
Facing He Bo who was about to lose control, Du En said calmly, "You owed me wages before, and you haven't paid them off yet."

"Don't go too far!"

"Who is going too far?"

Du En retorted directly, "That's the reasonable compensation I deserve for my work, not a penny less."


He Bo gritted his teeth, the breath passed through his teeth, and the mana in his body began to fluctuate, as if he was about to attack in the next moment.

However, he didn't do that in the end, choosing to force himself to calm down, making a rough calculation, and then sneered and ridiculed: "You are so arrogant for less than 200 low-grade spirit stones, it's really vulgar and cheap, here you go, no need to give change!"

Two hundred low-grade spirit stones were thrown out directly, and Du En collected them directly into the shrinking bag, like a young swallow returning to the nest, which made He Bo's eyelids jump, and he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

A second-level shrinking bag, what a good treasure, who knows which bastard will get it next!

After sighing, he looked up and saw that Du En had not yet wanted to take the order, nor did he want to leave!

You fucking, are you done yet?

He Bo was so angry at this time.

"Fuck, this guy is really crazy!"

"I really didn't expect it. He was so humble when he just broke through before."

"He is just a hypocritical guy. Now he has nothing to lose, so he doesn't need to maintain that hypocrisy!"

"No matter, He Bo, you won't do this?!"

The managers' eyes never stopped, and the meaning was very obvious.

Just when He Bo was about to explode, Du En said at the right time: "I'm afraid you will make some small moves again, so it's better for you to send it directly."

Notification, resignation, sending, approval, and communication, this is the whole process.

Originally, sending was done by oneself, and the general manager sometimes chose to meet with the corresponding person, or enter the image of the corresponding person and other trivial steps.

So Du En said this now, to be honest, in fact, he gave up the initiative.

However, he actually thought it would be better not to go under the general manager's nose for the sake of safety, so as to avoid any twists and turns.

Doing so is not against the rules, and the outer city general manager is probably waiting for him to do something against the rules because of the arrangement of the job.

Du En would naturally not be taken advantage of, and letting He Bo do it for him would give the general manager the illusion that things were going smoothly and there was no need for extra targeting.

"Okay, okay, kid, you're doing it yourself. You cut off your own retreat, and you asked for it!"

So He Bo laughed in anger and called a special person to ask him to rush to send the order to the outer city affairs office in the city.

Du En said nothing more, did nothing more, and turned around and left.

His actions caught the other managers off guard and stunned them for a while.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Has he accepted his fate? Is he afraid of death?"

"...Thinking carefully, he has been too calm from beginning to end. Perhaps, he didn't really care?"

"He is just a frog in the well. He must not have realized the danger of this job!"

"That's not right. It's easy to detect. After all, our attitude is obvious. As long as he is not stupid, he will definitely be able to detect it."

"...I can't see through it!"

These managers switched to using spiritual consciousness to communicate directly. In the end, they did not come to a detailed conclusion, but their attitude towards Du En was obviously much more solemn and cautious. They did not dare to set any tone casually.

Even He Bo's expression became flickering after calming down, and he even had the illusion that he was letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

"Illusion! It must be an illusion! As long as the evil cultivator takes action, everything will be fine!"

After trying hard to calm down his mood, he silently repeated it several times. He suddenly became refreshed and full of expectations. He didn't even care about the broken door and walked upstairs with a clatter.

On the other hand, Du En didn't really leave.

When he returned to his temporary residence and noticed that the sight of the secret observation had left, he quietly held his breath and ran back to the attic of the Corpse Affairs Hall, squatting in the dark to see if this guy would do anything alone.

Du En deliberately provoked his anger this time, but deliberately backed off at the last moment, which was a difference in performance.

Under such double stimulation, He Bo might be confused and feel that there was a problem, and then he couldn't help but choose to leave alone, or go to retrieve the sent order, or go to see the steward.

At that time, Du En would suddenly attack on the way and kill him between Qingya Garden and the city!

First, revenge does not need to wait overnight.

Second, frame the evil cultivator.

Especially the second point, which is the reason why he decided to take the risk and take the initiative to add some twists and turns!

If He Bo died at this critical moment, he would inevitably be suspected. However, he had just broken through and it hadn't been a day yet, so he would not be considered as someone who could kill people. Therefore, others would only be suspicious and search for evil cultivators.

After all, the one who died was a steward in the foundation-building stage, and he seemed to be the kind of person favored by the general manager. Du En thought that the general manager of outer city affairs would take action at that time.

As long as this guy is not a pure fool, there is a great possibility that he will discover the evil cultivators who are secretly active.

They couldn't detect it before, but now they can barely detect it, which shows that they are in the foundation-building stage!

Guys like He Bo are just a minor problem, and the evil cultivators are actually the real problem!

Especially this group of guys, it seems that they have other intentions, what they are planning, and it is impossible to find out the details, it is really hard to guard against!

Du En is still confident that he can kill He Bo.

After all, he is still injured, and he is not an ordinary foundation-building initial stage.

It is not a problem to kill him quickly and unexpectedly!

However, Du En did not wait for such an opportunity in the end.

Because He Bo was very happy to convince himself.

"This guy can still hold on... It seems that he is really confident that I will die sooner or later, so he is very optimistic."

Thinking so, Du En did not do any more useless work and retreated to his temporary residence.

After going around in circles, he came back here to stay for a while.

He had no regrets, and calmly took out the cooked clay pot and cooked spiritual food.

In general, his situation has actually improved.

Because he can cook spiritual food again, the efficiency of cultivation will be pulled back to thirty times a day.

Yes, not the previous twenty-seven times, but thirty times.

Because there is an additional middle dantian, the crimson palace, and the lower dantian has not been filled up by the foundation, it can be said that it is now a dual-core push, which naturally makes the efficiency of practicing the power of the exercise improved.

If you can't take the initiative, you can only be passive, and first practice to strengthen yourself.

Du En's spiritual food was still cooking, and the door was soon knocked.

"Master Du, there is your transfer order..."

Because things went smoothly, Tang Yiping did not pay extra attention. He quickly completed the approval, and then issued a formal transfer order, which was delivered to the servant to convey.

The voice was still familiar. When I opened the door, it was indeed the female servant who had been to the burial yard before.

She has learned her lesson now. She did not dare to despise Du En because he was going to be transferred to a dangerous place. The whole person lowered his eyebrows and raised his hands, holding the scroll transfer order, and did not dare to breathe more.

"Well, I received it. Please report back."

"No, I dare not bother you. Good night. I will take my leave now."

She ran away in a hurry. Du En did not care. He opened the transfer order in his hand and took a look.

There was nothing unexpected. It just stated the position to be transferred to, the departure date, the gathering place, and finally a special note.

No entry into the city without a summons!

There was a faint flow of spiritual energy on the scroll of the transfer order. After a careful look, the existence of the instrument ban was discovered.

It is obvious that this order has the function of supervision and can also be used as an identity certificate for entering and leaving the city.

Of course, it is limited to the time of gathering and departure.

"Don't let me go into the city to buy things. This outer city affairs manager..."

Du En thought about closing the door, put away the transfer order casually, and continued to cook liver calmly.

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