All in all, when it comes to Kulie, Fuyi Zhenjun has never been stingy.

That is to say, there is also the mess in the North Land of Immortal Sect. Because the upper-level resolutions have been unable to pass, the necessary garrisoned monks and real people there are actually living a pretty good life, occupying all kinds of redundant resources, so they enthusiastically support it. Look at this true king.

Little did they know that as long as the situation changes, none of the great monks will be able to escape!

Meng Changqing is taking advantage of this and is trying to undermine him...

"Junior Brother Changqing."

True Lord Fuyi appeared in front of Liyuan, causing the three people to have different reactions.

Meng Changqing was smiling but not smiling, and he couldn't stop muttering all kinds of thoughts.

Jiang Ying's face turned pale, and she shrank back, like a quail, behind her boss and her reliable companions.

"After this time, you will change. This senseless cowardice, that weak Taoist heart, blocking your path, the two biggest obstacles will be erased."

Immortal Lord Fuyi didn't take it seriously and just stated his expectations in a flat tone.

He has a lot of expectations for Jiang Ying.

But if she died in anticipation, that would be it.

Just replace her with another Jiang Ying.

He looked towards Du En again and nodded slightly.

"You always surprise me. Maybe you will be a better choice."

No expectations were expressed, no words were added, but this was the biggest and most sincere expectation.

In this regard, Du En remained calm, staring straight at him without any waves.

No matter what others say or do, whether it is the True King or the Supreme, he has always maintained himself, walked on his own road, and moved step by step towards the end point recognized by himself.

Or, it's the beginning of a new journey.

Therefore, he just asked: "How will it end this time?"

"It's very simple. It's nothing more than overcoming obstacles."

Fuyi Zhenjun seemed to have answered, but he seemed to be evasive.

This is quite strange when it comes to him.

Looking at Meng Changqing again, his expression suddenly turned dark, and his main body couldn't help but show obvious hostility and murderous intent.

"In other words, how will the specific development develop and what enemy will be killed in the end? We still need to rely on our actions to determine, or in other words, push forward?"

"That's generally true."

True Lord Fuyi replied, not caring about his junior brother's murderous intention, and only glanced at Jiang Ying.

Obviously, there is also the possibility of her becoming a formidable enemy!

This made the person involved feel nervous and quickly looked towards Du En.

Although it shouldn't be possible, looking at the expressionless two people whose eyes seemed to be reflected in a mirror, Jiang Ying still couldn't help but think that when she got to the star realm, Du En would kill her as a hidden danger first. Let’s talk about the idea again.

Ever since, he showed a little helplessness.

"Don't think of me as him. He is really facially paralyzed. I have ups and downs of emotions and expressions, although they are a bit lighter."

That’s not a big deal!

Others came up with similar thoughts, but the emotional ups and downs were different.

"Then, let's get started."

Fuyi Zhenjun spoke calmly.

He raised his hand, and Meng Changqing's true form did the same.

With a startled glance, Du En saw two space-time ring holes suddenly appearing, as if they had always been there, composed of laws and principles, connected to form infinity.

In a trance, the body has been transported.


It sounded like breathing, like the sound of wind.

Du En's Yuan Shen micro-shocked the powerful mana, and five layers of brilliance emanated from the depths of the flesh shell. He gradually got rid of the influence of this teleportation transfer, and then clearly felt the situation in the outside world.


He seemed to have turned into a point, a drop of rain, or a stone, descending and falling, and had reached the source of life.


Someone is whispering, someone is calling.

"My child, wakes up from the darkness of eternal sleep, returns from the end of nothingness..."

The gentle and young female voice carries the expectation and blessing for life, like a mother, eagerly looking forward to reaching the ears of the person being called.

Dune opened his eyes.

Surrounded by dark decay, deep rotten soil, the five senses are accumulated.

Before I knew it, he had descended into place, and he had arrived at the center of the script.


A hand broke out of the ground.

The calling and murmuring voice held its breath, and the expectant eyes came from the void, and then they saw a tall figure rising from the rotten soil.

Crackling, squeaking...

The dirt and rot chunks fled in all directions due to his movements, revealing that calm face. Not very handsome, but not cold and hard. Looking at it, you can only see a kind of softness, gradually softening.

He was the same as before, but he seemed to be different.

Only those who see it for the first time can notice the softness now.

Du En, who was alone, raised his eyes and looked around at the dark surroundings, feeling only a sense of déjà vu.

This is underground!

"That's right."

As if she could feel his thoughts, just like a mother knew what her child wanted, the gentle female voice sounded ethereally, solving his doubts: "This is the resting place of the people of the Holy Kingdom, the Holy Tomb. "

Holy mausoleum.

As the name suggests, a mausoleum.

A mausoleum for the people of a country?

Du En stood up from the ground, shook off the rotten soil, and was dressed in a gray-green robe. Although the evil dragon robe on the outside looked gray and simple, the overall look was not what a person who had been lying underground for a long time and was awakened by a call should look like.

But everything was taken for granted, just like the sky must be high, the earth must be silent, and the river naturally flows from high to low.

The female voice did not doubt her intention. Only after Du En finished observing the surroundings, turned her head and stared at the place where her gaze came from, did she gently introduce herself: "I am the Holy Spirit, the mother who awakened you from the lost other side."

She regarded herself as the mother Holy Spirit.

When the voice fell, there was a little light like a floating lantern, floating in the void, appearing in the depths of this mausoleum, illuminating the surroundings, and finally hanging beside Du En.

"I'm sorry, my child, I can't appear in front of you now to personally welcome your awakening."

She seemed very guilty, but firmly believed that this was the child she had called back.

Dunn didn't care about these things, but remained silent, as if waiting for her to give orders.

Since the Holy Spirit thought that he was the one who called him back, it was obvious that at this moment when she couldn't meet him in person, he, the "resurrected one", needed to do something.

In fact, Dunn had heard strange and tiny sounds coming from the front of the corridor.

"Look, that stone."

The Holy Spirit guided his newborn silent child, so he was not surprised by his silence.

Dunn walked over and picked up a stone from the ground.

Or, a crystal cluster?

It was transparent, like a dark purple crystal, glowing in the dark, and even more radiant under the light of the Holy Spirit, beautiful, but dark and dirty.

It will be released in chapters in the next few days to see if there will be any changes. Also, the subsequent plot will be written in a different way, and Dunn will be the image of a silent promoter.

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