The people who were screaming in panic immediately felt as if the stop button had been pressed.

They looked up blankly and looked towards Du En.

"No need to scream, just bury it quickly."

He was as calm as ever.

"oh oh."

Several people followed him to bury the corpse in a daze. As the corpse was covered, they quickly escaped from the influence. Although they were still frightened by the thought, their uneasiness and fear continued to spread.

After all, even the people who bullied him in the past and made him completely unable to resist died like this. The death was miserable. So, wouldn't it be even worse if he was targeted?

Fear and anxiety based on this kind of psychology are normal.

What is abnormal is the emotion that is amplified by evil influence and out of control.

This is a kind of evil magic!

Like Xu Ran, when they first met, because they were not interrupted in time, now, the whole person is dumbfounded, standing there, neither moving nor still.

It wasn't until Du En and the others had completely buried the body that he began to come back to his senses and couldn't help but breathe heavily.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

"What happened to me just now? No! Du En, you are simply born to bury corpses! How did you manage to keep your face calm and your heart not beating!?"

Regarding Xu Ran's somewhat incoherent performance, Du En observed silently, synthesized what he saw and felt, and came to his own judgment.

Apparently, watching the corpse being buried with my own eyes broke the evil spell on him!

Moreover, the remaining rhyme on the body bag has completely dissipated.

Just before Xu Ran came to his senses, Du En took the shovel and touched the body bag again.

There is no more residual rhyme infection.

Obviously, this evil magic is attached to the corpse, and once the corpse is buried in the wasteland, it will not be able to make waves at all, so any residual influence in the vicinity will disappear with it.

If that were the case, except for Xu Ran, everyone else who had seen the corpse would still be tricked.

He seemed to be an unlucky guy who was targeted, but in fact he was able to unravel the evil spell by mistake and get rid of the hidden dangers in his body, so he was actually a lucky guy.

"The senses have become clearer. Unlike before, I could only feel the evil nature, could not detect the existence of residual rhymes, and could not confirm the existence of evil spells. This is the change after the breakthrough of the technique."

The more you deepen your cultivation and skills, the clearer your understanding and feelings of everything in the world will become!

"Okay, Duen, I have to go back and deliver my duties."

After calming down, Xu Ran naturally didn't want to stay here anymore and wanted to go back and recover first.

At this time, Du En stopped him and asked: "There is no need to leave in a hurry. If you go back now, you will probably bring the body over. Why not be lazy here first?"

"This...well, it is true that the boss knows how to exploit people best." Xu Ran had to admit that Du En was right. The corpses that were supposed to be transported today are still waiting for luck!

Then, after all, he had returned to normal, so he continued: "You want to find out the whole story, right? Go to the corner and I will tell you."

He looked like this matter should not be spread randomly, which made others a little disappointed.

However, Du En said bluntly: "You just want to leave the wasteland."

"Ha ha……"

Xu Ran smiled awkwardly, without denying it, and walked straight towards the woods outside the wasteland.

Du En followed, and the others followed, gathering under the shade of the trees.

Sure enough, Xu Ran didn't care at all and said directly: "I actually don't know how they died. We were gathering at that time to start sorting out the corpses at the third watch."

Arrange the corpses and collect the corpses.

"At this time, the supervisor was practicing and there was no need to interfere at all. He had his own leader to obediently provide the sacrifice. However, the supervisor from the corpse collector suddenly ran over nervously and hurriedly, so we were all called to take care of him. go to the scene."

"The location is an open space for negotiation between the two gangs. Although the Blood Eagle Gang and the Iron Hand Gang have had some disagreements recently, they still maintain cooperation due to the oppression of the Tsing Yi Gang, so they should be meeting regularly for consultation."

Hearing this, Du En interrupted directly: "It rained yesterday. Even if it stopped late at night, we usually wouldn't go to any open space for consultations at this time. Especially recently, the situation among the gangs has been stable and there have been no major changes. in the case of."

Xu Ran was stunned, combed carefully, and nodded: "Indeed, the whole scene was in a mess at that time, and I was also in a mess. Thinking about it now, it's strange that I didn't see other members of the two gangs there at that time. There are only two gang leaders who stick together."

Being led there?

Everyone quickly thought of this possibility.

Xu Ran rubbed his temples and said worriedly: "In short, the evil cultivators are so rampant that they dare to attack both of them now, and there will probably be other big moves in the future."

The leaders of the two gangs are connected with the supervisors and are controlled by them. Even the supervisors don't look down on them on weekdays, but they will not offend them for nothing, so they have to take this relationship into account.

But the evil cultivators who took action, or the evil cultivators, were not afraid of this at all!

Du En asked intentionally: "So, the supervisors did not conduct any investigation at all? I remember that the one over there is a Qi Refining Perfectionist."

When Xu Ran heard this, he thought about it carefully, and then his pupils shrank: "At that time, the supervisor was first frightened and angry, and then frightened. He may have known the evil cultivator who did it, and felt that he could not defeat the opponent, so he hurriedly ran away with the other supervisors. Qingyayuan report!”

Good guy!

This makes people's scalp numb!

Even the supervisor who has perfected Qi refining is scared, so that’s okay!

Ning Cai and Wei Ming looked at each other, and they became more and more worried. They felt that the stable situation was about to collapse.

Du En learned what he wanted to know and made his own judgment calmly.

From the fact that the supervisor who had completed the Qi Refining Stage seemed to know and was afraid of him, and the residual rhyme of the evil magic leaked by the corpse bag magic weapon, these two points combined, whether there was only one or more evil cultivators, should still be limited to the scope of the Qi Refining Stage.

If the supervisors have actually reported it successfully, this is nine out of ten.

And this point only depends on whether the corpse transporters will normally transport the corpses that were supposed to be transported here today.

If the supervisor returns without any problems, they will naturally work honestly, but if the supervisor dies, they will naturally shrink and will not come in a normal team.

Li Yue's temper basically determines this.

So, Du En waited patiently.

Not long after waiting, the sound of wheels began to come.

The convoy of corpse transporters.

In fact, there were only three vehicles, and the bodies were piled up like three moving tombs.

They looked terrified, looking at the situation under the sun, there was no one at this time, only the carts, and they were so scared that they almost turned around and ran away.

Fortunately, Du En waved the shovel in time as a signal, and they saw that the seven people were gathered under the shade of the tree on one side.

"Fuck, I was scared to death!"

"Aran is fine, that's good, Du En is still reliable."

"Like Aran said, bury the spirits of the corpses!"

"Shh! Keep your voice down, if you are heard, let the shovel hit your face, I will only laugh at you."

Because the people here are fine and the supervisors have already gone back, the mood of the corpse transporters quickly calmed down, talking to each other, and their attitude was light.

They hurried to work again, and lined up dozens of stinking corpses on the wasteland under the sun.

Du En observed their every move from a distance, and thus determined that the supervisor had probably returned safely, but the evil cultivator should not have been caught, and the stewards had not been dispatched, so they were unsure just now, like frightened mice.

"Those stewards..."

He was not surprised, and just quickly thought about what to do next.

Please read! Please collect!

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