In the dark mountain forest where the sky was dim, there was a cold dampness spreading due to the light rain last night.

The sky was cloudless today, and the scavenging beasts that should have started to gather on the trail at this time, waiting for their meal, were now lying silently in the forest, not daring to move at all.

Because there were many people standing here on the corpse transport path, all of them were extremely nervous, and the mana fluctuations were tumbling, intertwining with each other and spreading outward.

It's the corpse carriers!

Many of them came and joined forces to deliver a body here, but they did not dare to step into the wasteland, so they were deadlocked here.

Until now, finally the point has been reached.

"Hurry up!"

The burly man in the lead shouted harshly.

The corpse transporters did not dare to hesitate. They grasped the thick hemp rope in their hands and pulled hard. With the sound of bones, they pulled a cart.

There is nothing unusual about carts. They were originally supposed to be pulled by green-skinned buffaloes, but because they were afraid of accidents, they were directly pulled by human power.

There is a body bag in the car, wrapping the body, but the bulging shape looks a bit strange, as if the person inside is still alive and struggling to stretch out his hands and feet, struggling to run out. .

As the cart moved closer to the corpse burial wasteland, the body bag shook even more, making everyone here tense up and break out in cold sweat.

The leader was brewing spells, his magic power was frantic, he was obviously bluffing, and his expression was fierce and his heart was full of anger. He wanted to use this to intimidate the corpse, but the more he looked at it, the more uneasy he became.

Under the gaze of pairs of eyes, the cart was finally dragged into the wasteland.

No accident happened, they breathed a sigh of relief, and some even collapsed on the ground.

The leader gathered his magic power and was about to say something.

But at this moment.


The familiar sound of the wheels frightened them to stare at the cart on the wasteland.

I almost pissed myself, so horrified and frightened!

However, the cart was in good condition and had not been moved at all.

This is even scarier!

The cart is obviously not moving at all, but why is there still the sound of the wheels turning? !


Everyone was shocked and turned pale, staring at the cart and the body bag, swallowing saliva and shaking all over.

what to do?

What should we do? !


"Boss, I've brought you here!"

The sound coming from behind frightened everyone here. They jumped up and started to crawl and run away.

You can't expect others to save you!

At this time, you don’t have to run faster than the evil ones, just run faster than your accomplices!

Anyway, first... huh? etc!

Everyone had just taken two steps. After all, they had been dealing with corpses all year round. After all, they didn't wait until they were far away before they came to their senses.

As a result, they quickly moved back and looked at the ox-drawn cart that appeared from the depths of the dim path with their dissatisfied and resentful eyes.

Xu Ran was on it, whipping his whip to drive the cattle.

The green-skinned buffalo seemed to feel comfortable when it came here, and let out a simple and honest cry, which meant don't fight, I will walk honestly.

Xu Ran really stopped fighting.

Because it has arrived.

Du En and the others got out of the car and walked towards the body transporters who gathered quickly.

The leader was none other than Li Yue, the boss of the small group of corpse transporters. He was tall, powerful, and had a straight face. At this time, he was not completely calmed down by the fright, and he was sweating and turning pale.

However, when he saw Du En leading the team, he still forced himself to be dignified. After all, he had been working here for decades and was in the middle stage of Qi refining. He was a complete senior!

"Xiao Du, just come over here."

He said this without giving Du En any room to answer. Without looking back, he raised his hand and pointed at the cart in the wasteland and said: "The body is placed there, and the next job of burying the body is yours." , do your best, and we’ll leave first!”

As soon as he said it without any doubt, he wanted to evacuate quickly, away from this ghost place that he hadn't been to for a long time, and away from that rather evil and terrifying corpse.

The same goes for everyone else, who all want to retreat quickly.

Du En glanced into the wasteland, and at this moment, he crossed his body to intercept the opponent.

"What do you want to do?! Let me tell you! This job was arranged by the supervisor. Although you are not the supervisor here, as the buryer, you still have to do this job well. Don't try to shirk your responsibility!"

Li Yue was as hysterical as a cat with fried hair, which made Wei Mingning and the others feel cold in their hearts.

Even Li Yue, who is in the middle of Qi refining and has really senior experience in the field of corpse affairs, is now so afraid and panicked. How scary is this urgent corpse this morning? !

The people burying the corpses were timid. Du En blinked and remained calm: "Don't you need to recycle the body bag? I remember that it was the supervisor's magic weapon that was used last time."

"Don't say anything to me...ah? Cough!"

The excited words stopped abruptly, and Li Yue couldn't help but blush with embarrassment.

Then, naturally, he looked at the culprit who had just startled them and made him panic, Xu Ran.

ah? What does this have to do with me?

Xu Ran, who was hit by the unkind gaze, felt very confused.

Didn't you, the boss, ask me to bring Duen and the others over?

Why are you still looking so angry and blaming me?

"Ahem! Aran, you did a good job this time, you actually brought the entire burial team with you!"

"Uh, this is not..."

"No need to be modest. If I say you are you, you are it. And you also know how to unlock and recycle this magic weapon corpse bag. So those who are capable should do more work. Just wait here and recycle it!"

After saying this without question, regardless of the dumbfounded Xu Ran, Li Yue waved his hand, and the corpse transporters immediately worked together to lift the ox cart and reverse it. Then he grabbed the whip, sat on it, and whipped the ox's butt hard, and quickly fled from here in a panic.

"My ox..."

Xu Ran raised his hand helplessly, his face was very miserable.

The corpse burial people looked at each other in bewilderment.

Although they knew that the boss of the corpse transporters was not a human being, they did not expect him to be so inhuman. He took out his anger and ran away in one go. Moreover, his attitude towards Du En just now was also a true expression of his feelings, which made them extremely disgusted!

"What kind of corpse is it that scares you so much that you want to run away?"

Du En motioned to the others to put the spare tools in the old place, and at the same time, he picked up two shovels and threw one to the dumbfounded Xu Ran.

Since we are here, let's work together!

Although Xu Ran was a little dumbfounded, he still raised his hand to catch the shovel, and then his face was full of lingering fear, hesitating: "You will know soon, I can only say, be mentally prepared."

"Tsk! Xiao Xu, you are so weird, could it be that there is also that powder corpse that disgusts people?"

Ning Cai held the shovel in his hand, sweating a little nervously, and couldn't help but interrupt.

And the corpse he mentioned, just hearing and thinking about it, immediately made the other three people's faces change again.

They, as well as Du En, have personally experienced that corpse, and they all think that the corpse is the most disgusting and disgusting one they have ever seen!

Please read! Please collect!

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