Qiongqi Mining Office Building,

In a room full of precision instruments, the radar displayed on one device began to appear densely packed with red dots.

The technician responsible for operating and supervising this instrument couldn't help but his eyes were dull when he saw this scene.

"problem occurs!"

He quickly took off his headset and hurried outside!

In the large office, several senior executives of Qiongqi Mining Refuge were sitting together, with a report on the table.

A man with a big belly said in a deep voice: "There is an outbreak of zombies in Xiulin. It needs to be suppressed quickly. If it spreads, I don't know what kind of turmoil it will cause!"

Xiulin was originally a city, but then a zombie outbreak turned it into ruins.

After the fire attack, almost the entire Xiulin City was destroyed.

Now the technicians saw the energy fluctuations caused by the zombie outbreak on the ruins of Xiulin.

The middle-aged man wearing black tights and a thin face frowned and said: "Xiulin has been quiet for so long, and the crisis suddenly broke out this time. Isn't it a coincidence?"

His eyes are sharp, like a hawk, his facial features are thin, and his whole person feels extremely mean.

The pot-bellied man frowned: "I received a report from below that the church plans to blow up the research institute. Fortunately, we have deployed our troops early, otherwise they might have succeeded."

"There must be no chaos at this time. No matter what the reason is for the zombie outbreak in Xiulin, it must be solved."

Several big guys in the shelter quickly decided to solve the zombie crisis on Xiulin's side first.

Qiongqi Mining is like a big war machine, and the shelter is more like a military fortress than a city.

After the top management of Qiongqi Shelter issued instructions, the entire Qiongqi Mining Industry started to operate.

The remnants of the church are not only causing trouble in this shelter, there are remnants of the church in four shelters in this area.

This operation recruited many freelancers and promised extremely generous rewards.

Chen Wang is one of them.

The official strength still needs to be on guard against the church and cannot completely throw itself into this crisis.

Chen Wang readily accepted this mission. He was not curious about the cause of the zombie outbreak in the winter world.

He was thinking silently: "This kind of task also recruits freelancers from the public, so it is easy for people to sneak into the church."

"But if the church doesn't give up, then I'll hit them until it hurts so that they won't want to waste resources and manpower on me."

Chen Wang touched the AA12 shotgun in his hand.

He went to Gao Yanan and bought a lot of high-explosive grenades.

And Jasmine, you can also buy strategic materials from that woman.

From these two cold winter merchants, Chen Wang bought a basketful of high-explosive grenades and put them in a storage bag.

"Nothing is as fun as this thing."

Last time, the third-level soldier of the Church's Judgment Team, a woman who could hide in the shadows for sneak attacks and assassinations, was killed by a box of high-explosive grenades.

This thing is also extremely efficient when sweeping up ruins.

"This time the church doesn't know if there will be anyone lurking inside, so try not to use it on zombies."

Chen Wang thought to himself.


The day of gathering is coming soon,

Several jeeps and armored vehicles marched through the abandoned area and desert.

Soon we arrived at the area where Xiulin was. The further we walked, the more desolate we felt.

There is no human habitation, no life, there are decaying steel buildings and rusty cars everywhere.

Many of them have been mostly buried by yellow sand, and vultures are still flying in the sky, giving people an extremely desolate feeling.

Many of the people recruited this time are freelancers, and team formation is voluntary.

But without military training, sometimes if the cooperation is not good, it is better to fight alone.

Qiongqi Mining’s main purpose here is to increase its combat power.

However, Qiongqi Mining did not expect this group of lawless thugs to cooperate.

Chen Wang didn't mind teaming up with others, but the people in the same car with him were all freelancers.

There are three people who are obviously on the same team, and they instinctively reject teaming up with others.

The other person was a bald man with severe burns on his face. This man also refused to join the team.

There is also a very well-behaved girl with shoulder-length short hair and a sweet smile. If she hadn't seen the submachine gun in her hand, she would have thought she was a girl next door.

When the driver responsible for seeing people off asked, the girl next door also shook her head: "I don't like to team up with others."

So Chen Wang, who was the last to get off the bus, was alone.

Seeing the abandoned city ruins and dilapidated streets, Chen Wang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"This is the first time I've heard of a large-scale zombie outbreak."

Before the cold winter, this kind of thing was extremely normal, but after the cold winter, it stopped a lot.

Therefore, although the scope of this incident is not large, its impact is extremely significant.

"Ordinary zombies are irrational, but the zombies I encountered last time were a little different. I wonder if there will be that kind of strange zombie this time."

Chen Wang was walking on the street with a submachine gun in his hand and did not explore his spiritual power.

This was a bit of a drain on his ability. He now has strong five senses and a keen sense, which is enough to cope with the situation at hand.

As soon as Chen Wang walked not far away, a thin young man suddenly walked over to the entrance of an abandoned supermarket.

This man's eyes were gray and his skin was shriveled, and he smelled the scent of a stranger.

The young man stopped immediately, and then quickly rushed towards Chen Wang, making a low roar!

The zombies of winter move quickly, even the first-level zombies have the same speed as large beasts, and are immune to ordinary bullets.

In the past, Chen Wang didn't like to carry too many guns,

but now he has a storage bag, and this battle is likely to be a protracted war, so Chen Wang brought a few submachine guns.

Although he is only a first-level sharpshooter, he is a third-level hell pioneer, and he is very proficient in guns.

Bang bang bang!

Before the young man came to Chen Wang, he was shot dead by him,

but before Chen Wang could calm down for a moment, the mall seemed to pour boiling oil into ice water,

a group of men and women rushed out from the stairs one after another, their bodies twisted, their skin shriveled, and rushed to Chen Wang's position!

Not only that, the glass of the windows on the second floor had long been broken, and even the window frames were rusty, and many zombies jumped out like a pot of boiling water.

"It can't be such a coincidence?"

Chen Wang raised his eyebrows. He had just arrived at this place and didn't expect to encounter such a large-scale zombie attack.

"Is this the density of the zombie outbreak?"

He was previously on a mission to clear the area. Normally, he wouldn't encounter a zombie for half a day.

But this time, he had just come in and encountered at least 20 or 30 zombies!

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