Cultivating Immortality: Start by burying corpses in a border town and become proficient!

Chapter 331: Immortal Sects Arrive Together (10,000-character chapter)

The words were calm and natural. The two parties were startled. They subconsciously raised their heads and saw Du En's calm face as the smoke dispersed slightly.

Extremely kind!

Inexplicably, her waist straightened up, and she couldn't help but hug You Rou. Rou Lian looked up helplessly, and saw Du En looking over, and nodded to her.

Oh my gosh, he actually nodded at me!

At this moment, Yourou's hundred-year-old girl's heart couldn't help but start to throb.

Unfortunately, before she could express her throbbing, Zhuding Zhenjun took the lead, followed by all the Nascent Souls, and disappeared in an instant, leaving Lin'an City.

The pause just now was naturally not for Du En to say hello, but for Zhuding Zhenjun to observe the Xianlin Immortal Sect on the other side to judge whether there was any small or big moves there.

Now that the judgment is over, it will naturally stop lingering.

The fifteen people moved in space in the blink of an eye and disappeared directly. The three local upper-level people who stayed in the same place had a full sense of the power of the Nascent Soul stage.

"The Nascent Soul stage is really unpredictable and hard to resist!"

"Haha! Du Youli has actually reached the level of Nascent Soul. He is really unparalleled in the world and stands out among all the others!"

Tong Wenrong and Zuo Kui became more and more excited as they talked, so they subconsciously started talking to You Rou, talking non-stop about Du En's glorious deeds.

Yourou, who broke away from each other's support, felt helpless and at the same time envious.

During the Lin An incident, the three of them had a friendship. Judging from his gentle and friendly attitude, his love for the house and the bird, and his equal treatment of himself, you can understand that the other party has not forgotten the old friendship.

How can this not be enviable?

You know, more than ten years ago, Du En was in the Golden Elixir stage, but now he is in the Nascent Soul stage. If the Nascent Soul is complete, if he can make further progress, he will become a great monk. The Taoist name establishes prestige and is truly free from the ant-like bottom.

By then, the two people who have a friendship with them here may also be able to ascend to heaven together!

"so good!"

"However, fortunately, the slave family was considerate and considerate at the time, and had no objections at all about the spiritual beasts... Well, next, maybe we can try harder from the little sister. After all, she is an alien from the old man's old department. companion."

While Yourou listened to the excited chatter of the two people, she couldn't help but start to make her own plans.

What does it mean to get the moon near the water first?

That’s it!

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but be excited, and at the same time, she couldn't help but have some romantic fantasies.

"Do you know them?"

While moving southward along the Nanjiang River, which is the river that flows through the boundary between Luoyu Immortal Gate and Xianlin Immortal Gate, Jiang Ying asked with some concern.

Others either didn't care about the lower-class people and felt that they were very different from each other and were not the same kind at all, or it was difficult for them to express their concern for the people in the South and they were more rigid about their factional affiliation, so they did not express it. Reveal something.

Even if I am actually quite curious and concerned about it.

Only Jiang Ying was carefree and innocent. In fact, there were no conflicts between the north and the south, so she asked directly.

"Well, I have been here before during my travels. The two of them were in the same situation where it would be a pity to die."

Du En's answer was very direct.

"Oh? Is it so rare? Why do I look at it? One is limp, the other is stunned, and what should I say about the other one? Why is a hundred-year-old woman acting like a virgin?"

Jiang Ying didn't know which two he was talking about, and she didn't know anything about Lin An at that time. After all, she was busy dealing with the encirclement of geniuses of the same level!

However, she was actually a little envious.

Especially that limp guy, he is still full of fat, which shows that he is living a very comfortable and leisurely life.

If left in the north, he would have died long ago without any bones left!

"It's the two in front of you." Du En's tone was calm, and he really treated everyone equally, so he continued: "Also, before you say others are pretentious, you should look at yourself first, at least in your thirties. According to your own words, this is why you are so delicate and girlish."


Jiang Ying was immediately silenced because according to his logic, it seemed to be right!

So I have nothing to say, although I am actually quite angry.

"Speaking of which, have you ever fought with Sheng Zhaoshui?"

Doon asked about this.

Since Meng Changqing can speed up time, other True Lords can naturally do the same. In other words, despite only having one day to prepare, it can actually be extended to more than a thousand times.

During this period, it is possible that Jiang Ying went to find Sheng Zhaoshui for a duel.

Du En was a little concerned about that guy's methods. He had obviously not shown it clearly before. Apart from other things, his magic weapon had not shown up. His strength was actually unfathomable, and his temperament was hiddenly sinister and vicious. He couldn't let his guard down.

"No, I just finished choosing the Taoist method and haven't learned it yet. Once I learn it, I'll be the first to try it!"

At this point, Jiang Ying thought that Du En was actually talking about this matter in a roundabout way, and immediately said unhappily: "Don't worry, there is no need to beat around the bush. If we agree that we can both use it together, then that must be the case. I'm not like you." , I will tell you what I have to say and keep it true!”

"I'm not beating around the bush, and, really?"


Du En's rhetorical question made her fall into silence.

At this time, they had also moved along the river and arrived at Nancang Sea.

What you see is the peaceful blue sea. Even if you look at it from a high altitude, you can't see the edge in the distance, only the aqua blue sea horizon.

His spiritual consciousness went further into the sea, and everywhere he looked, he could see schools of fish swimming around. The monster sharks were ferocious, peeping at their prey, waiting for an opportunity to make a meal, but there were even more cunning groups of monster whales that had quietly surrounded the fish. The group followed the demon shark, with the oriole behind.

Skimming these marine ecosystems and looking deeper, you can touch the seabed of the offshore continental shelf.

Relying on his spirit-seeking skills and his sense of the spiritual environment, Du En was able to sense that the entire sea was actually like a spiritual energy generator, with a steady stream of massive spiritual energy rising from the seabed and merging together. In the sea water, nourishing the sea.

However, even though there is a steady stream of such exaggerated scale, it is still difficult to resist the invisible suction tentacles of the two Immortal Sects that penetrate into it, sucking out the spiritual energy until it is barely at the second level, which is worse than the southern part of Nanmo. The mountains and forests of Xinjiang are still far behind.

Therefore, many of the monsters in the sea here can only have the cultivation level of the early to middle stage of the second level at most. They cannot produce enough spiritual intelligence. They repeat the primitive law of the jungle and survival of the fittest. They have not changed for who knows how many years.

"Oh oh oh! The sea!"

Jiang Ying couldn't help but be excited and excited at this moment, forgetting the topic she just had with Du En.

If they hadn't continued to move now, she might have been unable to bear it anymore and plunged right in with a fierce thrust.

But soon, her excitement disappeared.

Because their group quickly went deep into the Southern Cang Sea and came to a specific sea area.

The vast sea and clear blue sky.

The men and horses of the Immortal Sect of the Dead Forest were waiting quietly above the waves at this time, causing extra things to suddenly appear in the blue natural scenery.

Although the people who came from Luoyu Immortal Sect were intruders who would not appear in the past, they were not too sudden, just like seabirds flying over the sea.

But here in the Dead Forest, it's different.

There are a total of thirteen of them, led by a True Monarch at the Fusion stage. The rest, like the Luoyu Immortal Sect, are all at the Nascent Soul stage and are the top geniuses among their peers.

The true king has his own majesty, which is difficult to predict and cannot be underestimated. Therefore, the Luoyu Nascent Souls who moved here subconsciously looked at their opponents and enemies at the same level on the opposite side.

On the whole, they give people an abrupt and weird feeling, or in other words, they are too refined and inorganic, which gives them a cold feeling like a work of art. They are not born like this at all, nor are they trained to be unique. spirit body.

Rather, their bodies were refined the day after tomorrow!

That’s why the unnaturalness is highlighted in nature!


Is it a stranger?

Du En couldn't help but fall into this concept, because he had seen this kind of thing created by the ancient puppet sect in the Sutra Collection Pavilion in the southern hub city. It claimed to seize all the secrets of heaven and enable people to practice again. A puppet that uses itself to obtain higher spiritual root endowments and other things.

But after careful comparison, many inconsistencies can be found.

For example, the living puppet in the record is really like a living person, but a boat with a flesh shell that was recreated the day after tomorrow. It is not what the Immortal Sect of the Dead Forest shows now. It is overly refined and cold, highlighting the inhumanity and inhumanity. Nature creates textured situations.

Which one is more outstanding?

In fact, there is no need to compare at all. After all, the Puppet Sect has been dead for tens of thousands of years and has been destroyed by the Immortal Sect. It can be said at a glance who is higher and who is lower.

Then, Du En noticed something else in the second moment.

Compared to the people on the Luoyu Immortal Sect's side who were unabashedly hostile and eager to try, the people on the Decaying Forest Immortal Sect's side were excessively quiet.

It’s not that because of their puppet bodies, they are completely cold artificial creatures without any emotion. In fact, their eyes are still very smart. It cannot be said that they have all the emotions that normal people should have, but it can also be proved that They are not emotionless situations.

Therefore, their current silence seems quite abnormal.

Even if we have had a truce with Luo Yu for thousands of years, we shouldn't have such an attitude. Haven't you seen that everyone on Luo Yu's side doesn't regard them as friends?

In other words, things are different...

So, at the third moment, Du En glanced at the Zhenjun opposite.

He was a very normal person, with a middle-aged face and a faint smile. He was wearing a cloud-patterned robe that was neither luxurious nor simple.

He is standing high above the clouds, not looking down at the sky as high as the sun, but more like the flowing clouds and air, quite ordinary, and if you look closely, he seems to be blending into it.

Be of the same light as others, not the dust of others.

Generally speaking, it gives the impression that the power of a relatively ordinary True Lord is that of a relatively ordinary True Lord. But at this moment, facing True Lord Zhuding who is standing at the same height as himself, but slightly higher, this person can't help but feel that he is too normal because he is too normal. Seems a little weak.

In other words, guilty!

Ever since, the atmosphere gradually became stagnant.

Zhuding Zhenjun didn't say anything first, he just chuckled obviously and looked at the other party calmly, silently like a monarch, naturally overlooking his subjects, waiting for the other party to bow down and report.

Nangong Sheng and others also began to realize that something was wrong because they did not receive a normal response from their opponents. They all restrained their expressions and became calm. Compared with the monks from the dead forest opposite, they looked almost the same.

The atmosphere became solemn and solemn, the clouds in the sky began to escape, the waves on the sea surface did not dare to move, and the two sides fell into a silent stalemate, with a faint hint of an imminent breakout.

Many people couldn't help but become nervous. After all, if a fight really started, the aftermath of Zhenjun's fighting skills could easily kill them!

Under such circumstances, changes suddenly occurred.


The terrifying roar coming from the east was like thunder, but it was not majestic at all. It could only bring horror and horror. The body began to tremble subconsciously, and an unspeakable fear emerged in the heart that could not be suppressed.

Bad luck!

Great evil!


That huge and ferocious body, as big as a mountain, forcefully broke into everyone's consciousness. It was shaped like a sheep but had a human face. Its eyes were under the armpits, and it had tiger teeth and human claws. It was absolutely terrifying. I didn't dare to look directly at it, I was just deeply in awe.

However, this kind of ferocious beast did not come here to kill and eat people. On the contrary, after it approached fiercely, it took the initiative to restrain its ferocity.

Therefore, the roar and ferocious power just now were more like saying hello from a distance, showing that he had no hostility, so as not to encounter a Taoist technique from thousands of miles away.

Zhuding Zhenjun's eyelids were slightly closed and he didn't make any movement.

The True Lord from the Immortal Sect of the Dead Forest across from him forced out a wry smile at this moment.

"Hahaha! Don't be surprised if you come here uninvited!"

Taotie let out his own evil voice, then opened his mouth and spat out a group of people. He himself shrunk slightly and did not turn back into a human body. They crowded in the ranks of the True Lord with a lingering evil spirit.

Fudong Immortal Sect, Taotie True Lord!

Taking the name of Taotie, he has the body of a Taotie beast, but he is the true king of the human race, but he is even more gluttonous than Taotie, because he eats Taotie, refines Taotie, seizes all the Taotie, and surpasses Taotie!

The words he spoke now also had a strong smell of gunpowder, and a sinister smile appeared on his eyeless face, as if he was going to detonate the explosive situation just now.

But in fact, it eased the situation.

"So, what's going on?"

Zhuding Zhenjun ignored Zhenjun Taotie and only asked Zhenjun Xiezhan who was facing the Xianlin Immortal Sect opposite.

He could only smile bitterly now, but he also breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said: "Brother Zhuding Dao, don't blame me. This is the decision of the Supremes, and I have nothing to do about it."

In its opening, it seems to reflect this, coming from the west, arriving from the south, and two more parties arriving.

One is sinister and the other is mysterious, but they both appear silent. This is also because Fu Dong has already made some noise, so there is no need to signal in advance to avoid misunderstanding.

Mu Cangxianmen!

The Immortal Gate of Ending!

The situation has become obvious. Luoyu Supreme's actions have been noticed by other Supremes, so all of them want to get involved and try to interfere with it!

The Xianlin Immortal Sect will not refuse, because they believe that Dragon Palace should be explored by themselves alone. It was due to early exposure that they introduced the Luoyu Immortal Sect, which also has influence and control over Nan Canghai.

It was obviously very unpleasant to give away the benefits out of thin air. In addition, he noticed the actions of Luo Yu Supreme, so Xie Lin Supreme naturally pushed the boat along, allowing the other three major immortal sects to intervene smoothly.

"It really made something that was originally simple become complicated."

Zhenjun Zhuding seemed to be complaining.

"That is to say, it used to be just a normal treasure hunt and secret exploration, but now it is better. It involves the plans of the Supremes. I don't know how it will develop. It is in this place of the Dragon Palace that even we, the True Lord, can't implement it. Interference Peeping.”

Zhenjun Kezhan also seemed to have a headache and was full of helplessness.

Regarding this, Zhuding Zhenjun, who was still complaining just now, could only chuckle and had no intention of echoing.

Because he was very suspicious of Xie Lin's previous actions as intentional!

At that time, things would be very rough, basically just sitting back and waiting for Du En to find out in Lin'an City, or be affected by the rectification at that time. Anyway, after the situation changes, it will be exposed.

Then the Luoyu Immortal Sect will naturally take the initiative to intervene.

So, this should be a test.

It is to test whether there is any relationship between Luo Yu Supreme and the strange movements in the Dragon Palace!

If not, the left and right sides can just explore and compete based on their own abilities. If there is, then naturally they have to make other plans and responses.

For the Xianlin Immortal Sect, it is acceptable.

If we continue to think about it from this direction, the Deathly Forest Supreme should be able to control the transmission of the news, and the Luoyu Supreme really has some actions. With the combined efforts of the two, concealment will not be a problem for a while.

However, this development now seems to be a deliberate leak of information, which makes the intentions of the Supreme Lord of the Dead Forest become confusing and difficult to clarify for a while!

Zhuding Zhenjun thought about this and waved his hands casually, causing all Zhenjun to be secretly vigilant.


There is land rising from the bottom of the sea, shaking up the blue sea and creating waves, frightening away the creatures in the sea.

A large island rose up in an instant, with water overflowing and trees growing thickly. In the blink of an eye, it was already lush and prosperous.

"Since it is rare for so many Taoist friends to gather together, and it happens that there is still a little time before the opening of Dragon Palace, why not discuss Taoism in the cloud first and wait for a while?"

Zhuding Zhenjun asked, his words were ordinary, with a chuckle, but he could not refuse.

Each of the four True Monarchs had changes in their eyes.

With their strength, it would be no problem to directly force open the gate of Dragon Palace and start exploring.

So, Zhuding Zhenjun said this now, obviously to use the name of discussing the Dao to try to spy on the true and false of all parties, or to wait for something, they... naturally followed suit, and no one said anything to refuse.

Even though there were grievances between them, they were actually old rivals and it was difficult for them to get along well.

From this point of view, they might also be full of doubts and did not understand the many doubts about this matter.

"You can go downstairs to rest and be ready to explore."

Zhuding Zhenjun gave orders to all the Yuanying stage present, which immediately caused several Yuanying stage of Mu Cang Xianmen to mind and wanted to refute something.

Then, there was nothing else.

"Brother Zhuding, please don't blame me."

Youfeng Zhenjun, who led the Mu Cang Xianmen, directly crushed those people into ashes, and then took the lead to go to a higher altitude, the other side that ants and ordinary things could not see.

Instead of letting Zhuding Zhenjun take action to establish his authority, it would be better to kill them first, and then decide the height and place of the discussion by himself, which would be considered to save some face.

Taotie Zhenjun grinned, as if mocking this side, but also as if silently agreeing, and leaped away. The mysterious Zhenjun of Zhijing Xianmen also followed suit, as if to agree.


The bitter smile of Kezhan Zhenjun of Xiulin Xianmen seemed to be unable to dissipate.

"Let's go, let's discuss the Dao."

Zhuding Zhenjun didn't care, so Kezhan Zhenjun breathed a sigh of relief. The two also disappeared from the spot and went to the high place where they should be.

The Yuanying stage who stayed behind, of course, did not dare to express any opinions. They fell onto the big island one after another, divided into five points, and waited for the Zhenjuns to discuss the Dao and figure it out.

Luoyu Xianmen, as it was natural, landed on the high mountain in the center of the island. Through the diffuse clouds, they could overlook the four major Xianmen strongholds on the edge of the island.

Du En seemed to be as natural as it was, and he spoke directly.


"Yes, I'm here."

Master Zhuding responded, and he didn't seem to find it strange, but rather he seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

"The situation has changed now, and the future is uncertain, so I won't beat around the bush, just give me the best technique."

Du En spoke frankly as soon as he opened his mouth, wanting to get the best technique that he should have earned first before being awarded.

The main reason was that the timing was really good now, and if he didn't give it a try, he would be sorry for Master Zhuding who had always wanted to poach him!

"Haha, you dare to speak up."

"You told me before that your ultimate vision is that everyone plays their own role and shines together. In the current situation, I think it's time for me to shine."

"As a surprise soldier, you can look forward to it. After all, the current situation is indeed confusing. You need to consider various situations and make appropriate responses. However, it is not in line with the rules for me to give it to you directly. You know that Changqing sometimes cares about this the most."

"I am willing to issue a military order. If I can't become a god with the method, I will take the blame."

"You didn't mention the Dragon Palace at all!"

"It's related to the Supreme's plan. Who can guarantee it?"

That's true.

Zhu Ding Zhenjun nodded secretly.

Looking at the four Zhenjuns of the same level in front of him, who were talking about their own things and couldn't get to the point, and obviously had their own thoughts, he immediately made a decision.

"Okay, I'll make the decision to grant you the best treasure book in advance, you just need to wait for a while."

He didn't give it directly, because he had to ask Meng Changqing to see what treasure book he was going to give to Du En, and then let him secretly transfer it to him.

After all, he had to entangle the four true masters in front of him, so he couldn't be careless.

Du En got what he wanted, so he was naturally satisfied.

Looking at the camp and the stronghold around him, he didn't have to worry about it at the moment, because the other people in the same group were very conscious of building it.

The four of them seemed to have nothing to do, and they were the leaders of the same level and generation. This time they were the leading generals.

Since they were the generals who took the lead in charging into battle, they naturally didn't need to do civil engineering.

"I'm the biggest here now, and I should be the first to speak!"

Nangong Sheng looked around and spoke like this.

According to the unspoken rule of arranging in front and behind, the five upper-level factions, among the same generation and stage, determined their order according to the leaders of their respective factions.

He is Zhu Ding Zhenjun's man, and now Sheng Zhaoshui, who is Cheng Ru Zhenjun, is not here, so it can be said that I am the boss here now.

Among the four people who have nothing to do, Lou Shuyue seems to be very indifferent to this, because no matter how she is ranked, she is in the middle, and she can't be the eldest sister anyway.

So, since there is no real interest involved, there is no need to care.

Jiang Ying was also nodding, counting secretly, feeling that she was about to become the youngest, but suddenly she realized that there was also a rising Du En, who was the representative of Meng Changqing's faction that was gradually active and began to step onto the stage.

This is not the key, the key is that she seems to be not the youngest!

So, Jiang Ying directly left Nangong Sheng's business, turned her head excitedly, and looked at Du En: "Ahem, Junior Brother Du, come, call me Senior Sister!"

After that, she was extremely looking forward to it.

After all, the target is Du En. If he really calls her like this, wouldn't it be a disguised way for him to be convinced by himself?

In this kind of thing, everyone has to compete!

As a result, the other two people who were about to talk about business and seemed indifferent could not help but fall into a pause of silence. Even the other ten people who were busy building a stronghold also secretly pricked up their ears.

Hey! I think I can't beat you now, but don't you still have to call me senior brother/senior sister?

Facing this group of guys who were victorious with spirit, Du En looked at Jiang Ying, who was closest to him, and calmly began to improvise: "Although there are unwritten rules, there are actually semi-written rules."


"Strength is the most important thing." Du En said it with certainty, as if it should be so. "I defeated Sheng Zhaoshui in the big competition, so I should be in front of him now, and he is your senior brother. , Therefore, I am the senior brother now, right? "

"Huh? This...seems like, right?"

Jiang Ying grasped this logic and smoothly went around it, because it sounded reasonable and well-founded, and even others couldn't help but nod.

After all, this is the current trend. Regardless of whether it is written or unwritten, strength is supreme and the strong are respected!

"This, let's put it this way, the five of us are arranged in a circle, and then, I will still be the youngest?"

"That's it, no need to rearrange."


Jiang Ying immediately showed a frustrated expression. She was pitiful and adorable, but the ten people who were setting up a stronghold couldn't help but shudder, remembering her previous contrasting ruthless methods.

I could also see the other two people here shaking their heads secretly, thinking that this little girl was so easy to fool, but they did not say anything because Du En's words were naturally invincible now, and they really opened their mouths to refute, You will probably be asked expressionlessly, can you beat Sheng Zhaoshui?

When the time comes, there is no record of success, and you are just using your words to make yourself unable to get off the stage. That will not be beautiful!

Therefore, it is better not to speak.

That means neither agreeing nor disagreeing, and then everyone can talk about it.

"Ahem! Let's get back to business!"

Nangong Sheng brought back the topic, "We are fighting within ourselves. Now the situation has changed. The five major immortal sects are gathered together. We should put aside our grudges for the time being, deal with the outside world as one, and work together."

Hearing this, Lou Shuyue subconsciously wanted to argue about who was the actual leader, but she thought of Du En's words just now, so when she spoke, she changed directly: "What does Senior Brother Nangong have in mind now?"

Just thoughts now, not thoughts of what’s next, of what’s next.

In other words, who will be the actual leader will need to be discussed carefully in the future.

Four generals who are dissatisfied with each other are really a bit too many!

The other ten "pawns" who were secretly paying attention to this side couldn't help but think so at this moment.

Nangong Sheng could naturally hear the subtlety in these words, and subconsciously felt unhappy.

In fact, he couldn't stand this kind of scheming and sneaky behavior.

You can be resourceful, but not too gloomy!

For example, someone like Du En is calm and calm, and speaks straightforwardly, but sometimes he is full of nonsense and scheming... Forget it, let's not mention him.

Nangong Sheng secretly shook his head silently. On the surface, he did not care about anything. He only talked about his current thoughts: "Only when you know yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle. It just so happened that the four of us came from all over the world and had contact with the four major immortal sects. Now You can go with them and get to know them and get to know them."

To put it simply, everyone introduces the general situation to others. When encountering old opponents or the like, you can dig out your bottom. When you encounter them later, you can naturally take advantage of them.

But if it goes too smoothly, it will actually not be conducive to your own plans.

After all, the four of them represent four factions, and each has their own plans for the secrets hidden in the Dragon Palace. In the end, they will still fall out...

Lou Shuyue couldn't help but think of this. Naturally, she wanted to shirk the blame and didn't want to promote it.

Because once they have successfully figured out the basics and can make targeted preparations, it is obvious that the Ding-Zhui faction with the largest number of people this time can gain the greatest benefits!

However, she immediately thought of an important situation that she was concerned about now.

Zhuding Zhenjun leads the team!

So, she thought about it quickly and did not refute it, but showed a silent and tacit approval attitude.

Jiang Ying had no objection to this, and Du En didn't either. Anyway, he didn't know anything, he knew everything he wanted.

In this way, without anyone objecting, with Nangong Sheng taking the lead, the four of them walked down the mountain peak and began to travel around the island, approaching the strongholds of the four immortal sects to evaluate their situation.

The first stop is naturally the Mu Cang Immortal Sect.

Because Zhuding Zhenjun, who is in charge of the main territory of the Immortal Sect in the west, is facing the Du Cang Immortal Sect. As a member of his subordinates, Nangong Sheng has set foot on the frontal battlefield many times and has a close relationship with his peers here. Basically, I’ve done it all before, so I understand it very well.

"They don't have any weird guys suddenly appearing. Not to mention the ones who are already dead. There are just those two envoys here who are qualified as opponents. If they are short, they are just a bunch of weird people. This difficult guy has been fighting fiercely with me in the bloody desert before, and he is very difficult to kill. "

Nangong Sheng did not hide how difficult it was to kill them. He said bluntly: "At least we have to kill them three or four times before we can kill them completely. Otherwise, if we only kill them once, we will encounter them again next time. It's almost like killing them once." It’s like seeing a ghost.”

This situation can't help but make people worry.


Not really.

If it is true that he saw a ghost, then he is applying the unique method of "people become ghosts after death, ghosts become demons after death, demons become Xi after death, Xi after death become Yi after death, and Yi after death become nothingness"?

In short, if this is true, it is very difficult to deal with!

"However, there is no need to worry too much about this, because they are not resurrected in the same place after death, so they only need to be killed once in the Dragon Palace."

"Based on my experience, if you want to break their secret techniques or secret methods, it is best to kill them until their Taoism is broken, so that you will never see them again, but the key is that these guys are arrogant, conceited and rigid, so it is actually difficult to do this."

At this point, he pretended to frown, but he was actually looking forward to it.

Because Du En's Phoenix Blood Spear, or the Phoenix Remaining Regret, is actually quite restraining these guys!

The other two women also understood this, and did not show any clues at this moment, even Jiang Ying was the same.

Du En nodded slightly, as if examining, and looked at the stronghold camp opposite.

The wind was blowing, and the day was cold.

The figures were wrapped in dark robes, with only a pair of eyes exposed. The atmosphere seemed sneaky and evil, just short of engraving the words "I am not a good person" on themselves.

It was normal. The four people who came to inspect the enemy situation were naturally noticed by the Mu Cang monks.

At this moment, the only ten people left here stopped their original actions, and looked down on them with arrogance. There was a kind of arrogance that came naturally, thinking that they were naturally superior to others, and it was already engraved in their hearts.

From Nangong Sheng's words, even if they were defeated forcefully, they could not break this arrogant thought, and then disintegrate some strange methods possessed by the other party.

This is quite strange, because people who normally think so must be because of the superiority of strength and status, or the bad nature, so they will breed distortion and change.

Once they are defeated, they will be in disbelief, and then their hearts will collapse!

But this group of Mu Cang monks are completely different. The most obvious point is that they dared to be angry in the face of the decision of Zhu Ding Zhenjun before!

Although they seem to have learned their lesson and are silent, and have not said anything about Nangong Sheng's words just now, they still seem to be particularly fearless, and still feel that they are high above, as if they are above all living beings!

So, in order to make further confirmation, Du En deliberately spoke at this time: "By the way, judging from the performance of the Zhenjuns just now, our sect's Zhu Ding Zhenjun seems to be particularly strong?"

As soon as this was said, everyone was silent.

Lou Shuyue and Jiang Ying were surprised that Du En dared to observe just now, and now he dared to say it directly, without fear of being heard by the high-end Zhenjuns in the sky.

Nangong Sheng's silence was to organize his words. He was not afraid to discuss this matter, but he did not dare to observe just now.

Quickly organize it, he only has admiration and respect.

"Because he is different from others, he is a true legend. He is the only ordinary person in the history of the immortal sect who climbed up step by step to the position of the powerful Tianjiao Zhenjun!"

"Unlike other living Zhenjuns, he has the lowest starting point and is also a first-class leader. He is more of a natural genius and is the only record holder so far!"

"It has been five thousand years since he achieved the position of Zhenjun. He once fought three Zhenjuns of the same level alone and was not at all inferior. He can be said to be a role model for our generation!"

There is no doubt that he is strong.

Judging from the reaction of Mu Cang monks when they heard the words, it can indeed be proved that they are very clear about the value of this situation, and their eyes are solemn, but even so, they can still maintain their own basic color.

There is a problem 100%!

It is very likely that there is an external force involved in the processing, just like the lower layer of Fudong!

Du En thought so in his heart.

Seeing him so calm and the enemy's lack of obvious reaction, Nangong Sheng, who had just been talking a lot and full of admiration, immediately became unhappy.

"Duan, at least change your expression. You can't think that you can do it just because you have come from the bottom to where you are now. I am also like you, I climbed up from the bottom cannon fodder, I don't dare to think so..."

He kept complaining and hiding his dissatisfaction.

It was very real, because Zhuding Zhenjun could be said to be a monument he pursued, and it was an object that those of them who had the worst starting point needed to look forward to and admire...

Anyway, he used his own situation to further give the enemy a wrong understanding.

The Mu Cang monks all knew Nangong Sheng's situation. In the past, they would inevitably ridicule each other when they met each other. They had fought each other in the bloody desert more than once and fell down.

If the Mu Cang monks mistakenly thought that Duan was also an opponent of the same group, who was the type who preferred to fight head-on, and thus ignored his best point now, that is, the talent of the weapon master, then they could give them a surprise at that time.

Anyway, Du En has a myriad of life magic weapons, so it is very easy to equip him with a fighting weapon. Apart from other things, Xiong Fa's war-stopping spear is suitable, but it is a little weak in strength and needs additional amplification and strengthening.

Of course, there are complaints and dissatisfaction, and Nangong Sheng also expressed them.

"I know, I admire him very much. When I faced him, I dared to fight him head-on."



Hearing this, the Mu Cang monks couldn't help but pay extra attention to him.

Although he must be a newly emerged strong man of the same generation from the fact that he was able to follow along, but now it seems that he is even crazier than Nangong Sheng, the battle maniac?

Maybe he is bragging, but there is no need to brag, or he can't be regarded as bragging!

So the Mu Cang monks became more serious, but because of this, their contempt for Du En increased instead.

Anyway, it's not right, it's very strange!

Du En secretly paid attention and left with the other three.

Because some topics, no matter how eager they are, can't be talked about in front of the enemy.

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