused for a moment—turning back to her sharply, with his solemn eyes 'piercing her soul,' as they say.

"Every player in this game is someone that has died in the old world, and been reincarnated."

Akira was speechless.

"No!" Her heart was pounding, her buckling knees turned to jelly.

It was just as she'd suspected, after all! With Vash's words not only confirming her memory of the truck crashing into her, but also forced her to come to terms with yet another gruesome reality...

That Akira Maximilian—the world's richest, youngest, cutthroat playboy billionaire—

Was no more, in fact, Nirvana was no mere game…

It was the afterlife!

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