Two days later.

In the early morning, Du En walked out of Qingya Garden alone, without causing any waves of attention, and walked on the road calmly and silently.

He was still wearing the lacquered shadow robe at this moment, and the two newly refined magic headbands fluttered slightly in the breeze with his tied long hair. His steps were silent and quick, and the gradually lively shantytown was soon left behind.

In his eyes was the city wall that was getting closer and closer.

The southern city wall of Nanmo Border City was still towering and continuous, like a mountain range, and more like a sighing eternal cliff.

The closer you get, the higher your cultivation, the more you can feel its oppression!

For Du En, whose perception is more sensitive than that of ordinary people of the same level, it is even more clearly visible, so heavy that it makes people breathless.

He stopped in front of the doorway.

The two city gates, nearly thirty feet high, were tightly closed, cold and shutting people out.

After taking out the transfer order from his arms, Du En's expression remained unchanged. The sense of oppression had no meaning to him.

There was no loud and obvious movement. After Du En showed the transfer order, the two city gates opened silently, revealing the dark and deep doorway inside, like the throat and esophagus of some giant beast.

He continued to walk, and the rhythm remained unchanged.

Du En stepped into it, and the city gate closed quietly, cutting off the light source behind him.

It was quiet and dark, and he couldn't see it with his eyes, and his consciousness couldn't see it.

After a while, he finally saw a new light spot.

He continued to walk forward for a while, and finally walked out of the doorway and came to the southern border city behind the city wall.

The rich spiritual energy came to his face. If you want to describe its specific quality, it should be at least level three, giving people a warm and comfortable feeling, like taking a bath.

Looking up, the biggest feeling is spaciousness and cleanliness!

The buildings are separated quite far from each other. Even though there are seven or eight-story buildings everywhere, there is no feeling of being cramped and crowded. The roads between the buildings are paved with white jade-like clean bricks and stones, and spiritual trees and green plants are planted on the roadside.

When I first arrived and just started cultivating immortals, I couldn't see them when I passed by. Now I see that they are all first-class top-grade, but here they are only used as roadside greening, and no one cares at all.

However, this does not mean that people can live comfortably in the city.

Du En's spiritual sense is no longer hindered. At this moment, he roughly scanned the surroundings while walking, and at the same time, his naked eyes were also looking around.

Naturally, he saw the workers who started to work as the day came.

Simply put, they are senior workers.

Among the people who fill in every year, a considerable number of people have medium-grade spiritual root qualifications, and they will be placed in the city to work.

They are either given knowledge of alchemy and refining, or given knowledge of maintaining spiritual medicine and spiritual fields. They do various repetitive and tedious work in the more advanced production sites in the city.

At first glance, these people are quite different from those in the shantytowns outside the city. Not only can they live in the city, but their treatment and salary are also significantly higher. Even if they are arranged to leave the city, they are often transferred to supervisors.

But in fact, there is no essential difference between the two. They are just being exploited by the immortal gate in various ways.

The difference is that the senior workers in the city are more expensive and it is not good for them to die casually. The various raw materials that are continuously transported in from outside the city still need them to process. At least they have to be exploited for eighty years!

Even so, on the surface, the conditions are indeed much better, and it is easier to break through to the foundation-building stage.

However, the border city of Nanmo is far away from the front line. After so many years of accumulation, there are not many positions that can be arranged in and outside the city, and the overall situation is almost saturated.

It is naturally impossible to let the newly-breakthrough foundation-building cultivators practice leisurely in their spare time. If they were placed in other places, they would only be dragged to the battlefield to fill the line as cannon fodder. In the border town of Nanmo, it is another place that is not much better.

Outpost camp!

As Du En walked, he saw the gathering of foundation-building cultivators. They were dressed in gorgeous and expensive clothes. Most of them were white and fat, and looked very wealthy, but at this time they all looked like they had lost their parents, as if they were rushing to the execution ground.

He did not walk around randomly, but mixed in and went together, and soon arrived at a square in the south of the city.

Turning his head and taking a glance, at the end of the street in the distance, it was the majestic and solemn Outer City Affairs Office.

Without stopping, he came to a corner of the square, in front of a small stall, and began to line up.

Hand over the transfer order, issue the token, stand aside, and wait.

The servant in charge of this matter was just a perfect Qi Refining, but he did not respect or care about these foundation-building cultivators at all. He did things hastily and quickly, and he did not even raise his eyes to look.

Many people were angry but dared not to act rashly, so they could only stand aside in a sullen manner.

When the sun was high in the sky, fifty foundation-building stage people had gathered.

At the same time, carts and boxes of things began to be pushed out from all directions in the city.

Spirit stones, magic tools, elixirs, talismans, spiritual materials...

They had been packed in shrink bags as much as possible, but they were mainly low-grade spirit stones in large quantities, and a few of the most precious things such as the second-level top-grade.

The rest could only be transported in boxes and carts.

The brilliance was so dazzling that it blinded people's eyes.

However, these foundation-building stage people in the city had long been accustomed to the work in the past. After being desensitized, they were not amazed and were more worried about their future.

A black shadow began to fall from the sky. It was a second-level flying boat, shining with spiritual light. It landed on the square. The outer wall of the cabin was lifted up, revealing holes.

Various goods began to be loaded into the cabin immediately. As for the foundation-building period, they were of course waiting first.

It was just a group of consumables for the early stage of foundation-building, and the value was the lowest on the entire flying boat!

Time passed, and after the goods were loaded, someone shouted and greeted.

"Don't drag your feet, hurry up and get on, we're about to set off!"

No senior executives showed up from beginning to end. The shouter was just a foundation-building period steward, responsible for counting the goods on the ship. Now that the inventory was completed, he hurried down and ran away quickly, leaving only a back figure reporting back to the Outer City Affairs Office.

"Ah! No! I won't go!"

Du En had just landed on the deck of the flying boat when such a voice came from behind him.

Someone finally couldn't bear the fear, and turned around with a panicked face and wanted to run.


A cold snort sounded, and the man who had just run a few steps away immediately flew up as if hit by something, spitting blood, and finally fell on the deck of the flying boat, splashing blood all over the bodies and faces of those nearby.

These people who had been staying in the city had already been desperate for the future, and at this moment, they could not bear this sudden bloodiness. They were terrified and almost collapsed.

However, with the fresh precedent, they also subconsciously covered their mouths, fearing that they would also be beaten seriously injured and dying.

That's right, seriously injured and dying.

According to Du En's experience in killing, this person is actually hopeless, but he is still hanging on to his life by relying on the dispersion of his foundation-building period.

As long as he can be pulled to the outpost camp, it will be considered that the number of people is complete, there are no deserters, no additional reinforcements are needed, and there is no stain on the matter.

"It should be the chief steward of the outer city who did it."

Du En thought so, because the opponent's strength was too accurate, and at the same time, he did not notice any obvious clues except at the last moment.

"No wonder there have been no bodies like this buried before. They must have been piled up at the outpost camp."

It was eight hundred miles away from the border town, and obviously no one would run back and forth just to transport a body, so burying or cremating it on the spot was the simplest operation.

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