The fur is pitch black, the muscles are bulging, the shoulder height is seven feet, the body is nearly ten feet long, the vertical pupils are bright green, flashing with a cold luster, revealing a bloodthirsty hunger.

This forest shadow leopard has set its sights on these miners.

The miners felt as if they were falling into an ice cave when they were hit by the sight of this predator, and their whole bodies were cold and limp.

But in the next moment, they thought of their beloved gang leader who died tragically in the mouths of these monsters, and their emotions suddenly hit the bottom and turned from fear to anger.

"Beast! Is it you who killed the gang leader?"

"Damn monster, whether it is you or not, anyway, give me your life!"

"Kill! Revenge for the gang leader!"

They became angry, swung the iron pickaxes in their hands, squeezed the thin magic power, and their fatigue was temporarily covered up, and they rushed forward aggressively.

Facing this scene, the forest shadow leopard was only surprised, and subconsciously exerted force on its limbs. The bulging muscles, like springs, suddenly made it bounce up, and it landed behind the miners with a body weighing thousands of pounds.

Avoiding the sharp edge, and then, it found that these prey in front of it were actually just for show, and they couldn't stop immediately, and they had to stagger to stop and turn around in a hurry.

It felt that it was teased.


With a roar, it turned around, kicked its hind legs, and the dust flew. Its figure was like a shadow, and it suddenly jumped into the crowd. With a wave of its claws, several people turned into rolling gourds, spitting blood, and breaking iron pickaxes.

At the same time, the leopard head also rushed to the front, hitting the person in front of it, breaking his body from the middle, bleeding from all seven orifices, and disintegrating his magic power, and he died on the spot.


"It's a beast in the middle stage of the first stage!"

"Woo wow! Help, help, who will save me, gang leader..."

The miners' surging anger was wiped out at this moment, and they lost all their courage and fell to the bottom. Those who were still alive and able to move fled in all directions as much as they could.

However, at this time, some of the vengeful forest shadow leopards did not intend to kill them directly, but like the shadow of the forest, they merged into one in the darkness, flashing and moving, claw by claw, gathering strength, and beat back all the people who ran away.




The miners vomited blood, their magic power collapsed, and their bodies rolled back, with broken bones and flesh.

In the end, no one escaped, and they were piled up in a ball, wailing for help.

But now, who will come to save and help them?

The leader is dead...

So, when the demon beast leopard approached gracefully, their eyes were filled with despair.

The Forest Shadow Leopard was very satisfied with this look, which finally made it no longer angry, and it had a sense of accomplishment and looked very proud.

Since the emotional problem has been solved, the next step is to solve the physiological problem.

Thinking of those tender and delicious hearts and livers, it couldn't help but drool.



The calm footsteps, mixed with the sound of saliva dripping, made it unable to react for a while, until it saw the food in its eyes, it was surprised and surprised, looking straight at its side, and then it suddenly stared and turned its head.

"Is this the Forest Shadow Leopard? How come it is only in the middle stage of the first stage?"

When Du En came here, he saw the messy ground, the miserable people, the dead victims, and the demon beast that was a little different from what he expected.

According to his speculation, the reason why Shi Lei's heart and liver were not eaten was probably because he fought back and unleashed his potential, causing obvious damage to the Forest Shadow Leopard that attacked him.

As a result, he didn't see the injured first-level perfect leopard, but he encountered a good first-level mid-level leopard.

So, he couldn't help but speculate secretly and glanced at the middle of the opponent's hind legs.

Well, it's empty, female.

A male and a female?

Faced with such a straightforward and casual peeping of the prey, the female leopard couldn't help but get angry, and the bulging muscles were condensed, accumulating the power to burst out.

"Little, be careful!"

"Yes, this beast, it's very..."


Before the miners finished reminding it, the Forest Shadow Leopard roared, kicked with four legs, splashed four smoke and dust on the spot, left four cracks, and disappeared suddenly.

It was so fast that the miners couldn't see it at all. The surprise in their eyes suddenly dimmed, and they didn't dare to look at it again, lest they see the savior who finally came from the sky being killed directly.

Du En, who was being lamented, just calmly dodged sideways.

? !

The Forest Shadow Leopard pounced over and just passed by him.

Then, when it realized something was wrong, it saw Du En's hand move a little.

The movement of raising it.

A handful of yellow sand, like a shotgun, suddenly hit its face.

Crackling, puffing.

Fine holes were all over the leopard's head, covering its eyes, nose, mouth, flesh, and ears.


Although it had the demonic power left, it burst out in time to protect and resist the sand from penetrating into its brain, but it couldn't help but let out a whine.

Huh? !

The miners were shocked when they heard the sound, squinting their eyes, turning their heads to straighten them, and then they were shocked to see that Du En was unharmed at this time, but the Forest Shadow Leopard, when it landed and revealed its true form, staggered, and blood kept flowing, spilling all over the ground.

The moonlight shines through the gaps between the branches and falls on it.

It turns its head.




The fine blood holes keep bleeding, which is really scary.

While they were shocked, they couldn't help but wonder how this could be done.

Du En was very considerate and demonstrated it again on the spot.

In the middle stage of Qi Refining, he was very skilled in raising sand.

A handful of yellow sand was raised and scattered, and the Forest Shadow Leopard sensed the danger and wanted to escape from the spot, but it was too fast, and it was almost in front of it when the spell was formed.

Immediately, the head was hit again.

This time, there was no extra demonic power to resist the sand like bullets.

Therefore, the sand shot in along the old hole either drilled through the skull and got stuck in most of the place, or went directly to the brain through the eye sockets, nasal cavity, throat and other parts with few bones.

The brain was shot to pieces, even if it was a demon beast, it would lose 90% of its life.

Du En condensed another layer of earth armor, wrapped it in his hand, and steadily approached, and smashed the head with one fist.

Broken bones and pieces of flesh burst out and fell around like blooming red flowers. The miners' heads were buzzing and they couldn't come back to their senses for a while.

"Can you help me pick up the teeth?"

It wasn't until Du En's voice sounded that they suddenly came back to their senses.

At this moment, he was picking up scattered usable parts.

They were mainly teeth tempered by demonic power. As for the skull, there was nothing special about it. At most, it could be used to make soup.

Because there were too many broken pieces, and the leopard still had hundreds of pounds of bones that were not broken, there was no need to pick them up, just pick those teeth.

There were several of them, and they flew to the miners.

They realized the situation, and immediately shuddered, forced themselves to stand up, and came to Du En holding these teeth with roots.

"That, the teeth you want."

"Sir, thank you, thank you for saving us!"

"Yes, yes, almost, I almost thought that I would go down to accompany the gang leader..."

They who survived the disaster expressed their gratitude.

"No need to do that, it's just for the sake of convenience."

Duen took the tooth, looked at it, and felt it was just right, so he used it to block the main bleeding hole in the demon leopard's neck.

The blood of the demon beast is actually the same material, and if possible, it should be preserved as much as possible.

Then, he carried the headless leopard that he had obtained unexpectedly, said goodbye to the miners who were still in a trance and nervous, and left here under the stars.

Please read it! Please collect it!

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