Seeing Du En poking the corpses in front, the other people who were burying the corpses were inevitably worried.

"Du En, is there a problem?"

Ning Cai asked tentatively.

Du En took back the shovel he was poking and shook his head slightly: "There is nothing unusual, but looking at their clothes, they seem unusual, so I want to see if I can find something good."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the first words, and was stunned again after hearing the latter words.

His eyes moved to the four headless corpses.

Indeed, the blue clothes were made of satin, which was obviously more exquisite than ordinary bottom clothes.


Wait, wearing blue clothes, the fabric is very good, hiss! This, the leader of the Qingyi Gang? !

Good guy!

You are worthy of it. Facing these gang bullies who died tragically one after another, you are still thinking about making money from their bodies!

Although these guys really deserved it, there was no need to worry about destroying the corpse, but...

"It has been touched two or three times, what else can be left?"

Ning Caizhe expressed a negative opinion.

Is this what I should say now?

Wei Ming stared at him.

Ning Caizhe, who had begun to relax, no longer hid behind Du En, and faced Wei Ming's gaze and said, "If we talk about hidden dangers, there must not be too many, otherwise, they would not have been touched several times."

Wei Ming suddenly realized, but he was also a little worried.

After all, it might be done by an evil cultivator, so shouldn't we be careful?

Just when they thought of this, they saw Du En already touching it.

The action seemed cautious, with magic power attached to his hands, and thick cloth gloves.

Soon, his hand stopped.

Is there really something missing?

All of a sudden, everyone else subconsciously held their breath, and seemed more nervous than the person involved.

Du En seemed to be searching, but in fact, he was trying to sense it with his new skills, and found strange feedback in the stomach.

So, the others saw Du En pry open the broken neck and put his hand in through the esophagus.


This scene made them feel a little subtle.

But it was only a little, because although doing so would get some bloody gastric juice, or even rotten stomach contents, but in their line of work, they were soaked in the stench of corpses all day long, so it was actually not a big deal.

At most, watching this action, they felt a little empathy for no reason, just like when they saw others lose everything, they would feel a chill in their hearts and clamp their legs.

Du En was digging out the stomach and took out a bag.

It was hidden quite deep, at the junction of the stomach and duodenum, a groove that was obviously formed after birth and clamped by tissue fibrosis.

This was to prevent the stomach from being dug out!

Du En touched it and indeed found that it had been robbed once.

"Sure enough, I'm not the only one who knows how to hide things like this."

When Du En thought so, others gathered around and looked amazed.

These people who were actually quite new in the work of burying corpses had never thought that they could hide things like this.

Perhaps Ning Caizhe knew it vaguely, but he didn't dare to take the risk to verify it.

Du En continued to dig out other corpses in one go.

There was one corpse inside, but someone got there first, so he didn't get anything at all.

First, use the corpse's clothes to wipe off all the dirt on your hands, and then examine the things you got from digging out the corpse.

When you open the bag contributed by the first corpse, you can see densely packed low-grade spirit stones. After counting, there are 38 pieces, which is not a small number.

At the same time, there are several folded papers, which have a sense of déjà vu. Du En opened it and found that it was just a low-grade spell called Earth Armor.

This is not a coincidence.

In fact, when Du En chose his target last night, he had a bias.

Specifically, among the four hall masters, two of them were also practicing the Yellow Earth Skill, and they might have hidden things related to the earth.

His luck was pretty good, so he had this Earth Armor Technique.

The reason why there were so many papers was not because this low-grade spell was particularly unique, but because the dead man would write down his practice experience before he died.

From it, one can read a kind of complacency and arrogance.

A kind of diary of self-praise in disguise.

The second corpse did not contribute a bag, but a thin and long thing that started to be pulled out from the duodenum. This thing was grayish white, like a parasite, and it kept pulling out until it was stained with feces. It was almost ten meters long.

Everyone was stunned and said it was an eye-opener.

After Du En's identification, he concluded that this should be a spiritual object, to be precise, a soft metal spiritual ore, a first-level mid-grade appearance, and worth at least fifty low-grade spiritual stones.

The long-stuck collection and identification was also touched, and accumulated once.

Finally, the fourth one, there was no bag here, instead, there was a spiritual stone stuck in the small intestine like an intestinal obstruction.

A medium-grade spiritual stone.

Compared with the low-grade spiritual stone, it is several circles larger, harder, and more transparent. The spiritual energy contained in it is like mist, beautiful in the sun.

In terms of value, it can be exchanged for 100 low-grade spiritual stones.

The total harvest is a medium-grade spiritual stone, 38 low-grade spiritual stones, a certain spiritual ore of the first-level mid-grade, and a low-grade spell Earth Armor.

Not bad, all belongs to Du En.

After all, the others were just watching, powerless and timid.

Seeing that Du En had gained a lot, they were eager to move. Looking at other corpses, they also saw a few with good clothes, but when they walked up to them, they hesitated and didn't dare to take them.

Du En packed up the spoils and came over to explore a little, but didn't find anything in their stomachs.

The situation was obvious. Only the old oil sticks hid it deeply, or the corpses were special and unique, would they leave a little soup for them, the last and most miserable corpse buryers.

"Start working. After work, if you want to learn the earth armor technique, you can come and see it."

Du En was not stingy about this.

However, the energy of others was limited. Ning Caize, the best one who had learned the sand-raising technique so far, had just gotten out of the beginner's practice and figured out a little trick.

Even if the earth armor technique now has additional experience of the dead, it is obviously more difficult to learn. If they really want to get started, it will probably take a lot of time.

Even so, everyone was disappointed, exclaimed, and then worked hard, looking impatient.

Du En was a little lazy, and took time to think about the earth armor.

With his mastery of the yellow earth skill, he was at least familiar with two spells of the same kind, plus the experience of the dead, so he learned it quickly.

[Earth Armor (Beginner 0/10)]

"The free time during the day has been squeezed out by the other two spells. This earth armor should be practiced at night. After all, it is not like the earth bomb skill that is too powerful. It can be practiced indoors. Well, practice five times a day."

"Subtract two for mastery, 1.5 for a small achievement, and one for ease. The breath-holding skill is not of the same kind, so it should not be reduced. In other words, practice five and a half times to accumulate a little proficiency."

It is quite simple to increase the proficiency.

Du En thought so, and suddenly realized something vaguely, and turned his head to look at the path.

Someone is approaching!

Please read! Please collect!

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