"Therefore, it was just an inevitable result from within. I think Zhenjun saw this, so he probably didn't do anything else in the future, and you did exactly what she wanted, and finally collapsed completely. "

Du En said this calmly, his eyes like the quiet night, not moving or flickering because of his own conclusion.

The voice of obsession disappeared.

Everything was burst like a bubble.

His eyes flashed, and when he came back to his senses, Du En and the small stone statue were already in an endless hollow.

Here, it is even more empty than the abyss, with only some floating stones to stay on.

He stepped out of thin air and looked up ahead.

A huge core crystal was floating there all alone. It had long been mottled, dim, and turbid. It could be faintly seen that inside, there were twin girls gently cuddling together.

However, from the outside, it looked like they had long since stopped breathing. Judging from the vague outlines, they looked like two corpses that still looked like they had remained slender in their youth!

Two emotionless voices mixed together and came out faintly from inside.

"For being able to see through our empty dreams so easily without any wavering or hesitation, you, an outsider, have passed the test."


Du En opened his mouth to reply. He didn't need to look at it at this moment to know that the machine soldiers he had obtained before were actually illusory, and even the used jade steel was still intact.

Everything that I had just experienced was just a frozen dream, frozen at the moment when people in the city died.

And he actually didn't notice it at first. After entering the city, he just thought that the city was frozen in a fragment of destruction.

But it wasn't until later that I saw something not quite right from some extremely obscure details.

Now that I think about it in reverse, I suddenly feel enlightened.

Empty dream, empty dream, both a dream and not a dream!

"Yes, what you just said is not wrong. Even the possibility of collapse is still in Mo Ju's imagination."

The twins in the core gave their own answer, and their voices sounded mixed and overlapping, more like the distorted rustle of a malfunctioning machine. The answer at this moment also had a sense of rigid reading of records.

"Those who pioneer and forge ahead must emerge from times of crisis, and those who turn the tide will eventually question the existing disharmony."

"It's just that we are not him after all. We are just born twins who can replace him who can no longer be the operator of Mo Ju after fighting with the outer gods, and thus become the central imprint of Mo Ju."

"We have tried our best. We can't wait any longer. We have already been disappointed and despaired."

Facing the echo of the voices of the "dead", Du En still did not change his expression. He just asked calmly: "What is the specific situation? If it is not really unsustainable, you shouldn't choose to commit suicide, right?"

"Three thousand years."

"In the past three thousand years, Mo Ju's internal collapse has occurred 371 times, and each time the interval has become shorter and shorter. The cultivation method can be said to be the root of everything. He will root his cultivation in the ethnic group. Slowly changing, the same for all eternity.”

"It saves people who have lost their light, and it also limits people who have lost their light. Naturally, there have been people who deny this innate existence, and there are also people who choose to trample on it and move forward. But no matter what, in those many times In the repetition, there is no one who can really turn the tide. In the end, the known results are just repeated. "

"Wrong, wrong, his vision was not achieved and a true successor did not emerge."

"Or maybe we have actually died unknowingly and become part of those people who stick to the rules and become degenerate and disharmonious."

The hollow mixed sounds, until now, showed a touch of emotion.

The twins in the core crystal seem to be looking up at the moment, looking above the hollow, as if looking at the underground outside the hollow, the ground above the underground, the sky above the ground, and the starry sky outside the sky.

The world is obviously so vast, but in the end it can only be buried in the emptiest and darkest place, rotting alone, and dying without even knowing it.

they asked Doon.

"Geniuses only see the threshold of despair. Geniuses will be helpless when faced with such a situation. Even if they are the best in the world, how can they solve the problem of making a living without rice?"


Du En could only respond with silence.

Just when Gemini thought he had no answer, he spoke in a calm tone: "The Land of Queguang seems to be a dead end, but it is not necessarily so. If we use the remaining Moju as a stronghold, we can protect the basics and then start from there. Searching for traces in the spiritual mother's unusual movements can also spy on the timing. After all, it is impossible for the True Lord from the outside world to keep an eye on this place all the time.

Then start from a small place, gather the wisdom of a group of outstanding talents, rely on the remaining resources, quickly step into the realm of god transformation, and then take over the city of Moju, cover yourself with empty dreams, repair it secretly, and even absorb the flesh of the stars. , as a power reserve, and then observe the development of the enemy's cultivated fruits, or secretly promote it, or try to hide it until the spiritual mother matures.

This seems to be the place dominated by the True Lord, but there is not only one True Lord. It can be boldly assumed. In fact, there is a basis for it, that is, there are many outsiders hanging on the tree. Therefore, during the period when the spiritual mother is mature, the overt and covert influence In fact, there will be signs of interference factors.

If everything is going well, or if you cannot consider it to be so smooth, you should be willing to make a desperate move. In the worst case scenario, you can directly split the stars, use the collapse of the star world as a stepping stone, break out of this trapped place, and reach the starry sky. , crashed into the depths of space, and began to wander in the lonely universe.

Even if it is just jumping into a much larger pond, the limitation is much smaller after all, and the cultivation level can continue to improve. All you need to do is rack your brains and repeat similar experiences, whether it is fake death or abandoning the city to pretend. , in short, it is possible to not be in the pool at all. "

Du En said a lot at once, which made the twins in the nuclear crystal fall silent and feel a faint sense of trembling.

Because he calmly gave an argument.

"Your continued failure, in the final analysis, is still limited to the gravity of civilization and homeland. If you really want to look at the stars, you must be determined to turn everything into a ladder to the sky."

Looking at his raised hand again, he said: "That Taoist method is actually quite good. At the very least, the theory of spiritual roots has been mostly disintegrated here. Even those who do not have spiritual roots can still have spiritual roots." It can be said that the cultivation in the basic period and the subsequent cultivation are all based on personal talents!"

"Furthermore, through this, I can finally see some of the truth behind the fight for hegemony among the Immortal Sects..."

The twins didn't react to his last murmur.

They seemed to have retracted their gaze, looked directly at Du En, and continued to state rather mechanically: "No matter what, at that time a hundred years ago, we chose to abandon ourselves and choose to completely turn this place into the past."

The overlapping girl's voice echoed ethereally in the void, dullly telling the end of despair.

The crises and consequences that are repeated all the time have been assimilated long ago before many crises... Therefore, it should be a choice to abandon the framework set by Mo Ju.

So, when people once again tried to kill the aliens mixed among themselves, everything inevitably fell into the abyss, and the core of Mo Ju, the twins, were waiting here to die without saying a word.

At this moment, this once majestic city is like a living corpse of racial civilization. The mottled and impurity core also shows the possibility of a crisis that will eventually become a scourge underground.

But listening to Du En's description of the grand plan, they seemed to be breaking away from the original framework, and from the situation of death, other remaining things that were still alive emerged.

So, they continued: "The act of stepping on the stars, digesting the hometown, and marching into the starry sky sounds very crazy and thrilling... Unconsciously thinking of the past, the great monk Mo Ju actually had such madness."

"It's just that he didn't implement it after all, but he also left relevant sparks. Of course, what we want to say now is actually very simple. The reason why we can't persist, and we can't persist for a while, until we are like you, we can say The reason why we are successors is because we are also human beings."

"So, if you can't wait any longer, you just want to accompany me, so the hole in your heart becomes wider and wider, and you seek to be filled by human nature."

Faced with such a departure from the grand narrative, Du En's expression seemed to change slightly.

He did not deny it, but asked quietly: "Isn't this good?"


“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.”

"It's so tiring and painful."

As they spoke, the core crystals were also sinking.

The voice seemed more vivid, and he also knew the original reason why Du En came here.

Therefore, a spatial fulcrum was handed to him.

There were dark chains tightly wrapped around him, trapping a pale hand in them.

"You can use it to kill it."

“A piece of flesh that clings to grudges is not an enemy of rules that can be tempered into steel.”

When it comes to matters related to Mo Ju, Gemini's tone of voice became more obvious.

"I'll give you what he left behind. In this way, our remaining mission can be completed, and his vision will be realized in a way beyond our imagination!"

"Oh? He stubbornly stayed here and risked being captured, but he still wanted to hand over his inheritance to others? But why is it an outsider like me?"

"Because you are really similar, and besides, I shouldn't actually mean to pass on his inheritance to you, but just the Moju skill, or in other words, give you the remains of the city."

"That's really trivial."

Duan commented unceremoniously.

"Haha, that's enough."

"What the world needs is not the second him."

As the twins spoke, they completely sank into the void.


As if the bubble had been completely popped, the scenery in Du En's eyes changed again.

The real Moju City comes into view.

The bones turned into sand, and it was as desolate as a desert.

There are no traces of people's lives on the whole, and all the colors of ancient civilization have gradually faded away with the original collapse.

All that is left is the frame remnant of Moju City, which is the Moju Skill.

"Actually, the choice of the twins should have taken into account True Monarch Hui Qing. Only by passing Moju City into the hands of an outsider like me and then taking it away from the Queguang Star Realm can we avoid being used by him and get rid of the problem of having a jade. "

"They are actually quite helpless and need to make a desperate move, because the change of the spirit mother has obviously progressed to a very dangerous point. Even though the Moju Prison Chain is still better, it has already stagnated. Even when the spirit mother transforms When it comes out, it will probably be overtaken.”

"If you think about the two carefully, you can find similarities. If you use them, it may be that the inspiration that True Lord Huiqing got from Master Moju."

"In short, after returning, let Resolution help me repair this city."

Looking at the broken frame, and then glancing at the fulcrum in his hand.

Du En changed his mind and decided.

After all, if he were to repair Moju City by himself, even if he could really get a proficiency, the time spent would be incalculable. Instead of that, it would be better to let Meng Changqing do it.

Anyway, his realm is higher, he is a truly top-notch figure, and he has enough material resources, so it should be done quickly.

Besides, in this case, it is actually just replacing the mechanical soldiers with Moju City. The matter is still the same, and the original plan has not changed at all.

So Du En waved his hand, and the majestic city that had just quietly completed the handover immediately shrank and turned into the size of a seal, which was hung around his waist.

The impermanent wind blew, bringing the last trace of the original place to the bottom of the abyss.

So far, there is no trace left in the northern land.

The four fulcrums of the self-sealed gate of the Spirit Mother have also been solved.

Without any hesitation, Du En walked south without stopping.

In a few blinks, he had arrived at the edge of the northern land, in front of the blocked passage to the south.

He raised his hand to open it, and the blockage of ten miles was easily broken.

The narrow tunnel is very primitive, unlike those tunnels, the excavation technology is obviously higher.

It was very narrow at first, and then gradually expanded, but there was no light, only darkness, which was the eternal tone of this underground.

Du En's pace was very fast. Even with a little tail, he quickly walked this section and came to the main tunnel in the north with bright firelight.

North of this central camp is a completely uninhabited area. There is only a very simple tunnel reserved for preparation, and there is not even a holy army of the Queguang Church stationed there.

Forgotten, abandoned, intentionally distorted...

The people who chose to flee Moju City at the beginning all hated it, but they also had a deep fear, fearing the collapse that they could never understand, fearing that it would migrate again and let the people who escaped suffer the same thing.

"The disparity between what we know, what we hear, and what we can bear."

It was a commonplace situation. Du En only had this slight trace in his mind and didn't care about it.

The reason for the hasty action was actually because the tentacles of the trapped mother were having a strange reaction, as if they were about to shed their old shells and usher in a new life.

"It could also be a trap. After all, the four difficulties arranged by the True Lord have been broken through one by one by me, and it's time for her to play the real cards in her hand."

Du En just took it for granted, without any thrills.

There was no thought of retreating, only moving forward.

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