On this day, the corpse buryers, who were still tired from work, still seemed to be worrying about gains and losses, and their attention was a little distracted from time to time while working.

Will the spiritual stones hidden at home be stolen? Will it be discovered?

Their current crux lies in this.

I have never been so rich before, and I feel really uneasy in my heart!

Du En looked at them like this and only shook his head secretly.

Fortunately, there are not many corpses today, and there are no monsters or bad corpses. Otherwise, one or two would have to be sent away if they just made a fortune.

The time soon came to evening.

They had just finished burying the body, and their bodies were shaken, and they just wanted to go back quickly.


The sound of the corpse carrier's cart suddenly sounded at this moment.

Damn it! Found! ?

Everyone was immediately shocked and tensed up again. They were completely in a panic.

"calm down."

Duan spoke up.

"I gonna go see."

Saying this, others have already walked out.

Looking at that calm and calm figure, everyone calmed down.

On the other side of the path, at this time, a bull's head also appeared.

The green-skinned buffalo pulled the cart straight into the corpse burial wasteland.

This situation made Du En raise his eyebrows slightly, and the other corpse buryers were also a little surprised.

You must know that the corpse transporters will not be reluctant to set foot on this wasteland if it is not necessary.

Even in the wasteland during the day and evening, there is actually no danger.

But they are still like this, it seems particularly taboo!

This is naturally because the corpse carriers have real seniority, and this is the case with words and deeds.

It is a huge difference from the average working years of corpse buryers, who often have less than one year!

"So, what kind of body is this urgent dispatch?"

There were only one person, an ox, a cart and a corpse that came over.

On the cart, there was a body wrapped in a bag.

The person who carried the body was still familiar with him, Xu Ran.

He would be very nervous and sweat profusely, but he would wrap up his mouth, nose, and hair as tightly as a corpse buryer.

No matter how you look at it, you can get one point.

This corpse is evil!

Du En's eyes became serious.

Xu Ran hesitated and sighed, and said: "Du En, although this seems difficult, especially since you are still injured, there is no other way. The superiors have told you to bury it and not allow too many people to participate. "

Is the manager He Bo’s target?

Maybe a little, probably by the way.

"Well, I understand. You just go back first. I'll bury this body before I go back."

Du En spoke simply, and the others looked at each other, seeing that he was still calm, and saw Xu Ran turning his head to stare. Finally, he just said to be careful and walked back.

They are not in a hurry to go back and look at their spiritual stones. Now, in their hearts, they are only worried about Du En.

Looking at their tired figures, Xu Ran breathed a sigh of relief and said with emotion: "You guys have worked hard too. There are so many things to do, but there are only so many people... Okay, let's not talk anymore, hurry up and dig a hole." Well, it’s getting dark soon.”

Watching the sunset slowly setting, he stood on the wasteland and looked particularly nervous.

Du En had already started shoveling the soil and digging a hole nearby, and at the same time asked casually: "Aren't you going to leave?"

"I think so too, but this body bag is a magical weapon and cannot be buried with the bag. I have to take it back and return it to the supervisor later." Xu Ran sighed.

Then, looking at the sky, without saying anything, he picked up the spare shovel left on one side and joined in digging the hole.

Not a moment.

"Cough cough cough!"

"Damn it! Why does this sinister air smell so bad?!"

He was used to smelling the smell of corpses. He originally thought that the sinister and dark atmosphere he heard was just that, but he didn't expect to actually smell it, and he immediately couldn't bear it.

Du En then gave him a little guidance to prevent him from being completely defeated.

The two then worked together to dig out the hole before nightfall.

Then we worked together to use shovels to hold the body bag and put it into the pit.

"Back off some... Solution!"

Xu Ran kneaded his skills and fired his magic power, hitting the body bag.

It freed itself without wind, shrunk and pulled away, quickly floating back to his hand.

At the same time, a scent of fragrance hit his nostrils, directly covering the stench surrounding him and passing directly through the thick clothes soaked by the smelly sweat.


So delicious!

It’s like a big plate of fried chicken!

Taking a closer look, there was a pile of fried meat in the pit.

Stir-fried human flesh is so delicious!

It directly appeals to the greed in people's hearts and makes their appetite suddenly explode. However, when it is really about to explode, it will suddenly make people realize that these are the cooked corpses of the same kind!

Even though he knows it, he still has a strong appetite and cannot control himself!


He barely resisted this evil situation, but Xu Ran couldn't help it and vomited through the cloth. At the same time, he threw away the shovel in a hurry, retreated quickly, and ran away without looking back.

Du En could understand, so he raised the shovel and patted the green buffalo standing aside, very restless.

It felt like it was being amnesty, and quickly pulled up the car and chased Xu Ran away.

The sound of the wheels faded away, and the surroundings became deep and quiet.

The strange owl is also evacuating, and the gray jackal is fleeing.

The sun in the west sinks little by little, and the deep night slowly opens.

This corpse burial wasteland seems to have changed.

Du En's eyes were calm as he shoveled soil after shovel to fill the land.

When the sun completely sank, he also patted the soil with a shovel to complete the burial.

The mood is actually very solemn.

Not because of how evil that pile of fried corpses is, but because this corpse is Lu Xiang!

"Sure enough, there is a problem! So, is this coming at me? Or is it a test and warning? Or, maybe it's just a coincidence..."

No matter what, the evil cultivators lurking in the dark have become somewhat rampant recently.

Blacksmith need its own hardware!

The enemy is in the dark and his thoughts are hard to fathom. So, we cannot mess up our position now. The only thing we can do is to try our best to strengthen ourselves and remain unchanged in the face of changes.

Carrying two shovels, Du En left the wasteland calmly.

When he looked back at this wasteland in the dark night, there was only deathly darkness and no sound at all.

All the surrounding animals had already moved away, as if they were following the footsteps of Duen, the last living creature to leave at the moment. The stagnation had stopped and was expanding outward.

until a certain boundary.

In the surrounding mountains and forests, there were insects and beasts, and everything returned to normal.

Du En looked back, then changed direction.

I still have to hunt a big owl.

By the time he repeated his old trick, carrying the captured big owl, and swaggering away under the gaze of a group of strange owl, the night was already a little deep.

Returning to the small courtyard under the stars and the moon, except for Ning Caize, everyone else could not help but feel tired and fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of counting spiritual stones.

"You are really addicted to eating monster owl." Ning Cai wanted to lighten his mood and sighed deliberately, but he still frowned with his eyebrows raised, and finally asked directly, "So, what is going on?"

Du En was busy as usual and answered casually: "The evil cultivator's trick, and the corpse is Lu Xiang."

Hearing this, Ning Cai's eyes narrowed.

"you sure?"

Although he had not seen it with his own eyes, the veteran Ning Caize could already deduce what kind of fragments were inside just based on the packaging of the body bag.

"Well, when he came here last time, I noticed that a small piece of the little finger on both hands was missing on one side. It must have been shaved off recently, and on the other side, it was stuffed with dirt and the nail root was blackened. It must be It’s caused by the habits of years of working.”

"That's it, then it seems he is right."

Ning Caize also thought of these two characteristics. Although they were vague, they matched.

Instead of being happy, my worries came true!

"I didn't see Lu Xiang in the morning, but when someone else came to collect the protection fee, I guessed that he might be dead, but yesterday and today, I didn't see his body... I specifically chose Lu Xiang to attack. Maybe it will affect us?”

When Du En heard this, he just shook his head slightly: "Old Ning, don't think too much. After all, it's useless for you to think about it."


After hearing such straightforward words, Ning Cai fell silent for a moment.

Sometimes, being direct really hurts.

Because it is true, even if he wants to break his head before he gets old, if he really encounters an evil cultivator, he will only die.

What nonsense are you talking about?

Smash it, slap it, but Ning Cai was bored, shook his head, got up, and ran to sleep.

Du En, on the other hand, continued his nightly routine.

Please read it! Please collect!

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