
In the distance, the roar of a demon beast could be heard faintly.

Unknowingly, the flying boat had passed through the invisible boundary, so the roar of the beast, without being reduced, hit the ears of everyone on the deck, and immediately made them tremble and shrink.

After a while, the residual rhythm of the roar of the beast gradually disappeared.

At least it was in the late second stage...

Thinking so, Du En moved his eyes and saw a "pure land" in the dense forest.

There was a layer of yellow and green interwoven light curtain, like an inverted bowl, covering a clearing in the forest.

It was a second-level protective formation.

Originally, everyone couldn't see inside, but as a magic power flew out from it and hit the flying boat, it began to tow and dock, and they could see inside clearly.

The wooden buildings were located in an orderly manner, and the overall space was spacious. In the center was a three-story stilt house. In Du En's opinion, although it was worse than Qingyayuan, it was much better than the crowded and dirty shantytown.

As a place to live, there is nothing to complain about.

But in the eyes of Huang Xiaosheng and others, there is only one idea.

What kind of broken place is this? Is it for people to live in?

With different thoughts in mind, the flying boat entered the formation and landed on the parking lot of the outpost camp.

"Hurry up, hurry up, start unloading!"

"Stupid pigs, all get off here, don't get in the way!"

"Stay aside honestly, don't run around!"

The old patrol guards waiting here spoke rudely, spitting everywhere.

They didn't look like monks, but bandits, full of evil spirits, bad attitudes, and contempt in their disregard. They always pushed and shoved the newcomers who got off the flying boat casually, only knocking them staggering and falling, and some were injured.

"What kind of soft waste?!"

"Tsk! Another bunch of garbage!"

"Fuck Tang Yiping, you are stingy again this time, right?"

In the midst of the noise, Du En noticed the cursing voice.

Turning his head, he saw a tall and strong man with a face full of flesh and an abominable face. He was dressed like a primitive man, wearing animal skins, clothes and shoes, but in fact, he was wearing second-level top-grade magic tools, and the magic power he occasionally leaked was obviously superior to everyone else.

Foundation building is complete!

It seems that he is the person in charge of the camp and the current camp owner.

Du En's judgment was soon confirmed.

"Camp owner, you should pay more attention. After all, he is the chief manager of the outer city affairs!"

"Hey! It's ridiculous! What can I do if I scold him? What a jerk. If you have the guts, transfer me back. I have to thank him!"

Xiang Tao, the camp owner, cursed and swore, and at the same time, he did not forget to put the most precious things in the supplies, which were stored in several second-level shrink bags, directly into his arms, which made his confidants around him feel overwhelmed.

"You can scold me all you want, but you can't take this shrink bag!"

"Tsk! Did I take it? I just changed it to a new one!"

Xiang Tao was prepared. He took out a few old bags and threw them into the empty cabin. Then he patted his butt and walked out, pointing at the stacked supplies.

"Move them to my side first, and wait for me to check them before putting them into the warehouse."


"You start the camp entry record."


After giving the order, everyone continued to move, and Xiang Tao jumped onto the deck, dragged the man who was still breathing, and immediately returned to the ground.

The newcomers who had already lined up couldn't help but pay attention to this side.

I only saw the flying boat take off and return, and Xiang Tao directly broke the neck of the man in his hand.

The sound of the click was terrifying!

Then he took off the clothes and touched the corpse with extreme skill.

In the end, a naked, white corpse was thrown aside casually by him in disgust.

Xiang Tao showed his white teeth and turned his head to look, which scared the newcomers so much that they almost urinated.

"What are you standing there for? I want to ask you what your specialty is!"

People were already lining up to ask for registration, and the person in charge spoke impatiently, which immediately scared the people in front of him and made them urinate.

"Fuck, a bunch of trash!"

"Hurry up and tell me! If you are slow, I will kill you!"

"Yes, yes, I am good at refining weapons."

"How many years have you been practicing, and how many years have you broken through?"

"Forty-eight years, three years of breakthrough."

"Hehe, it's pretty fast, but I haven't trained enough courage, next one."

Just asking for registration in such a simple way.

Xiang Tao also strode over.

At this time, Huang Xiaosheng swallowed his saliva and said with a brave face: "Sir, may I ask, if you have a specialty, do you only need to do this part of your job in the future?"

"Hey! You think it's a beautiful idea! How is it possible!"

Xiang Tao stopped and said coldly, "Of course, I will continue to work overtime after patrolling! Do you really think this is still your comfortable city!"

It's bitter!

Huang Xiaosheng sighed immediately, and the others also sighed at the same time.

"What about you? What's your specialty?"

The person in front continued to ask for registration, and was a little surprised, "Oh, you are very brave, and your face doesn't change."

Surprisingly, it was Du En's turn at this time.

Before he could speak, Huang Xiaosheng looked up and saw it, and immediately interrupted as if he had found a great opportunity, asking for credit and reward: "Sir, he came from the shantytown outside the city!"


Xiang Tao, who was walking over, the person in charge of registration, and some other veteran patrol guards nearby, all looked over at once and started scolding before they could even see clearly.

"Tang Yiping, that slutty son of a bitch, actually gave me something dirty this time?"

"What a lucky and unlucky guy, I saw you today!"

"Why don't you change your expression? It's because you've become so numb!"

The guards were full of disgust and looked down upon him.

The reason is very simple. Although there are people working everywhere inside and outside the city, those in the city have good qualifications, many resources, and naturally have better strength. However, those outside the city, even if they are lucky enough to break through, have insufficient background after all, regardless of the law. Weapons, magic, skills, etc. are generally quite different.

Being placed in this outpost camp, there is no time for him to continue to strive for progress, so it is estimated that he will die in a corner of the mountain forest in a short time. Isn't he just a good-for-nothing who just got a quota for nothing?

"Tsk! You're smart enough not to be beaten to the point of being beaten to the last breath. It makes it hard for me to kill you right now, so as not to waste everyone's time."

Xiang Tao spoke wantonly, not hiding his murderous intent, but even though the emperor was far away and had been exiled for hundreds of years, after all, this was still the place under the control of the Immortal Sect, and it was a bad place full of dangers, so the rules should still be in place. of.

"Tell me, what are your specialties?"

As for how many years of cultivation, there is no need to ask. Anyway, it must have been seventy or eighty years.


Couldn't this whole pill be done?

Faced with this thoughtful development, Du En naturally followed suit and responded: "Bury the body."

"Burying corpses? Was he a corpse worker before? Do you earn extra spiritual stones by burying evil corpses for superiors?"

"No, I earned it from collecting and transporting corpses."

In response to Xiang Tao's thoughts, Du En answered like this.

The other party nodded immediately without any doubt.

Because he knew He Bo, generally knew some of his temperament, and also knew about the supervision of the corpse buryer. Therefore, if Du En chose to acquiesce or should, it would prove that he was lying and was not the corpse buryer at all.

The current answer is obviously from a veteran in the industry.

So, Xiang Tao hooked his thumb on the back and said: "That is of some use, so be it. From now on, if there are corpses inside and outside the camp, it will be up to you to bury them. Well, the white-cut chicken hasn't been processed yet. You drag it." Go outside the formation and find a place to bury it.”

After all, there are many evil cultivators in this place, and it is true that you will encounter the corpses of evil cultivators from time to time, which is quite troublesome to deal with. Now that you have a professional counterpart, at least others can live in peace before he dies.

The old bandit-like guards no longer cursed, but the newcomers who had just arrived could not help but laugh. Looking at Du En, they felt inexplicably proud.

Being mean is being mean, and you are always doing mean things wherever you go!

When I thought of this, I instantly felt superior, and coming here seemed to become acceptable.

Du En did not react to this look, but skillfully carried the body on his back and walked outside the formation.

Seeing that he was doing a pretty good job without any complaints or dissatisfaction, and that he was very conscious and obedient, Xiang Tao nodded directly, appearing very satisfied, and didn't pay any more attention to him.

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As for the additional updates, I have to wait for a while. I haven’t finished the changes yet, so I will post them later.

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