Completely ignoring Ren Li's expression at the moment, Du En just wanted to continue asking about the details of the corpse.

At this time, Xu Ran, who had finished envying him, noticed his change belatedly.

"Ah?! You are in the middle stage of Qi Refining?!"

Is Lord Ren so kind?

Xu Ran was full of surprise, and couldn't help but be jealous.

The other corpse transporters were stunned at first, and then they looked at Du En who was sitting in the car with Ren Li.

After confirming, they were all surprised.

Good guy, with a kind-hearted supervisor, can the corpse burial people who were at the bottom of the corpse business in the past finally turn over?

They had this idea and didn't hide it at all.

Du En didn't bother to defend himself, but Ren Li still had face.

"Hey! This is actually none of my business."

Hearing Ren Li's words, the corpse transporters calmed down again, and then became even more stunned.

Not someone helped, but climbed up by himself? !

What kind of magical development is this?

Then the next moment, they all searched their memories at the same time.

Only when they were sure that they had only done their own things before and had not embarrassed Du En did they dare to breathe a sigh of relief, and then they kept congratulating and congratulating with a smile on their faces.


Xu Ran silently stepped back and subconsciously bent his body, but facing Du En's calm gaze, his expression became a little awkward, and he took a half step back. Seeing that he didn't mind, he breathed a sigh of relief and his attitude returned to the casualness just now.

It was better than Ning Cai Ze and the others, but only better.

The fear of strength and cultivation has been engraved in the bones of these low-level people.

"Congratulations, Du En, you broke the record!"

"Is there a record for this?"

Du En had never heard of this before, and corpse transporters like Xu Ran, although they don't need to run around like corpse collectors, they also often walk around the streets, and they have a lot of seniority, and there are no vacancies for supervisors, so they know much more than here.

Xu Ran nodded slightly, his expression became serious: "Indeed, there is. The last one was Shi Leishi, the leader of the Stone Digging Gang. He only took four years to break through to the middle stage of Qi Refining."

"Huh? Shi, the leader? I remember that he was already over 60 years old. In the following decades, did he only break through to the late stage?"

The Stone Digging Gang, this gang is well-known in the shanty town.

The main reason is that although they are powerful and include all the hard workers who mine and dig stones, their scale is far larger than that of the Qingyi Gang, the Blood Eagle Gang, and the Iron Hand Gang, but this is a group that fits the original intention of the gang. They do not oppress others and gather together only for warmth.

Therefore, many people even think about paying protection fees on their own initiative to seek their protection from the harassment and oppression of those bullies.

However, the leader Shi Lei is only in the late stage of Qi Refining, and he is not much different from the leaders of other large gangs.

So, if he really dares to do so, those bullies will not sit idly by!

Therefore, in the end, the existence of the Stone Digging Gang did not change the situation in the shantytown at all.

Du En also knew this, so he asked.

If it only took four years to break through to the middle stage of Qi Refining, then under normal circumstances, it would take about six to ten years to break through to the late stage of Qi Refining. Another ten years or so should be the perfect stage of Qi Refining. Maybe now it is possible to impact the foundation building.

Once successful, it will be possible to escape from the swampy quagmire of the shantytown outside the city!

Therefore, even Ren Li raised his eyebrows, as if he was a little concerned.

But Xu Ran just smiled bitterly and glanced at Ren Li subconsciously.

If other supervisors were present, he would definitely not dare to say it, but now he barely dared to speak hesitantly: "It's because the leader of the Shi Gang violated the rules and was injured in his foundation. Stone digging is a real hard work, so he was raised until he was in his fifties before breaking through to the late stage of Qi Refining."

So that's it, he had a similar experience to me.

Du En understood it immediately.

When he asked He Bo, the manager above him, for wages, he was plotted against. If he hadn't had a solid foundation and a deep grasp of the skills, he would have been hurt.

Now, Xu Ran had to bite the bullet and say it out. He probably wanted to warn Du En not to be careless or he might repeat the same mistake.

Especially on the basis of the manager's disgust.

Although he had already done it before.

Du En just nodded calmly, and then turned the topic back to the beginning: "Speaking of which, who is the one who transported the corpse today?"

"This is Shi Lei, the leader of the Shi Gang."

It felt like nothing unexpected.

Ren Li's eyebrow-raising gesture just now, and the slightly strong uneasiness of the corpse transporters, and the topic that Xu Ran might have intentionally led, all hinted at the identity of the victim.

He was ambitious at a young age, then worked hard, became a late bloomer, and then died.

Ning Caize, Wei Ming and the others couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Moreover, once Shi Lei died, the foundation of the Digging Gang was gone. In the future, they would either transform and become corrupt, or be torn apart and swallowed by other bully gangs.

The living environment of the poor people at the bottom might deteriorate sharply!

Thinking of this, they were even more worried.

However, when they looked up and saw Du En's calm sitting back like an old stone, the haze in their hearts was swept away!

"It's almost done."

As Ren Li said this, the contact and stay between the two sides came to an end.

The two sides passed by each other, and the corpse transporters discussed enthusiastically, and all kinds of emotions could not stop overflowing.

The old legend fell, and the new legend seemed to be rising!

They were in the corpse business, and it was very face-saving to say it out!

The burial people were silent, and the closer they got to the wasteland, the more silent they were.

Soon, they arrived at the wasteland.

Rows of corpses lay coldly in the sun.

Many of them were bitten by monsters, which seemed unexpected.

"The monster's revenge is so strong?"

"A normal forest shadow leopard should not have such a strong revenge. Perhaps it is a special case of an individual who has left the group?"

Ren Li was a little unsure. He had received news about Shi Lei's death, but he didn't know how many people were killed by the monster's revenge.

Because the person who passed the news to him didn't take these small characters to heart at all.

"Huh? The hearts and livers of the others were eaten, only Shi Lei was bitten to death."

Du En stopped in front of this corpse, which was full of wounds but still looked strong and solid. In a sixty years, its spine had not been broken.

Ren Li, who followed him, was also a little confused.

Because it stands to reason that the higher the cultivation level, the better the quality of the flesh and blood. There is no reason for the forest shadow leopard to let go of this good meat and eat the inferior flesh and blood instead.

"Huh? He is not dead yet!"

Suddenly, Ren Li realized this.

He was subconsciously a little entangled in his heart, and suddenly realized something. His eyes lit up immediately. He squatted without sparing his magic power. He raised his palm and pressed it on Shi Lei's body. The green light began to emerge and flow in.

Looking at the person who was already cold, the stagnant heart was stirred again!


Shi Lei grabbed a straw from the suffocation of the cold deep water and climbed up tenaciously.

Can't die yet!

I can't die yet!

There is a belief that supports him all the way to now!

So, he grabbed this straw and jumped out of the water with all his strength.

Although he was very weak, he successfully opened his eyes.

Shi Lei's vision was mottled, and he could barely see Du En, who was squatting and looking at him.

In his eyes, there was no pity, no lamentation, nothing else, only a calmness like the breeze, the soil, and the water.

"Buried corpse, Du En, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you..."

Shi Lei tried to squeeze out his own words from his throat, "Help, help me, I'll give you a reward, as long as you can help me find my child who went to Chiwu City. He, she was just born, and I haven't seen her yet, and she was snatched away."

He already understood that he could not find the other person by himself.

His wife worked while pregnant in the past, leaving her with a lot of illness, so she died early. He worked hard for decades, but in the end she fell into the mouth of a beast, leaving only this breath.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but burst into tears.


Du En's answer was only one word.

Like a lonely and drifting wish, it finally got the support of the earth. Shi Lei's breath began to dissipate, and he finally spit out a place with difficulty, and then closed his eyes forever.

Please read it! Please collect it!

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