The sun is scorching, humid and hot.

The weather in the mountains of southern Xinjiang is always like this, making people feel uncomfortable.

In this scorching sun, in a mountain wasteland where weeds are hard to grow and trees are scarce, Du En and five other people are digging a pit here.

He is eighteen years old this year, more than seven feet tall, dressed tightly, and wrapped his hair with a thick cloth to cover his mouth and nose, leaving only his eyebrows and eyes exposed. He looks quite ordinary, but his eyes are still calm and spiritual in the sweat.

His movements are always rigid, without deformation due to physical fatigue and repeated heat.

In this way, he used the shovel made of fine steel in his hand to dig out pieces of soil.

The soil dug up by the shovel is grayish white as a whole, and from time to time, some strange and sticky black soil blocks can be shoveled out.

After being thrown out, this dark soil will directly disperse and turn into a black evil smoke.

Under the sunlight, this evil smoke quickly melted.

But then, the strong stench of decay and stench suddenly expanded.

"Cough cough cough!"

"Damn it, this is really not a job for humans!"

Some people around couldn't help but cough violently, as if their lungs were about to cough out, but they didn't dare to take off the thick cloth on their faces.

Others cursed directly, with an extremely resentful tone, but they had no choice but to continue this work.


Another ball of soil was shoveled out, and after throwing it together, Du En looked at the shallow pit that had already formed, inserted the iron shovel into the pile of soil, and spoke so calmly.

Wei Ming, a newcomer who had just arrived today and worked with him, also stopped his action when he saw this, supported his body with a shovel, and took a short breath through the thick wet cloth.

Du En didn't say anything, but turned his head and looked at the row of people lying on the ground, scorched by the hot sun and stinking.

Or, a row of corpses.

Their names are unknown, and the causes of death are varied.

They committed suicide, were killed, died of overwork, were bitten to death by monsters, and were killed by evil cultivators...

In short, these people were immortal cultivators in their lifetime. Although they don't even have straw mats to wrap themselves in now, they have been specially gathered and intentionally transported to be buried here.

Bury corpses.

This is the job of Du En and others.

A kind of lowly work!

The working environment is bad, the wages are very low, and people look down on them.

But this is assigned and arranged by the border town. If nothing unexpected happens, they will work until they die.

Whether before or after the crossing, Du En didn't want to live like this.

But there is no way, this is the world.

The immortal gate controls the world, keeps the mortals in captivity, and selects them in a targeted manner. In the end, they raise one batch after another of people with spiritual roots, and then let them practice to squeeze out more value.

He cultivated immortality for this reason, and moved to this southern border town. Then he was assigned this job and started digging pits to bury corpses. It has been one and a half months.

He needs to go to work every day, and bury dozens of corpses every day, only more, not less.

Sometimes, the person who was working with him yesterday is lying on the ground today and buried by himself.

Therefore, Du En, who has only worked for one and a half months, can be said to be an old man who buries corpses here.

"Go on."


The two walked to a corpse together.

This is a female corpse, ragged, covered with claw marks, half of the face was bitten, and the remaining half of the face that was still intact looked pretty and elegant, but it was already frozen, and the despair and unwillingness of life remained in the wide-open dead eyes.

Du En lifted the shoulders of the female corpse, and Wei Ming, the newcomer, lifted the legs.

Facing this face that was half good and half bad, his eyes did not change at all, while Wei Ming's eyes were dodging, not daring to look at the hideous wounds that were rotting and smelling.

"Be careful."

Du En reminded.

Because burying a body is not an easy job. Let alone the bodies that died of suicide, the causes of death of the others are varied. Who knows what is left on the body.

For example, those who died of poisoning may have residual poisons. If they are accidentally touched and contaminated, the end will be no different from the one being moved now.

"Yes, yes, I know."

Wei Ming, who was reminded, only answered vaguely, his eyes wandering, and he still didn't dare to look at the wounds.

Seeing this, Du En didn't say much.

Fortunately, there was no problem with the female corpse that was bitten to death by the monster. It was placed flat in the pit and covered with a thin layer of soil, and it was considered to be buried in peace.

Then continue to dig the pit and bury the next one.

When moving this one, an accident occurred.


Just as he lifted it up, Du En keenly heard a crackling sound.

There's a problem!


Just when he was about to ask the new guy to put it down slowly and gently, it was too late.

With a snap, the body was actually broken into two pieces, and the rotten and smelly corpse fluid, floating with half-liquid internal organs, flowed out directly, splashing on the ground.

"Fuck, cough cough cough!"


"Back off, vomit~"

The extreme stench burst out and spread, directly scaring away the person who buried the body.

But the two in the center were not so lucky.

Du En, who stepped back to avoid the splash, was okay. He had seen more disgusting scenes than this one, so at this time, he just squinted his eyes, held his breath, and felt a little nauseous.

But the newcomer Wei Ming couldn't stand it at all. His eyes rolled back and he fainted.

Fortunately, he fell backwards and didn't fall forward into the corpse fluid, otherwise he would be really unlucky.

However, he was actually lucky now...

Du En shook his head slightly in his heart, and then observed and confirmed that it was just a bad smell and there was no other mess. He was about to walk over and drag the other party away.

As he took a step, he noticed that there seemed to be something floating in the pool of semi-liquefied internal organs.

So, when he walked over and approached, he suddenly stretched out his hand and picked it up without anyone noticing.

Then he dragged Wei Ming to a rare strange tree in this wasteland and leaned him against the tree's shade.

After doing this, he took advantage of the moment when no one else was paying attention to look at the thing he had just picked up.

It was a small bag made of some kind of soft leather. If Du En was not mistaken, this kind of leather was very resistant to acid corrosion.

So, it was hidden in the stomach of the corpse before?

When he opened it, he found three low-grade spirit stones and a folded note inside.

It was equivalent to his monthly salary, which was really an unexpected gain!

Normally, the people who buried the corpses did not have such an opportunity to pick up the money of the dead.

Because after touching the corpses, collecting the corpses and transporting the corpses, it was finally their turn to bury the corpses.

Du En's eyes flashed slightly, and he tied the small bag again, not caring about the dirt still on it, and put it directly into his clothes. Then he turned his head and looked at the scene filled with stench, and did not go back to work immediately.

He wanted to wait for the smell to dissipate a little, and then wake Wei Ming up.

In this gap where he could still rest, as his thoughts moved, a square box appeared in front of him, with lines of ethereal words on it.

[Age: 18/91]

[Spiritual roots: low quality]

[Cultivation: early stage of Qi training (12/100)]

[Kung Fu: Yellow Earth Kung Fu (beginner 9/10)]

[Magic spells: none]

[Magic power: none]

[Hundred arts: none]

Please read and collect!

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