"Appreciate further details."

Facing Meng Changqing's pretentiousness, Du En was very cooperative.

"As the name suggests, it is the remnant of an ancient place. It is now covered by the primitive and wild mountains and forests, and is hidden in a certain interstitial space. However, tens of thousands of years ago, it was a famous place that attracted monks from all over the world to yearn for. At the monastery of the Venerable.”

"The Venerable Dojo?"

"That's right. During the Void Refining Stage, you are called the True Master. During the Integration Stage, you are called the True King. When you reach the Mahayana Stage, you will be called the Venerable. You are already a respected person in the world. You can conquer the world, cross the stars, and achieve many great deeds."

Du En had no real feelings about this and didn't seem to particularly care.

Seeing this, Meng Changqing made a long story short: "The predecessor of the Nancang ruins is the Nancang Taoist Temple. Venerable Nancang once practiced Taoism here, but later he also died here. The Taoist Temple was ruined and sank into the mountains and forests of southern Xinjiang. , has only appeared in this world occasionally for thousands of years.”

"It showed up this time?"

"Maybe there is, maybe not. Anyway, just in case, come and have a look. It can be regarded as the vanguard. If it really appears and the situation allows for exploration, then the real Lord Zhenjun will lead the team to completely excavate it. Let it see the light of day again.”

This is obviously a superficial argument, used to fool the envoy who is pretending on the other end.

In fact, combined with what Meng Changqing said when he was near the wasteland, the real situation can be concluded.

The Luoyu Immortal Sect has indeed been paying close attention to the Nancang ruins for a long time, but it is not completely out of control. It needs to send out a vanguard to investigate first.

The Immortal Sect first diverted the aftermath of the war, and then destroyed the outpost camp to determine the general situation of the ruins!

This group of people came here to explore the ruins.

Why is it only at the foundation-building stage? It can now be basically determined that the upper management deliberately controls the intensity of the struggle and does not want to really break up and cause violent internal strife.

After all, Luoyu Immortal Sect is not invincible in the world, there are four other Overlord Immortal Sects watching covetously.

"Furthermore, since the destruction of the outpost camp is used as an indicator, then the evil cultivators and the grievances that destroyed the camp this time must be deeply involved with this ruins. Maybe that is the lair of the evil cultivators. ”

Du En thought so secretly.

The crisis of this trip is already obvious. We must not only deal with the actions of the superior envoys, but also pay attention to the actions of the evil cultivators.

"As an outpost patrol in this evil cultivator's chaos, I only need to protect myself from the dangers. I probably don't need to say anything more about what dangers there will be next. So, from now on, I will use magic to block and shield our existence. To avoid being noticed by the evil cultivators and causing unnecessary conflicts and accidents.”

What Meng Changqing said was very justified, and of course, the envoy who was listening was not surprised.

The initial monitoring was just to ensure that Du En was really obedient and behaved. When he was blocked later, he could also be used to determine the specific location of the group here, so as to make well-prepared actions.

You can fight, but you can't fight inside the door, so you need to go out to the border and fight each other. The best thing is not to meet head-on, so as not to reveal your identity.

Based on these premises, the commander calmly continued the remote control.

Then, he soon discovered that the group of people quickly went astray.

Let’s talk about Du En and his party leaving the border.

They continued to control their weapons, but their speed slowed down and their height decreased. They walked through the dense miasma of the woods, their silhouettes were vague, and they used their magic power to resist the miasma, but unless they looked directly, they could not detect their situation.

At this moment, we are having a conversation between our consciousnesses.

At this point, the conversation no longer needs to be secretive.

"Everyone, please share your suggestions on what should be done next. You can't go to the tiger mountain knowing that there are tigers in the mountain."

Meng Changqing spoke like this, indicating that he should open up his voice and accept suggestions with an open mind.

Working together as a group should be better than thinking alone.

"Since the goal of this trip is clear, it is the ruins of Nancang, so it is obvious that the opponent will set up an ambush at the entrance to wait for work, and use methods such as formations to strengthen themselves and weaken the enemy. It is true that they cannot plunge in headfirst."

Du En was the first to respond, but this spiritual dialogue seemed a bit unskilled, because this was the first time he had communicated with someone in this way.

If it was eavesdropping, I had done it many times and was very skilled at it.

This kind of behavior made Fu Yong and the others feel a little strange. No matter how remote he was, he shouldn't be so unfamiliar with spiritual dialogue, unless this person had no friends at all and was too annoying.

Looking at Du En vaguely again, Fu Yong couldn't help but nodded secretly.

It's really annoying!

They just murmured in their hearts, not wanting to express their opinions at all. Each one of them only performed their duties as a good guard, just like Meng Gourd.

Meng Changqing sighed secretly at this, but fortunately, Du En was talking to him.

So, before anyone else could speak, he responded directly: "That's true. Even if the situation around the Nancang ruins is special, and there are problems with space, time and other aspects, if you let me come, there are still seven or eight A usable arrangement.”

"I see……"

Du En responded and looked at the others again. Seeing that they were completely focused on their duties and very dull, he didn't wait for them to say anything.

"Why don't we go search for ghosts first?"

Glancing at his own panel, he spoke now.

[Baixi: Soul Searching (Minor Achievement 0/100)]

After he was released from prison, he had already quietly filled this item when walking in the inner city, and reached the stage of a small achievement corresponding to the fourth-level spiritual creature.

At this moment, the suggestion of searching for spirits was not to go to the mountains and forests to find fourth-level spiritual creatures to accumulate proficiency.

Because it is obvious that they cannot be found at all.

The quality of spiritual energy in the mountains and forests outside the border can only be said to be barely third-level. It is difficult to give birth to third-level spiritual creatures, let alone fourth-level spiritual creatures.

At the same time, in terms of spiritual medicine and auxiliary materials, Gao Feng and others have been stingy and supplemented, so it is not too scarce now.

Therefore, in addition to the main intention, Du En's personal idea is to hoard monster meat and harvest various monster materials that can be used for refining.

This is in short supply and has been basically used up.

As long as you find a spiritual creature in the wild, there will be monsters nearby in 90% of cases, so searching for spirits is basically equivalent to searching for monsters. Therefore, the slightly successful searching for spirits can already detect the traces of spiritual energy brought by monsters in the distance.

Find the main and auxiliary materials of the spiritual food together!

"Find the spirit... good idea!"

Meng Changqing thought about it for a moment and knew what Du En's proposal was about.

Simply put, it was to be mysterious and deceive the main enemy with fake moves, so that they could not sit still and take the initiative to attack, and then wait for the enemy to tire themselves out.

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