"I want to see what you, a conceited brat, can cook!"

Ren Li said this and sneered.

As expected, this frightened Ning Caize and the others again.

Du En looked at the five quails and sighed secretly. He pointed to the bathroom, indicating that they could take a bath.

However, they who used to be obedient now dare not obey immediately.

It wasn't until they glanced at Ren Li that he didn't care, that they felt like they were being pardoned, and ran over in a group. They all retreated inside as soon as the door was closed, making up their mind that Ren Li wouldn't be able to get out until he did.

There were only two people left in the yard.

Seeing Du En sit down, Ren Li felt that it was not good for him to stand, so he raised his hand and used a little magic power to shoot out, and green and fresh vines sprouted from the ground and grew into a Taishi chair.

He sat here, looking down at Doon.

Finally got a win!

However, Du En ignored him and just adjusted the firewood and added medicine to the pot from time to time.

"Quite skillful." Ren Li commented.

Doon stopped adding any more medicine and continued to simmer.

"The whole thing is still lacking!" Ren Li shook his head, and when Du En looked over, he couldn't help but ramble on, "Although spiritual meals and elixirs are actually very similar, in a sense, the so-called elixir power can be said to be Two manifestations of one thing.”

Du En did not interrupt. After all, this kind of knowledge is quite rare.

So Ren Li became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke: "Both of these are used to assist the practice of cultivation skills through ingestion and refining. Among them, elixirs are quick to take effect, and their effects are short-lived and significant. Sometimes it is easy to overdo it."

"Spiritual diet emphasizes nourishment, and the results are relatively slow, and it is not easy to overdo it. At the same time, even low-level ingredients and medicinal materials can be combined into high-level spiritual diet as long as they can meet the dietary pharmacology."

Having said this, he glanced at the stewed owl, shook his head and said: "This is an outstanding feature of Lingshan, but it is precisely because of the decentralization of the requirements for the materials used that it often lacks effectiveness at the same level. ”

"And your pot of things is still lacking overall. The best result is that it can only produce a first-level low-grade product... That's right. You are in the early stage of Qi refining. It seems that you have only been practicing for a year or two. It is quite useful. It can be used for a few years, and when the cultivation level starts to improve, it will probably only be used to improve the taste. "

Although the sense of smell in his nose was still blocked, Ren Liguang looked at the smoke rising from the pot and could tell that its taste was getting lighter, which was due to the combination of medicinal materials and ingredients.

It has to be said that as a poor and low-income person, he still has some ability to learn to cook the most basic spiritual meals by himself.

But unfortunately, that’s all!

Ren Li didn't know what he was thinking of, but he suddenly felt a little sad.

Then, he saw Du En in front of him, completing the last step very skillfully and smoothly.

——Turn off the heat, cool down, and add mana.


Ren Li couldn't help but widen his eyes, and he suddenly came out of his eyes. He looked straight at the opposite side and opened the lid of the pot, and couldn't help but stand up.

"First-order mid-grade? Huh? This..."

Halfway through standing, he came back to his senses, paused, coughed lightly, and slowly sat down, "Ahem, you, well, I have to admit, you still have a little bit of understanding."

Ren Li was a little embarrassed, but also a little impressed.

A first-level low-grade spiritual meal, as long as you have some basic theory and can realize the effectiveness of the combination of ingredients and herbs, and then choose the appropriate ingredients, practice deliberately, and spend a period of time, you can always figure it out.

This is not the case for the first-level mid-level, which proves that this person has seen the door and knows how to exert magical influence, which can be said to be a true immortal cultivation skill.

Putting it in other places, there is no need to be surprised, but here is outside the border city of southern Xinjiang. The person who did this is a low-level low-level worker who looks quite young and has only been practicing immortality for two years, so you need to be surprised.

Especially since Ren Li had just been sentenced to death, thinking about it now, it was a bit embarrassing, so embarrassing that he bounced up as soon as his butt touched the chair.

"Ahem! I still have something to do and have to go back to the city. That's it for today, and it will be like that from now on. Well, I'm leaving, no need to send you off."

After slapping his butt and dispelling the spell, Ren Li left in a hurry, not wanting to stay any longer.

Du En looked away and ate the stewed owl, his expression unchanged.

The other corpse buryers jumped out immediately.

"Wow! It scared me to death!"

"Although this supervisor seems quite kind, he still makes people afraid of breathing too much for fear of the hidden spirit..."

"Shut up, what if that person didn't go far?"

"That is to say, that is the consummation of qi refining. A little breath suddenly came out in the afternoon, which almost made me urinate. Tsk tsk, that is the consummation of qi refining. It is really exciting!"

The four of them talked chaotically, soothing the accumulated emotions in their hearts.

Only Ning Cai quickly calmed down and walked to Du En with some worry: "Du En, your attitude should be somewhat slower. After all, supervisors are no better than supervisors. They have frequent contact with us. If you are not careful, you will be full of troubles." The boat capsized!"

"I am sensible." Du En replied, seeing that he was still relieved, and added, "Foreman Ren is actually quite good, and he lives in the city. He is not on the same level as other supervisors. He is not as good as ours." What's on the side?"

"City people?!"

Ning Cai couldn't help but exclaim, and the others also widened their eyes.

Border town, southern city.

The scene in that city is still etched in their minds.

On the first day they came here, they received initiation in the city and became immortal cultivators. Then they lived in the marginal area of ​​the city for a few days to adapt to the change of their status.

There, the spiritual energy was abundant, and it was like a fairyland when looking around.

At that time, they would imagine the future and feel that life was wonderful.

Then, they were concentrated in the shantytown outside the city and began to work as coolies...

The memories were interrupted in a hurry, and the beauty and bitterness mixed together, making them all fall into silence, and finally there was only a sigh.

However, at this time, they finally stopped being overly afraid of Ren Li.

The difference between the city and the outside of the city is so deeply rooted in people's hearts!

When they came to their senses, Du En had already gone back to his house.

After eating and drinking, he was refreshed and started to practice!

As for the strange and strange things hidden in the wasteland, there is finally a lever, and he doesn't want to let it go!

As long as the skills are more advanced, he should be able to follow the clues and perceive the mystery!

"I hope this supervisor Ren won't achieve his goal too quickly..."

It may be caused by Du En's thoughts, or Ren Li's behavior is a bit whimsical. In short, in the following period of time, Ren Li's progress is still slow and it is difficult to gain anything.

In contrast, Du En has made a breakthrough again in a logical way after accumulating day by day!

Please read it! Please collect it!

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