When the sun was getting brighter, Wang Chun was at a quarry, supervising and urging the excavators to work.

He was quite tall, with a face that looked like an inverted triangle, and his eyebrows were squeezed together, making him look narrow and sinister. At this moment, he was whipping a whip in his hand.

"One or two, delicious and lazy to cook!"

"Fuck me quickly, don't wait too long!"

"Double! Double the amount of work today!"

The whip struck the shirtless worker, leaving bloody traces.

Wang Chun, who was in a good mood, started beating and squeezing people, and he went even harder, leaving all the workers here in despair and numbness in their eyes.

Because the excavation gang is gone now, the people who can support them are no longer there, and the mine managers are still looking at their direct subordinates with the old impression, so a large part of the supervisors of the mining excavation site are more or less exposed nature.

Among them, Wang Chun is particularly prominent.

"Haha! You bunch of stupid pigs, work hard and give me a magic weapon. This is the greatest blessing!"

By no longer scrupling, he was able to accumulate enough spirit stones in a short period of time, and yesterday he bought the magic weapon he had wanted for a long time.

Then, he directly arranged to meet the hateful couple and tortured them to death!

Is there any grudge between them?

In other people's eyes, it doesn't.

At most, there was just a little quarrel in the past.

After that, there was no involvement. Although they were colleagues in the same department, they were strangers to each other.

But in Wang Chun's view, the other party was humiliating himself!

It’s not a good idea to get married to anyone, but you have to get married to a woman from the bottom!

Isn't this just letting yourself fall into the clouds out of thin air? Isn't this a disguised statement that he is actually the same as these pig slaves?

So, this is a severe humiliation!

Ever since that incident, Wang Chun completely hated that person.

Later, after hearing the so-called good stories, I became even more angry and twisted.

But before that, their strength was about the same, and they were both in the late stage of Qi refining, so he wasn't completely sure. It wasn't until yesterday that he finally felt that everything was ready.

However, even though he has killed people, he still feels that it is not over!

"I want to expose your corpses in the wilderness, ruin your reputation, and let others take a good look at what will happen if you dare to offend and humiliate me. Only in this way can you relieve the hatred in my heart!"

He thought viciously, gave the whip in his hand a final swipe, then threw it aside, looked fiercely in a certain direction, and set off to leave.

Since he had already taught all the stone diggers under him a lesson and they would not dare to be lazy today, he would go back to the crime scene and stare at it and appreciate it.

I hope the gang of pigs who collect the corpses, transport them and bury them will be a little wiser after seeing that scene, otherwise, I will kill anyone who dares to touch them!

Wang Chun thought fiercely, and the unquenched murderous intention emerged. He couldn't help but lick his lips and smiled ugly.

Then, he saw that the body had disappeared and the scene had been tidied up. There was no trace of any tragedy that had occurred before.

"Ah... interesting, really interesting!"

After squeezing out these words from his throat, he turned his hand, and a knife, as black as ink, without any glossy reflection, slipped out of his sleeve.

As soon as the magic power is poured into it, it rises when the wind blows, and in the blink of an eye, it turns into a six-foot-long sword.

With murderous intent erupting in his eyes, Wang Chun turned his head and looked around.

Should we go to the body collector first, the body transporter, or the body buryer?

The ones who bury the corpses are the only ones close by!

Wang Chun made a decision in an instant and charged towards the wasteland where the corpses were buried.

While walking and having time to kill, he finally calmed down a bit and thought about Ren Li, the supervisor here, and the various rumors among the supervisors.

The most important point is that many supervisors have seen Ren Li go directly into the city at night and wait until the next day to come out again.

Live in the city!

This is incredible!

Even the stewards only live in Qingya Garden. After leaving the city, they, the supervisors, can only choose another place to live in outside the shanty area to show their difference.

However, we are already halfway there, and if I turn around and leave again, doesn’t it look like I’m scared?

It’s already here, let’s take a look at the situation first!

Wang Chun did not choose to turn around, but was a little more restrained than before and got closer to observe.

At this moment, on the wasteland, Ren Li was sitting cross-legged in the middle, closing his eyes to comprehend, his expression seemed indifferent, giving people the impression that he was similar to those tired and desperate workers, completely mechanical, doing his job without any hope. .

Ning Caize and the other five corpse buryers were working enthusiastically. Although the specific expressions could not be seen directly, judging from the expression of their eyebrows, they were full of energy and without any complaints.

Moreover, it doesn’t look like you’ve seen the corpses of those dogs and men?

Wang Chun thought so and turned his attention to the last person.


Here he is sitting leisurely cross-legged, doing exercises. At this moment, he has reached the end of a round of exercises, and he looks comfortable and calm.

As soon as he saw this situation, Wang Chun couldn't help but get angry.

You, a lowly pig, actually deserve to live like a human being? !

This is the biggest feeling he feels now. He can hardly restrain the impulse in his heart. He wants to rush out and teach Du En a lesson so that he can fully understand his identity!

In this case, he is not in a hurry to leave!

"That person named Ren doesn't seem to have much energy left. Let me see if there is a chance first!"

Because Ren Li's performance seemed like an opportunity, and because Du En had completely angered him, he chose to peek and wait.

Not long after, Du En finished his exercise.

"I'm going to find the elixir."

Saying this to the others, he turned around and left.

Ning Cai and the others had no doubts and just nodded to indicate that they had heard.

The reason is also very simple, this is not the first time Du En has done this.

He used the pretext of searching for ghosts to cover up his practice of magic.

Whether it is earth bombing or sand blowing, it requires a suitable venue and occasion.

For the latter, they could gather them into a group beforehand and throw them into the pit where the corpses were buried while Ren Li and others were not paying attention.

Due to the special characteristics of the wasteland, there is basically no movement. Once the soil is buried, no traces can be seen at all.

But now, with the changes in proficiency, it has become more and more obvious, and of course it is impossible to practice here anymore.

Therefore, Du En used the excuse of searching for ghosts to leave here and find a suitable place to practice.

This is not noticeable, because on the surface, he is quite lacking in spiritual things, so that it is difficult to use his cooking skills.

It is also because of this that he can now master the art of soil bombing to the point where he has mastered it.

Of course, Wang Chun didn't know this.

Seeing that Du En actually separated from the group, he was immediately overjoyed.

"Haha! Pigs are pigs! It is simply wishful thinking to want to find a spiritual creature!"

"However, let me slaughter this stupid pig that came to my door. Let's see if these despicable pigs dare to bury the people I killed next!"

Wang Chun couldn't wait in his heart and just wanted to kill Du En like a pig.

First bleed, then remove the hair, then disembowel and cut into pieces according to parts!

Please read it!

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