New Year's Eve.

Ning Caize's joy turned to sorrow, and it was still taking effect.

Today, the number of bodies they needed to bury had begun to decrease, and the weather was still good, sunny and bright, but not too hot or humid.

Perhaps because of this, the people who had been working hard for several days to bury the bodies were somewhat relieved, and Zhang Lin's matter really inspired Ning Caize's heart, so that he became a little careless when he was finishing.

According to the rules, it was the last body's turn.

It was a body that seemed to have been fished out of a quagmire, and was covered with mud, so the corpse transporters put it in a separate car and put it down at the end.

After being exposed to the sun for a whole day, the layer of mud had long dried up, and even the originally swollen body had shrunk back due to water loss.

The whole thing looked like a beggar's chicken that had been taken out to cool.

Ning Caize raised his head and shoulders, and when he put it into the pit in a somewhat light-hearted manner, he did not notice that the mud shell wrapped around the body had cracked.


This tiny sound immediately attracted Du En's attention.

However, he was now several feet away. When he suddenly raised his head and turned around to look, he only saw the mud shell on the corpse's abdomen. During the process of lifting the corpse, the two sides were stressed and the middle was soft, cracking and slightly denting.


A stream of mud and water suddenly spurted out from the mouth.

Ning Cai Ze was careless and did not notice it in time and did not completely dodge. Even if he tried his best to avoid it now, he was still hit in the side abdomen.

It was like being hit by a piece of unmelted ice. A feeling of coldness and numbness spread rapidly, passing through the clothes and penetrating into the skin and muscles, spreading very quickly.

Even if he had used his magic power to resist, it was only practiced for more than a year, and it could only be regarded as a meager magic power for beginners. How could he resist?

A clay chicken and a clay dog, vulnerable to a single blow.

So Ning Cai Ze froze in place. From the outside, he was just stained with a little mud and water, and it was difficult to judge the situation as critical for a while, so the people who were working with him had not reacted yet.

It was not until Du En suddenly appeared in his field of vision that he suddenly shuddered and was startled.


Du En used the shovel in his hand to accurately cut into the gap between Ning Cai Ze's clothes and skin, pulled it outward, tore the clothes apart, and threw it into the pit.

"Continue to bury."

"Ah, oh."

The person who buried the body was still a little stunned after hearing the instructions, and began to bury mechanically.

Du En had already raised his hand and pressed on the place where Ning Cai Ze was hit, where the purple color was spreading rapidly, and used his little accomplished magic power to remove the strange water Yin cold evil.

After a while, it was basically removed.

However, there was still a part that had penetrated deeply into the internal organs and meridians, almost entering the Dantian Qi Sea, which seemed very stubborn. It was not his external magic power that could be removed in a moment.

Looking at Ning Cai Ze again, he had fainted.

Du En thought for a moment, and then said to the others who had finished their work and were gathering around with worried faces, "Go dig for some medicinal herbs around. They should grow in a completely sunny place, with ginseng that is more than 70 years old, Eucommia bark that is more than 50 years old, and Aconitum root that is at least 30 years old."

Hearing this, the three of them immediately dispersed and went to look for one each, in a hurry.

After all, it was getting dark!

The last person, after burying the last corpse, was very nervous: "Boss, I, I will go find it too."

"You don't have to, carry Old Ning back, wash off the stench on his body, and then make a pot of your exorcism soup for him to drink. Carry it first."

"Okay, okay, I got it."

As he said this, he threw down the shovel, carried Ning Caize on his back, and ran away.

As the sun began to set, the forest was quickly getting dark.

The strange owls were grumbling, and the gray jackal was drooling in the dark, staring at Ning Caize who was carried on his back, and began to move, wanting to wait for an opportunity to make him his dinner.

But at this moment, they suddenly felt cold in their hearts and stopped in unison.

A handful of yellow sand came in their faces, and a big owl fell to the ground in response.

Du En was picking up the shovel and debris with an expressionless face, and walked over leisurely. In the sweep of his eyes, these beasts whimpered and screamed, and fled away.

"Found it!"

"Haha, at least a hundred years of ginseng, it's almost a magical medicine!"

"Axe? Do you have an axe? The skin of that old Eucommia is so hard that I can't even chew off a piece."

The resources in the mountains and forests of southern Xinjiang are still abundant, and Du En can't eat them all by himself, so soon, the three of them found a suitable target.

Du En carried a pile of shovels and debris, and also carried a big owl, and walked towards the Eucommia tree, and met up with the other two on the way.

They handed over the herbs and took the shovel.

They came to the old Eucommia tree.

"Shovel it."

After giving instructions, the shovel fell with a thud.

This old Eucommia tree was indeed tough. The three of them took turns shoveling several times before they shoveled off a piece of bark.

"Let's go back."

The four of them gathered everything and left the wasteland where the bodies were buried before it got completely dark.

Their hurried figures made the people living around the courtyard look a little curious and concerned.

These people were finally free today. They no longer had to work all night and could go home normally. They were sitting or lying at their doorsteps, enjoying the free time after working overtime. They were already drowsy.

"Tsk tsk! Something happened again!"

"It's only a matter of time in that line of work."

"It seems to be that old guy?"

"Is it that unlucky guy again?"

"But then again, no one has died in three months, right?"

"Indeed, everyone is getting weird."

"Apart from anything else, Du En is indeed impeccable as the leader of the group."

"Come on, that guy is a lowly worker, but on weekdays he..."

These people muttered and soon calmed down.

Compared to caring about the people who buried the bodies, it is better to enjoy their hard-earned leisure time.

Although soon, the strange smell of medicine that rose up forced them all to get up.

"It's so unlucky!"

"That kid is here again!"

"Eating rotten owls all day, but he doesn't get a rotten stomach!"

"Hehe, maybe this time it's for that old guy to eat, what is this called, fighting poison with poison?"

"Maybe he's eating a good meal before dying?"

"You're still good at talking!"

For the gossip of these neighbors, Du En heard it vaguely, but didn't care. He just quietly increased the fire and let the water in the pot bubble.

Two pots were on, one big pot stewing Daxiao, and one small pot cooking brown rice.

The others stood aside nervously with strange eyes, silently watching Du En's posture of shooting left and right.

Is this okay, Boss?

Have you really come up with some spiritual food and medicinal food?

Or, let's sneak out and use the spirit stones to buy elixirs?

Do you know what elixirs are suitable?

The eyes of the four people were full of questions.

In the end, they were short-sighted and could only remain silent and continue to watch Du En's operation.

After a while, a burst of hot and spicy aroma first rose from the porridge.

The stench in the big pot quickly shrank and no longer pumped out.

In the past, Wei Ming and his men should have withdrawn at this time.

But it was not possible at this time, so they saw the next development.

The fragrance became stronger and stronger, while the taste gradually became thinner.

Until Du En was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and suddenly grabbed the small pot with one hand.

After the smell of the stewed owl was completely sealed, he skillfully used his magic power to turn off the fire and replace it.

The stewed owl was done again!

But it was not over yet. He opened the pot directly and scooped out a large spoonful of soup from it. The small pot was put back on the fire. The magic power was slightly shaken, and the pot lid flew up. At this moment, the spoonful of soup was poured in.

Covered it, boiled it fiercely, and silently chanted three times.


Please read it! Please collect it!

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