"Fuck! You bunch of ghosts are cooking manure at home again!"

"It's so stinky, cough, damn it!"

"Du, get out of here, do you really think this trick can work every time?"

The chattering words came from the same person.

Ning Cai and his friends' faces suddenly changed, and Wei Ming seemed confused.

Seeing this, Ning Cai suppressed his expression and explained it to him quickly.

So, he understood why everyone acquiesced to Du En cooking the strange owl in the yard, causing the yard and the yard to be filled with a strange smell.

Not only because Du En was the leader, but also because they wanted to use this stinky smell to block those low-class people as much as possible.

At this time, outside the gate of the yard, blocked by the stench and only cursing, was the main target of the blockage - in this area, they formed gangs, bullied the weak, robbed spirit stones, and acted tyrannically, calling it protection fees, the Blood Eagle Gang.

The lower-class Qi-refining people living in the shantytown outside the city often gather together for warmth and overcome difficulties, forming groups of varying sizes.

For example, the Buried Corpse Gang is a small group, and now Du En is the leader.

At the moment, the scumbags of the Blood Eagle Gang are finally determined to collect the "overdue" protection fee from the Buried Corpse Gang.

"Don't worry, go and see."

Du En, who finished his dinner slowly, spoke calmly and steadily, which made everyone calm down unconsciously.

He stood up and walked outside, and the others followed him and came to the gate of the courtyard together.

In the night, Luo Heng, who blocked his mouth and nose and widened his eyes like a copper bell, stood up and approached immediately, like a bloodthirsty beast, appearing from the darkness.

"Du, you stinky boy, you finally came out for me!"

"Hurry up, pay me the protection fee for this month and last month!"

Luo Heng came aggressively, with a burly figure and a face full of flesh. He also deliberately stimulated the magic power he had cultivated for several years, and then exuded a bloodthirsty and aggressive momentum.

He really killed people!

There are no good birds in the entire Blood Eagle Gang. Among the private gangs in the shantytown outside the city, they are extremely vicious, which adds a lot of work to Du En and others.

Therefore, at this moment, Luo Heng's murderous momentum pressed over, and immediately made the buried people's legs and feet weak, as if falling into an ice cave, and they were terrified.

In the face of such coercion, Du En still seemed calm and said bluntly: "If you dare to do it, then come and kill us all."


No, Boss Du, even if we don't have money, we can't take our lives!

Wei Ming and others were stunned.

Luo Heng, who was about to continue to increase the stakes, was also stunned and stopped.

What is this? There are too many bodies buried, and people are not afraid of death at all?

At this time, Du En spoke calmly again: "However, there is one thing I need to remind you."

"What, what?"

"Although the manager treats everyone equally and doesn't care about our lives, someone has to do the job of burying the bodies. So, if you kill us all, you will have to take over our job?"


Luo Heng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and then because he inhaled too much, he inhaled the accumulated stench formed by the boiled monster owl, which choked him and made him cough. It took a long time to stabilize, and his momentum seemed to be completely collapsed.

"You! You!"

"That's right! There is no money, but a life!"

At this time, the other burials understood this key point, and with Du En taking the lead, they had already stopped the other party's momentum, and they were immediately excited and spoke like this.

It can be regarded as a true expression of feelings.

After all, they worked so hard, were treated differently, and faced many dangers and accidents. In the end, they even wanted to take away this little bit of wages?

Don’t even think about it!

“Okay, okay! You have guts! You have guts! Hiss, hiss… I, I will give you another ten days. If you still don’t see the spirit stone by then, I will kill you even if I have to take over the burial job!”

Facing Du En’s calm and fearless attitude, Luo Heng, who didn’t want to be buried with him, chose to retreat in the end, but he also gritted his teeth and gave the final deadline.

Because he was in the early stage of Qi Refining, he was actually just a small pawn. When the superiors were counting the heads, they couldn’t bear to see any shortage.

Originally, the problem with the burial people was not big. As a marginal group, they were actually easy to bully, but Du En came, just like a stone in a pit, smelly and hard, and he cooked rotten corpses all day long, and slowly became the leader.

So, after hitting a wall last month and not receiving the protection fee, he paid the spiritual stones to make up for the loss.

This month, it can't be like this again, otherwise, it will definitely be a bottomless pit!

Luo Heng secretly swears in his heart, and without saying much, he leaves with a big sleeve and angrily.

Looking at his back as he leaves, Du En's eyelids droop slightly.

It seems that he has to solve this trouble first and divert the attention of the Blood Eagle Gang, so that he can be quiet for a while.

Then, the plan needs to change.

In silence, he has quickly made adjustments.


Looking at Luo Heng's side, the people have gone far away, and the people who buried the corpses have dispersed their breath, and they immediately began to worry.

"Alas~ It seems that I can't avoid this, cough cough cough, Du En, otherwise, let's get all the spiritual stones together and pay it?"

Ning Cai was the first to say such dejected words.

Others hesitated to speak, and were unwilling to give up.

Especially Wei Ming, a newborn calf should not be afraid of tigers.

However, there was the accident during the day, and Luo Heng's murderous intent just now, and the magical power he showed was much deeper than that of others on his side.

So, he couldn't be a calf at all now.

So in the end, they didn't refute, but they didn't agree, just looked at Du En.

This side was calm and his eyes didn't change at all: "Don't worry too much about that guy who looks fierce but is actually weak. He won't want to use his current relatively easy job to exchange for the cheap job of burying corpses with us."

"So, don't look at him as if he has thrown out the bottom line, but in the end, at most he will choose to defeat them one by one, and specifically wait for the lone ones, and try to knock them out bit by bit."

"Therefore, don't worry too much. After all, he also has his own job. We just need to pay attention to not being left alone in the free time in the morning and at night."

Du En's frankness at this time made people unable to relax at all.

Ning Caizhe smiled bitterly and said, "Will we be worried all the time? Besides, we still have to buy daily necessities and other miscellaneous things. We can't all move together all day long, right? In this way, other people, they, ah~"

At the end, thinking of other people's strange prejudices against them, he couldn't help but sigh, thinking that doing so would make the situation worse.

"Think of it in a positive way. As long as there are many people, those guys who maliciously raised the prices because of our work of burying corpses may also reform themselves?"

Du En said this in a question sentence.

Because the places selling daily necessities, in addition to the trading points opened by the border town itself, have enough spare capacity to take out various materials for sale, and are backed by the scattered stalls of medium and large gangs.

Who would be afraid of a small group of six people burying corpses?

Ning Caizhe knew this very well, and couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

However, looking at the others again, their panic and anxiety have actually begun to ease.

The reason was simple, because Du En was their backbone. As long as he was not panicked and remained calm, they would gradually settle down.

So Ning Cai Ze stopped talking about the bad news.

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