The sun sets in the west, and the dark clouds retreat in the east.

When the night falls, Du En, who had finished his bath early, is in the courtyard, tinkering with his spiritual food business.

The strange owl was bled, feathered, and scooped out of the water, and now it is placed on the chopping board.

Ning Cai looked at the board with a bitter face.

That's his.

On the other side, Wei Ming listened to Du En's words, brought brown rice, bacon, dried fish and other food that he bought together yesterday, and put them aside in different categories.

Then he chose to retreat bravely, not daring to stay any longer.

Looking at the boiling water in the pottery pots on the row of small clay stoves, and then looking at the pale strange owl, the unbearable memories made him float up, and he also thought of the half of the evil corpse he saw in the morning... Ugh~

Thinking about this, Du En hasn't started yet, and Wei Ming can't help but feel sick.

I don't want to eat tonight. Anyway, I have eaten a lot of dates on the way here.

The others looked at Du En's scene and grinned silently, feeling their teeth aching.

But there was no way, he was the boss!

Just as everyone was thinking helplessly, Du En also started to operate.

Take out three portions of each basic ingredient, corresponding to three kinds of medicinal materials respectively.

Add one to one in appropriate amount and start cooking.

The others were fine, but when the strange owl was chopped, the knife seemed to fall on itself, making the onlookers close their eyes.

What can Boss Du do with this?

Other rice and meat may be possible, but this strange owl...

I don't think it will work!

Indeed, spiritual food is not something that can be learned casually. Du En's idea this time is really a bit whimsical.

I, I, I believe in the boss.

The five people exchanged glances, expressing their thoughts, and their hearts were full of murmurs.

Even Du En's die-hard fan, Wei Ming, was completely unconfident at this time.

I didn't care about it, I just sank the divided monster owl into the boiling water.

A strange smell like a rotting corpse suddenly began to spread, filling the courtyard again.

The fresh air lasted only for a short day.

Others said that they were used to it.

But in the future, when Du En started to put in the fresh herbs at the right time, even the people who had been living in various stench retreated quickly!

It's not that it's stinky, but how to say it?

This rotten smell, with three different tones of fresh, fresh, and sweet, is really weird!

When cooking manure, no matter how much spices are added, it's still cooking manure, but it's inevitable that people will have a little bit of the idea that it smells good.

It's better to be completely stinky!

Swallowing their saliva, everyone was shocked by their greed, and they turned around and rushed into the house, sealing the doors and windows.

You are exaggerating too much.

Du En looked at the performance of these people and shook his head slightly in his heart.

Then, he stood in front of these stoves and pottery pots, his face calm and his heart steady, watching the changes, smelling the taste, comparing it with the principles of food, making judgments, and adding some medicinal materials from time to time.

The meat of the strange owl is the slowest to cook, and it takes the most time to let the medicinal and edible properties blend.

Cooking smoked meat and dried fish is much faster.

He didn't mind the heat and started to drink the soup and eat the meat.

He shook his head in his heart.


In fact, from the panel, no new items can be judged as their failure.

Du En's tasting is just to find the problem.

The main material is not good.

Ordinary smoked meat and dried fish are really too ordinary.

Then, it is the second fastest to cook brown rice.

[Food cooking (beginners 0/10)]

It's OK!

Du En's eyes moved and started to eat.

The brown rice is sweet, fresh and tender, and it is very different from the previous rough and gravel rice. It is obviously caused by the absorption of the juice and medicinal power of fresh herbs.

However, this does not mean that the main ingredients are completely usable. It is just that the rice variety of this brown rice is special and can absorb the medicinal power of herbs, making it easier to digest.

There is no actual change, so it is still not very good.

"If you use it to brush up the number of times, it is barely okay, but there is only one stomach and no way to preserve it. It can't be kept for a long time after it is made, and food and herbs can't be wasted. Well, if you really want to make it again in the future, just add three plus one and cook it together."

Let's call it Sancai rice, or Sancai porridge.

Du En silently practiced his skills to speed up digestion.

He ate a little too much.

In this way, half an hour passed.

Smelling the taste at the tip of his nose, there was a subtle change. He opened his eyes and looked at the three pots of strange owls.

The taste changes are light and light, and generally speaking, it seems erratic.

Du En tasted each one.

Well, it's still as unpalatable as before!

However, compared to the brown rice that can only absorb the medicinal properties without affecting each other and promoting changes, this boiled monster owl does have such clues.

So, he estimated the situation again and added other medicinal materials to the three pots of monster owl.

I wanted to increase the number of times, but it didn't work.

One pot was overfilled and ruined.

As for the other two pots, because this spiritual meal was not formed, it was incomplete and could not be counted.

So Du En could only continue to add until the three kinds were filled, until only one pot was left.

Now it was formed.

One pot of boiled monster owl, three pots of brown rice, four times.

Opening the lid again, there is a fresh aroma, mixed with the original strange smell of the strange owl meat, it no longer seems smelly, but it is still strange, after all, it was originally strange.

Du En ate and tasted silently.

"Well, the strange owl eats rot, and the meat is moist and yin. Combined with these three yang-warming medicinal materials, they promote each other and are kneaded together to nourish yin and strengthen yang, replenish the body and strengthen qi. The key is that the taste is two points better than the previous simple boiling."

Du En was quite satisfied with this.

He immediately gave it a name, called Sancai Stewed Owl.

In comparison, this dish can be regarded as a spiritual meal, barely entering the level, and is a first-level lower product.

After taking it, it can slowly replenish the body, promote the growth of strength, and boost the spirit, help practice, and shorten the time of practicing!

In this way, Du En can complete five times of practice every night in the same time, one more than before, and the speed is increased by one quarter.

More importantly, this spiritual meal is free!

"It's just that those weird owls don't come to our door every day."

Unless they are extremely hungry or brave, otherwise, they will generally stay still and watch Du En and his team.

It's actually quite troublesome to catch them by yourself.

Even so, it's necessary...

Du En was thinking, and suddenly looked sideways outside the yard.

There was a lot of movement in the distance!

He was suddenly thoughtful, and after eating and cleaning up, he went out with a bloated stomach to investigate and digest the food.

After about two incense sticks, he came back again.

Everyone else had fallen asleep, and Ning Cai Ze was still waiting.

"What's going on outside?"

"The people of the Blood Eagle Gang are gathering, and the target seems to be the Iron Hand Gang."

Hearing this, Ning Cai Ze's worry was immediately revealed.

"It seems that these two gangs are going to fight for a few times. Luo Heng's death seems to be caused by this. I just hope that the fire will not burn to our side."

The fire at the city gate will affect the innocent!

Ning Cai was afraid of this.

Du En was very calm: "No, they are actually quite sensible. Besides, if there is a real fire, the supervisors above are not dead, and they will definitely intervene."

In the final analysis, in the shantytown, no matter what group or gang it is, in essence, it is just the bottom ants under the rule of the immortal gate, and cheap labor outside the border town.

There is no decision-making power at hand!

Please read!

Please collect!

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