Under the night, Nanmo City is like a huge wild beast, entrenched in the vast and primitive forests of Nanjiang.

This is the southernmost part of the territory of Luoyu Xianmen, a veritable frontier city.

As the sun sets, people working in forest farms, breeding farms, fish farms, spiritual fields, plantations and other places outside the city also begin to have a moment of respite, and some have already returned.

At this moment, the people who bury the corpses always look special.

People avoid them, fearing to get close!

Because they are marinated, all kinds of corpse odors are clustered and soaked, and the living corpses make the strange owls who love rotten meat always can't help but give them for free.

Du En has long been accustomed to this strange look, and walks steadily, calmly and steadily.

Looking up and far away, in the distance to the north, there is a city wall, blocking the view.

That is the southern city wall of Nanmo Border City.

It towers high, several dozen feet high, and stretches endlessly, like a sighing cliff, blocking the lower-level monks who moved here from peace and stability.

Looking down, on both sides of the hard and wide main road leading directly to the city gate, as a transportation hub, there are large areas of crowded sheds, which are also where people like Du En live.

Shanty area outside the city.

The people who buried the corpses live in a small courtyard at the end of the road on the outer edge of this shanty area, which looks quite special. Du En always feels that this is wrong, but he didn't ask anything.

The first thing to do when you come back is to take a bath.

Among them, Wei Ming is the most impatient. In fact, the others can't stand the strange eyes of others. Moreover, they have been sweating profusely after working all day, and the clothes are sticky and uncomfortable when they are dry and wet.

So they all want to wash and change clothes quickly.

Only Du En brought out a stove and started to cook the corpse, no, cook the owl.

In this way, the oil and meat can be preserved to the greatest extent. Although the taste is not good, it doesn't matter. He doesn't care.

Others care a lot.

Boss Du, can you take it easy? At least, move it outside the yard to cook it!

Based on this idea of ​​compromise and expectation, to Wei Ming's surprise, none of the other seniors said anything.

Although there was resentment in their eyes, they seemed to think that this matter was actually acceptable?

So, if the corpse is buried for a long time, people will become perverted, right?

I don't want such a thing!

The more Wei Ming thought about it, the more frightened he became.

After washing up, he looked at Du En. He was cooking the owl skillfully. In the boiling water in the pot, he plucked the feathers and cut open the belly with his hands that were not afraid of boiling water after cultivating immortals, and took out the internal organs and feathers that were burned and smelled even more.

Noticing Wei Ming's gaze, he turned around and asked, "What? You changed your mind..."

"Thank you, good night, goodbye!"

While speaking, he turned around and ran, closing the door directly.

Du En thought about it for a moment and knew what he was thinking. He didn't care about it. He changed a pot of clean water and threw the cleaned strange owl into it. He stewed it while waiting in line for a bath.

When he finished bathing and washing clothes and hung them under the eaves, the stew here was almost done. Sprinkle salt on it for simple seasoning and you can eat it directly.

The taste is really bad!

It's like cooking a rotten corpse!

Du En ate most of it without changing his expression. There were four or five pounds of meat and fat. He digested it while eating, and only then did he fill his stomach. Then he looked at the others in the yard who had just finished cooking brown rice and asked, "You really don't want it. It's a waste to throw it away."

No, no, no!

Everyone reacted in unison.

Du En didn't say anything, but threw the rest on the side in front of the yard gate, put it into the water with the pile of feathers, and waited to clean it up together in a few days.

After digesting the food, he took a nap. When he woke up, it was already midnight when everyone else was fast asleep.

The fatigue was basically relieved, and the energy returned again, which could support the full concentration of the exercise.

"Let's start."

Thinking of this, he sat cross-legged and practiced the exercise.

Sense the spiritual energy, mix the magic power, and walk out from the Dantian, through the meridians of the whole body, and circulate in the whole body, refining the spiritual energy into magic power.

Yellow earth is simple, unpretentious, strong and stable.

With the practice of the exercise, he has a better understanding of the lower-grade Yellow Earth Gong. Invisibly, it is like sand falling from the air, piling up on the ground, and slowly accumulating.

Du En finished the exercise, stopped, and relieved his tired mind.

This full concentration of practice is not an easy process.

It is mainly in the initial stage of learning and practicing. You must be highly intensive and fully committed, and keep pulling and dragging, so that the movement will not stop, and finally go through the meridians of the whole body and complete the big circle.

It consumes a lot of mental energy.

He felt that this method of cultivation was not right. Normally, it was only the initial stage of Qi Refining, and it was a low-grade method. When practicing, it should not be necessary to go through the whole body's big circle.

First, the main meridians, then the meridians, and finally the whole body's meridians, from the small circle to the big circle, step by step, one step at a time.

"Of course, it may not be bad now. Directly open up the whole body's meridians and start the big circle. If you can practice it, the foundation will be very deep, and it can also offset the impact of forcing growth."

I really don't understand the idea of ​​Luoyu Xianmen. Since they are regarded as leeks, why do they do this?

Du En shook his head, stopped thinking about it, and continued to practice again.

Concentrate and exhaust your heart and energy.

Then, the success will be retracted.

When the light yellow gaseous mana returned to the lower Dantian Qi Sea again, it was a natural process, and many insights burst out in my mind, as if the door had opened and I saw the road.

[Yellow Earth Gong (A Glimpse of the Door 0/20)]


Du En opened his eyes, and a flash of earthy yellow brilliance passed by.

His originally exhausted mind was also lifted up, so that he was not depressed at all at this moment, and his eyes were shining.

I can still continue to practice.

So he closed his eyes again and continued to work hard.

This time, I felt the change was particularly obvious!

The efficiency of sensing spiritual energy increased by 10%.

At the same time, the meridians seemed to have become a road, and the mana mixed with spiritual energy easily pushed open the door of the Dantian, and then it was like stepping on a small skateboard, moving quickly on this small road that was still bumpy but generally straight.

Du En's mind was no longer completely focused on traction and dragging, but on the brakes and shock absorbers. Now he even had to worry about whether it would run too fast and go the wrong way.

It was a luxurious feeling.

His slight distraction only reached here.

With full concentration again, the mana was refined in the accumulation of bits and pieces, and the body became visibly stronger and tougher in the nourishment of the mana.

Once successful, he would do it again.

Taking advantage of the high spirits brought by the breakthrough, plus the obvious strengthening of the body, in this situation where both body and mind were beneficial, he galloped and practiced three times, which took an hour and a half.

Although he was exhausted at this moment, the loose and thin light yellow gaseous mana in the Dantian Qihai, which was only the size of a pigeon egg, was directly widened by one point, became three points more condensed, and the yellow color became thicker, and the color was raised by one shade.

When he just broke through, the effect was remarkable!

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