Day by day.

Two months later.

Du En's Breath Containment Technique reached the culmination.

As he expected, the culmination of the Breath Containment Technique also brought over a part of the Life Containment and Faking Death Technique, which was its origin, and was able to achieve a certain degree of Life Containment and Faking Death.

Using this method to approach and try to comprehend the corpse-burying wasteland, the situation changed significantly.

The noise disappeared, the auditory hallucinations subsided, and he felt like he was standing in front of a dead water, looking up quietly, and could only see the endless sea of ​​silence.

Du En looked at it like this, and got nothing.

But, he was indeed close to the mystery of the wasteland.

At least, it can be "seen" now.

He continued his self-disciplined and diligent practice.

When the situation was calm and stable until the end of early June, he accumulated enough again and broke through naturally.

Perfect, without any flaws, satisfying.

Extreme, reaching the extreme.

Without any flaws, it reaches the extreme with satisfaction, which is the ultimate perfection.

The loess skill that Du En practices has been practiced to the extreme by him at this moment. The whole form of exercise has been obviously mobilized, and the rich and refined gaseous magic power can already move spontaneously.

The Qi sea in the lower Dantian is pumped out, and it flows through the meridians of the bones, up to the place of the hundred points of the sky, and down to the place where the thick earth carries virtue, which is round and integrated, without any flaws.

It changed quietly, and no one noticed.

The treetops swayed in the wind, the sun was running in the sky, and above the wasteland where corpses were buried, the burial people were working as usual, the yin and filthy gas were consumed by the masculine, and the rotten corpses were swallowed by the dead soil.

Du En felt and felt it, as if he saw it all with his own eyes.

This is the external portrayal left on the mind after the sensitivity reaches a certain level.

It is very wonderful. He quickly adapted to it, and then he went all out to feel this mysterious and strange wasteland where corpses were buried again.

The feeling suddenly changed.

Du En came to the Dead Sea again.

The biggest difference between this time and the previous time was himself.

He raised his hand and actually saw his hand.

It was obviously not the physical eyes, no spiritual consciousness, but just perception, which seemed empty and empty, similar to the consciousness level, but such a scene still happened, such a real scene!


Du En was a little surprised, no longer paying attention to the Dead Sea transformed from the wasteland, but only looking at his hand, turning it over and over, as if he wanted to study it thoroughly.

In fact, if possible, he didn't want to step into the Dead Sea.

In the final analysis, his perception and exploration of the corpse-burying wasteland was like crossing the river by feeling the stones and wading through the water with Ren Li.

Not to mention that the basic cognition was very lacking, just looking at Ren Li who was still stuck, it could be judged that this road of advancing by pretending to die was mostly wrong.

Therefore, if you rashly explore, the best result is probably like this supervisor now, trapped in a desperate cycle, from the initial mania and anxiety to the current numbness.

As for the bad result, this wasteland where corpses are buried is not a good place!

It can be said that everyone avoids it, and countless people are inexplicably taboo about it. Although it has never shown any abnormality in the morning, daytime, and evening, the burial people have been replaced frequently in the past, and the record of the longest-lasting person is only a few years.

"Watch the fire from the other side of the river, and don't get involved."

At this time, Du En completely set this basic policy.

"Fake death is not enough, and the skills will make up for it."

The Yellow Earth Skill is perfect, and he has "seen" different things and seen himself, but he still needs time to slowly grind...

Du En is feeling, thinking and exploring, without being arrogant or impatient.

Time passed unknowingly, but he noticed it, so when others were done in the afternoon, he got out of this state of feeling.

Don't worry, take your time.

Opening his eyes, his personal panel appeared in his vision.

[Age: 20/128]

[Spiritual roots: inferior]

[Cultivation: middle stage of Qi training (35/100)]

[Skills: Yellow Earth Skill (perfect)]

[Spells: Earth Bomb Skill (mastery 10/300), Sand Raising Skill (mastery 155/500), Breathing Skill (mastery 40/500), Earth Armor Skill (mastery 138/300)]

[Magic Powers: None]

[Hundred Arts: Gathering (familiar 0/50), Cooking (familiar 0/50), Seeking Spirits (a glimpse of the door 0/20)]

When proficiency reaches perfection, it has reached its limit.

The life span has been increased by twelve years.

The basic efficiency of cultivation has been increased by another 10%, which is the basic situation.

Roughly estimated, with this qualitative change of practice, the number of times of practice per day can reach an astonishing thirty.

The overall speed of practice has increased by 43%!

In just one year, he can break through to the late stage of Qi Refining.

If this speed is spread out, it will definitely scare the other low-level cultivators in the shantytown.

Where have they seen such a Qi Refining stage?

It's too outrageous!

However, the movement of the spiritual energy, as his cultivation level improves, his practice continues to make breakthroughs. From being able to pass as a fake and not attract attention at the beginning, to now becoming more and more intense and starting to stand out from the crowd, it is a factor that must be taken into consideration.

"However, the ability of the Lacquer Shadow Robe to gather and subdue spirits is indeed very good. Thanks to it, I can be more relaxed and unrestrained when I use my skills to absorb spiritual energy, and I won't attract attention because of it. Unlike before, I had to rely on my strength to fill in the gaps and check for leaks."

Of course, even so, the first-grade spiritual food is already inadequate. Even the first-grade perfect spiritual food he has recently made is just enough.

There is no way. His foundation is too thick and too heavy. If he wants to drive it, he needs a higher and stronger power!

In addition, it is not a problem for the food that can take a clever path to stay at the door of familiarity.

For this, he already has a complete plan.

Now that the skills have been exhausted and there is no new one for the time being, he can put some energy here.

"Damn! Bad luck!"

Ren Li was busy for another day in vain, and couldn't help cursing, which made Du En hide the panel and look over.

"I always feel that you are getting stuck in a dead end."

Faced with Du En's re-mention of the old things, this time, Ren Li did not say anything like "You have low comprehension and you don't understand."

Because the facts have proved that his comprehension is indeed not good enough in front of these people who buried corpses.

If he really had a good comprehension, he would have worked in vain for so long. He saw that he went from being full of energy to being numb, and now he has lost his reserve and will directly curse.

Ren Li had a stinky face and shook his head: "Don't talk about these unlucky things. Since we are off work, let's go and eat delicious food!"

"Eat in the city?"

Du En stood up and responded.

"You want to eat."

Ren Li had no grace at this moment: "I will provide the ingredients, you will be the cook, and everyone will join in the fun!"

Everyone has a share!

This made the others who could only cook the strange owl gray jackal cheer immediately, and after taking off their headscarves, they began to flatter him in a string.

The two fat and strong grey jackals were very good at reading the atmosphere. They took the initiative to pull the cart over, wagging their tails and inviting people to get on.

This immediately made Ren Li feel much better.

Du En mixed in with them, listening to and watching the excitement around him, and said nothing more.

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