In front of the Holy Mausoleum, the sun was dim.

There was no living person in sight. Breathing the slightly purified spiritual energy around him, Dunn suddenly felt that he was really out of place here. He couldn't help but think of the content of the whispering echo.

He was alone...

Did the creatures that hatched from the eggs see a similar scene after leaving the underground?

Another reincarnation, another attempt by the True Lord. The so-called God was just an experiment.

His thoughts surged in his heart, and his steps continued to move forward.

Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, he headed towards the Holy Capital.



A punch blew up the living body. It was an ordinary farmer who was originally wearing a linen robe. Now his body was constantly splitting and proliferating. From time to time, it would spray out juice with crystal clusters. Because of the endless pain, he sought the pleasure of killing, trying to cover up his own sinking.


Another leg swept fiercely, and the armor attached to the limbs broke. There was a deep purple light from it, which was the diseased magic power, which kept surging in the inner body. Therefore, the living guards were more terrifying and powerful than the dead zombies.

On this way, Du En first encountered ordinary civilians with diseases. They were killing each other and were in pain, but after discovering him, they immediately rushed over.

After defeating the crazy civilians, the guards of Shengjing began to appear. They wandered alone between Shengjing and the Holy Mausoleum, performing the same diseased guarding tasks, killing and destroying all moving objects that appeared in their eyes!

The eyes were deep purple, the armor on the surface of the body grew together with the flesh, and the magic power was driven by the same diseased origin, and then promoted in turn, so the deformed and diseased body was strong enough to rival the ordinary early stage of the God of Incarnation, and with a body of magic power, it could easily show great power, which was obviously stronger than the same level of God of Incarnation!

Because facing these diseased creatures who were difficult to classify into the civil engineering and civil engineering industries, Du En could no longer use the holy refining to turn them into magic weapons to achieve the effect of fighting to support fighting, so he chose to fight them head-on, a strong confrontation.


In the explosion, the indestructible fist of Vajra suddenly blew up all obstacles, whether it was the might of Yingbing, the deep purple magic light, the space, or the body, so that the diseased guards who were originally fighting more and more bravely turned directly into blooming crystal purple flowers.

"The simple civilians are addicted to killing, and the high-spirited guards are distorted by disease. The paradise that should have been glorious and peaceful is now a hotbed of deformity. The people have become painful walking flesh one by one, and everything will be ruined!"

The whisper of the Holy Spirit sounded at this time, filled with deep lamentation, because his own country, the once beautiful Holy Kingdom, is now reduced to this point and is rapidly heading towards destruction.

I don’t know what the situation is in the Holy Capital now.

Du En only thought so, looking up over the treetops in the forest, looking at the vaguely visible wall of the capital.

His strong eyesight could capture the elite soldiers covered in heavy armor patrolling on the top of the wall. They seemed to be quite normal, and seemed to be doing their duty, not letting the sick people outside the city invade the Holy Capital.

However, Du En saw at a glance that the gaps in the heavy armor of those elite soldiers were occasionally glowing with a dark purple.

They had been sick for a long time!

The reason why they looked normal might be because the degree and type of the disease were inconsistent.

There are only two major types of disease in the dead.

The disease of the living is particularly varied.

Du En looked back at the road he had just walked.

The civilians were deformed and twisted flesh butchers, and each one looked different because the spiritual origin seeds in their bodies grew wildly after being infected, so this situation occurred.

Looking closer, the guards' diseases are more consistent. Combined with the armor and weapons absorbed, they can still look like human beings, but they are also more powerful. They can easily have the powerful combat power of the early stage of transformation, and because of the magic power, they can burst out with great power, even stronger than the Ying zombies of the same level.

The overall appearance is consistent and extreme due to their profession, or in other words, the same kind of spiritual body origin is developed by the locals to form the existing combat power, which is enough to serve the same important position, so they will show a tendency to be consistent after the disease.

In short, the more elite, the more consistent, the more powerful!

At the same time, no matter what, there will be crazy guys with diseases all the way to Shengjing, and even in Shengjing, who will keep rushing to kill because Du En is pure.



Look, another civilian and guard noticed him and approached to the distance where the sound could be heard.

In response, Du En, who had already tested and verified the basic situation, just quietly activated the secret method.

Unmelted ice soul!

After learning it in time and having achieved perfection, once it was used, it immediately made Du En's ice soul, which seemed to be frozen forever, completely suppressed the surging life breath brought by the powerful spirit body, as if he had become a dead body, or an ice corpse.

The diseased people who were already very close suddenly lost their target.

They relied on the origin of the diseased spirit body to sense and find those normal people, just like parasites will spontaneously find a suitable host.

Now Du En chose to freeze himself, which naturally eliminated this sense.

However, these guys are very sensitive, and behaviors such as spatial movement will still attract the attention of some individuals, which is achieved by relying on the abnormal fluctuation of the diseased spirit energy.

"Great, so we can go directly into the city and find another apostle of mine who is stationed inside and is stubbornly resisting the fluorite disease, your fellow brother."

The Holy Spirit seemed very happy about this, and the hanging lantern was spinning.

Dune did not hesitate and continued to rush on the road.

The twisted and weird forest was left behind, and the white Holy City came into view.

The dark purple plasma was smeared everywhere, and the crystal clusters of fluorite grew wantonly, dripping, making the wide-open city gate look like a sticky and dangerous cavity, waiting for the prey to come to the door.

At the same time, this scene also declared the fact that the Holy Capital had been breached!

"How could it be..."

The Holy Spirit was a little unbelievable. It seemed that he had long lost the sense and control of the ground, so he showed such a misbehavior about the fall of his country's capital.

However, the movement in the center of the Holy Capital at this moment seemed to show that Dunn's apostle "brother" was still resisting stubbornly and waiting for his god to return.

"He is my strongest creation, the most tenacious warrior in the world. Since the establishment of the Holy Kingdom, he has always been at the forefront or at the back, making everyone convinced..."

The Holy Spirit kept talking, unable to hide his inner uneasiness, while Du En hurried along silently.

He crossed the creepy city gate, entered the Holy Capital, passed the densely packed, unknown number of diseased people, and went straight to the place where the movement was.

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