On a dark and windy night, it is time to search for spirits.

When other burial workers went to bed early due to fatigue, Du En was full of energy and quietly took action in the dark.

He had already thought about this tonight, so under the cover of night, he quickly approached a pre-selected destination.

He was not in a hurry to run in directly, because he had to see if he could take the opportunity to increase the number of times he searched for spirits.

Looking up, a spiritual medicine garden that was opened up and cultivated in the mountains and forests was quietly located at the other end of the field of vision.

At this moment, there was no one in the medicine garden, and there were no strict protection measures. It was basically a state of being open.

However, under normal circumstances, no one would dare to come and steal.

Because although the protection was not strict, it was still there. Without some means, it would be easy to be discovered.

Once discovered, it was basically just a matter of time before he was caught.

At the same time, due to the general lack of various immortal cultivation knowledge among the lower-level cultivators, the private circulation channels of spiritual medicines are basically non-existent. Therefore, even if they can sneak in and steal spiritual medicines without being discovered from beginning to end, they can only swallow them directly.

For spiritual medicines that have not been processed, due to the difference in medicinal properties, this method has the best result of being very wasteful and unable to absorb all the medicinal power. The bad result is that they will eat themselves to death.

"Of course, this is just the general situation. There are exceptions, but it is not to say that there are no exceptions..."

For example, now, Du En is going to secretly reach out to this medicine garden.

His idea is very simple.

Going to those deep mountains and old forests, poor mountains and bad waters to venture out to search for spiritual knowledge and collect knowledge may not necessarily yield any harvest. How can it be compared with this kind of plantation with clustered planting and prosperous fertile soil?

You can't seek far away!

And with Du En's current mastery of the breath-holding technique, there is no need to worry about being discovered. And with his current mastery of the Yellow Earth Skill, he can easily detect and avoid the protective measures here.

Everything is ready, it's time to act!


Du En silently used his power, sensed the resonance, and used his eyes to look for the trace of the spiritual object.

He didn't need to make any effort at all. He could easily find the trace of the spiritual object in such a place.

Just like a light bulb, he didn't need to take a step closer to find it.

The number of times increased by one!

"Sure enough, the number of times for searching for spirits can be increased here."

This is a natural thing, and he was not surprised.

The verification of searching for spirits is completed, so he can put it aside for now.

He took action again, moving forward secretly in the dark, and soon came to the medicine garden without anyone noticing.

What came to his face was the aroma of various spiritual medicines.

Row by row, piece by piece, on the cultivated land, various first-level spiritual medicines were neatly planted.

Du En's goal was quite clear, the best was the seed-type spiritual medicine, and the next was the root-type spiritual medicine.

Because these two types of spiritual medicines will not be easily detected after being stolen, and at the same time, it is convenient to hide and use them afterwards.

He planned to steal from one herb garden to another, and try his best to reduce the probability of being discovered when stealing spiritual medicine.

For his own good, he would not affect other people.

"... Got it, this spiritual medicine, white sheath?"

Du En saw a kind of spiritual medicine with seeds, came to its side to watch, and quickly caught the characteristic feature, that is, the upper petiole has a white leaf sheath, so he recognized this spiritual medicine.

Before, he chatted with Ren Li to relieve his boredom, but he made up a lot of relevant fragmentary knowledge for him.

"Warm in nature, um, bitter in taste, and effective, first-level medium-quality, comparable to demon tiger meat."

He found a spiritual medicine that could be stolen and used right away, and his luck tonight was pretty good.

Then, Du En began to brush up the number of times he had collected and identified.

The proficiency of these skills, such as collecting and identifying, searching for spirits, and cooking, only needs to complete one process to accumulate the number of times.

Except for the cooking side, which is controlled to once a day due to various reasons, the other two can actually be easily brushed up.

For example, now, facing several long rows and hundreds of white sheaths, facing the tips of the ears with seeds, Du En picked one from each plant and identified it. After a while of busy work, his proficiency in the beginning was maxed out.

[Collecting and Identifying (0/50)]

"Sure enough, as long as you choose the right place, it is easy to master this craft."

It is a pity that there is no medicine garden outside this border city where second-level spiritual medicines are planted, so I can't continue to brush it.

But it's not a pity, because the second-level medicine garden will definitely not be as leaky as these ordinary medicine gardens with a large number of them and distributed like stars.

Du En continued to collect and identify. After picking up the white sheaths, he went to find other yang-warming spiritual medicines that could be matched. By taking seeds and digging roots, he quickly stole a small bag.

The amount does not need to be too much, after all, it is not for alchemy, but just as a supplementary material for cooking.

During this time, he also relied on his skillful skills in collecting and identifying, and keenly discovered that the spiritual medicines in this garden actually showed signs of being stolen to a certain extent.

In other words, he was not the only one who secretly reached out.

However, it was not an outsider like him who stole, but an internal thief who left it.

"Working in the herb garden is a good job. As long as you can understand the medicinal properties and are skilled enough, you can steal them while working and say that it is a natural loss during the cultivation process. It will not arouse any suspicion."

In the final analysis, the supervisors want the overall indicators. As long as the standard can be met in the final annual harvest, there will be no problem.

Even these supervisors, who dares to say that they did not reach out?

However, Du En did not get greedy because of this.

After quietly leaving the herb garden, he did not rush back, but found a place and started to move forward and backward to improve his proficiency in searching for spirits.

Beginner → Get a glimpse of the way

[Hundred Arts: Collection (0/50 for ease), Cooking (0/50 for ease), Searching for Spirits (0/20 for a glimpse)]

This glimpse of the way of searching for spirits allowed Du En to vaguely sense that the surrounding land power was flowing to the herb garden in an orderly manner.

And although it seems slow and tepid, it is actually quite large as a whole, covering the sky above the entire medicine garden, the gathering vortex of spiritual energy!

Obviously, this is a man-made spiritual gathering guide, and the setting is very consistent with the law of various spiritual medicines absorbing spiritual energy.

However, although the overall structure is strict and orderly, covering all kinds of spiritual medicines in the entire medicine garden, it can only be said to be a first-level arrangement, not a second-level one.

"I can only get a glimpse of the way..."

Du En thought so when he retracted his gaze.

The skill of searching for spirits, from the beginning, takes spiritual objects as the object, which is obviously different from the previous two items, so if you want to brush it to be proficient, you need at least a second-level object.

In this way, the first-level spiritual objects and spiritual food can no longer provide accumulated proficiency, and the improvement of the three skills can only come to an end for the time being.

"I think it's the same for other arts like alchemy and refining, which all start with first-order objects."

"However, considering the special features of cooking, first-order ingredients and medicinal materials can actually make second-order finished products. In this way, the quantity and quality of the main and auxiliary materials cannot be lacking..."

Du En thought so in his heart when he left.

An idea was gradually finalized, waiting for the implementation time.

He went back to the courtyard day and night.

He pulled out the cooking utensils and started cooking the first-order spiritual objects.

Facts have proved that Ren Li was right. Ordinary pots, even if they were extra thick, were completely unsuitable, and ordinary firepower could not heat these spiritual ingredients.

He could only use mana to increase pressure and promote combustion, providing firepower in the form of twice the result with half the effort.

The result was that the pot was broken and the first attempt failed.

Du En was not frustrated, but just quietly gained experience.

After all, he was already at the stage of being familiar with it, so when he tried again, although the pot was broken again, this dish of braised tiger meat with medicinal herbs did not fail.

First-class top grade!

"The consumption of mana is a bit high."

Du En muttered in his heart, because time waits for no one, he did not clean up too much, and returned to his room with the fragrant tiger meat, rushing to work.

The next day, he got up late, or rather, came out late.

Because he couldn't waste the energy of the dish of braised tiger meat with medicinal herbs.

While the others smelled the burnt smell in the air, and then looked at the broken pot, no one said anything about it, all deliberately ignored it, and seemed to be guessing and listening to the boss's intentions.

Please read! Please collect!

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