Cultivating Immortality: Start by burying corpses in a border town and become proficient!

Chapter 204: Golden Core Stage, here we go! (Subscribe please)

Today, the light prism column has become extremely dim and full of cracks.

Meng Changqing's repairs have their limits after all.

At the same time, the continuous consumption and containment with him made it impossible for the envoy to recover safely. The means used before could not be removed, and the injuries from the bitter battle with the evil were not recovered well.

One was weak, and the other was still alive. The combat power of both can be said to be at the bottom. If a decisive battle really starts next, it will be a 50-50 situation at most.

Therefore, the decisive factor still lies in others.

Although the thirty or so guards on Du En's side have also been recuperating, and some have tried to break through the Jindan stage, it is a pity that they have been holding back for a month without any progress, which is a fruitless end. Therefore, they will not be the key factor.

Therefore, Meng Changqing is actually still quite pessimistic now.

Because the situation on the other side is obviously much better.

The 700 armored soldiers quickly recovered from their injuries, had sufficient supplies, and were able to form a formation to meet the enemy. They have a rich foundation in what they know and learn. If they focus on one point, they should not be underestimated!

Tang Yiping, a first-class cultivator, is not a fake. He has already adjusted the nesting of the middle dantian, and his strength has increased significantly, even doubled.

Fu Yong is like Du En, stirring up the restlessness of the spiritual energy, which is a sign of breakthrough. He is probably accumulating strength at the right time, and it is estimated that he will break through at the same time as Du En.

"If you admit defeat now, you can still stop."

The envoy only said this.

Meng Changqing subconsciously turned his head to look at Du En.

He just finished this round of practice, feeling that he had accumulated to 99/100, in fact, only a little bit, and accumulated another round of practice. He noticed something and opened his eyes to look over.

He didn't say anything, but those calm eyes always gave a sense of solidity and reliability, bearing the waves of the outside world.

So, Meng Changqing turned around, sat cross-legged in the air, and took a posture of recuperation and preparation for a decisive battle.

The envoy didn't say anything more, and also stopped and made pre-war adjustments.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, oppressive, and uncomfortable.

As Du En closed his eyes and practiced again, as Fu Yong approached the breakthrough, the restlessness of the spiritual energy also began to spread wildly.

Tang Yiping was the first to leave the state of cultivation, and was affected by this situation.

Because the spiritual energy from all directions was being attracted by two huge forces, it continued to gather on the two people, and even gradually raised the spiritual energy flow patterns visible to the naked eye.

Both sides were arguing and pulling the spiritual energy, and the outpost battle had already started invisibly.

Tang Yiping flew up and stood up, watching closely, and then, just after watching for a breath, Fu Yong's side was defeated like a mountain, and the spiritual energy from all directions suddenly changed its flow direction, leaving only an absolute core point.

Du En!

There is actually only one core point to break through from the foundation-building stage to the golden elixir stage.


The foundation of the Tao built in the lower dantian sea of ​​qi is collapsed to the center point, achieving extreme condensation, thus transforming into a golden elixir and becoming the center point of cultivation.

Fu Yong followed the rules. After accumulating enough, he began to relax his restraints and promote his practice. He used his perfect Dao foundation to attract the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth, thus causing collapse and officially entering the process of breakthrough.

Either live or die!

After all, if the collapsed Dao foundation is not successfully transformed, it will only collapse completely. The whole person can be said to be gone on the spot. Only a few lucky people can still survive, but they can basically not start to repair and become useless!

So, this outpost battle for the breakthrough of the two people is already a matter of life and death!

However, the reason why Fu Yong lost so quickly was not only because Du En's spirit was perfect, his Dao foundation was fully built, and he had the most complete 100%, and his hard foundation was superior to him in all aspects, but also because the order of the details of the breakthrough was different.

The normal breakthrough process is to collapse the prototype of the golden elixir first, and then use its traction force that instantly becomes dozens of times stronger to draw the real thoughts of one's own soul from the hidden upper dantian palace, and put it into the golden elixir, so that the process can continue.

This is a very important point. The combination of divine thoughts and golden elixir must be close enough, perfect enough, and deep enough. Only in this way can the subsequent broken elixir and infant transformation be lively enough!

Only such an infant can reach the next big hurdle of cultivation, the transformation of the spirit stage.

However, the process on Du En's side is different.

Because the divine palace was accidentally exposed early, and he used the state of perception to touch his soul in advance, so he could use another abnormal breakthrough method.

Actively project divine thoughts to the foundation of the Tao, so as to directly trigger collapse!

In this way, divine thoughts are the absolute core, and the golden elixir that is subsequently transformed will be in the most perfect state.

Among the middle-grade techniques that can be cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage, they all point out that the breakthrough form that can be activated by divine thoughts is a rare path. Once such an opportunity is obtained, it is necessary to choose to proceed in this way.

Du En followed suit and chose this method.

So, as his divine thoughts were drawn in, his foundation suddenly changed.

The traction force was originally only increasing slowly, which was a normal phenomenon after the restraint was gradually released, but at this moment, 90%, 70%, 30%, half, a little... The collapse of the foundation was directly in such a rapid form, changing and shrinking in an instant!

So, a large amount of spiritual energy was deprived of him, and his body was like a bottomless sea eye, madly swallowing these spiritual energy, leaving no one for Fu Yong!

The body of the hard spirit emerged spontaneously, shining brightly. It was a sifting smelter. The surging blood and qi were like a furnace fire, melting the spiritual energy while gathering it. It was further pressured and pulled by the rapidly collapsing foundation of the Tao, and condensed into solid crystal dust in the blink of an eye.

The mana that was originally in a somewhat fluid state was directly transformed into a 100% crystal dust state at this moment, flowing out from the middle dantian crimson palace and descending, converging together into the sea eye in the sea eye, in the middle of the lower dantian qi sea, that boundless black spot.

The people around here were all watching, and then they saw that there was a brilliant golden light bursting out from the darkness, as if the world was opening up and stars were being born.

A round and flawless golden elixir leaped through the darkness, emitting its own brilliance, illuminating the entire qi sea, causing everyone to temporarily lose their vision.

As the tail of the spiritual energy was devoured, a crystal dust belt like a star ring began to linger around the golden elixir, which was translucent with golden light, and its quality was nearly ten times better than before!

In the silent shock, the divine palace seemed to be more obvious, making a rumbling sound, and the divine consciousness was stimulated, rapidly expanding and changing, surpassing the previous aspects!

The soul was excited, the consciousness was clear, and all kinds of wonderful principles came to mind. Finally, the foundation of the Tao was fulfilled, the threshold was crossed, and the genius was truly entered!

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