The good news is that the war far away in the sky did not continue to escalate.

The bad news is that the collision between the two immortal gates still has aftermath impacts, and needs to be moved to a suitable place.

The Nanjiang Mountains where the Nanmo Border Town is located is one of the last few locations to be determined.

So, it snowed in June!

The high temperature of nearly 40 degrees plummeted to minus 50 degrees overnight!

The fierce, unimaginable, and unexpected terrible cold wave swept in, covering the green primitive forests with a thick layer of white clothes, causing many people living in the shantytowns outside the border town to freeze to death instantly!

In the morning, Du En had to push open the door of the house, and then use magic power to shake off the flowing snow, so that he could look up and see the top of the ten-foot-high snow and the gray sky.

If the burial yard had not been rebuilt not long ago, and the wood used was still the best stuff bought with spirit stones, I am afraid that this yard would have to be rebuilt again today.

"The situation is a bit troublesome..."

The biting cold spread in the air. Although the temperature is rising, it is estimated that it will return to the zero line in just one or two days, but just one or two days is enough to freeze 60% to 70% of the people in the shantytown to death!

Normal early Qi training may not be so miserable, but those who live in the shantytown are all squeezed and miserable. Their physical strength and magic power are often above the danger line. Facing this sudden cold wave, their fate is basically doomed.

Even Ning Caize and his friends who have been getting better and better in the past two years, when Du En lifted the snow in the yard and was able to go out, they all huddled up and put on the spare burial clothes and still felt cold.

Completely frozen!

In the mountains of southern Xinjiang where the temperature has never dropped below 25 degrees in previous years, who would have thought that they would encounter such a cold wave!

"Sir, Ah Hui and Ah Chai..."

"Not bad."

Du En looked back at his house, and two trembling heads popped out.

After he waved his hand casually, they pushed the door shut again and retreated to the corner of the room to keep warm.

Watching this scene, Ning Caizhe and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately raised their hands.

Because no matter how bad the weather was, they still had to go to work.

So under Du En's instructions, they took shovels and first dug the snow at the door to warm up their bodies, then climbed to the top of the snow and walked forward in the cold wind.

From time to time, because the magic power under their feet was not controlled well, the whole person sank directly into the snow, and they had to ask the people around them to pull it out like pulling a carrot.

Looking around, the shanty area that used to be crowded with people now only had a few sturdy corners of the house. In the white cold silence, the only people were gushing in the snow, and some even swam and stopped moving.

It was so cold that people felt even colder!

"This time is much more terrible than the last typhoon!"

"Do we really need to go to the wasteland now? Judging from the situation, the corpse collectors and burial workers are estimated to have suffered heavy losses, if not annihilated!"

"Are you stupid? When they recover, or the supervisors intervene, they will definitely transport corpses over, and then you can think about the next development direction!"

"There are endless corpses to bury!"


As they said with a shiver, it is obvious that when the snow melts and other aspects of the corpse service are restarted, a large number of frozen people will be sent to the wasteland for burial.

Perhaps, being frozen to death last night would be a more fortunate situation?

Because tonight, or tomorrow night, they will basically have to spend the night in the wasteland!

The wasteland for burial is not like other times at night. It will show its own weirdness. Staying there at this time is no different from seeking death!

Unless Ren Li, no, even this parachuted supervisor Ren with a good background once said that he did not have such great power to change the various rules of the wasteland!

With uneasiness, they came to the wasteland where corpses were buried.

This place is indeed a mysterious, strange and secretive place. At present, not even a little snow can be seen. In the snow-covered mountains and forests, it is particularly prominent.

To their surprise, Ren Li came here earlier than them, with an extremely excited expression. He was pacing in the wasteland and muttering to himself.

"Haha, a surprise, a surprise!"

"The aftermath of the war was transferred here, and it actually shook this place a little, causing some waves, haha! Opportunity! Opportunity!"

"Success may be today!"

Obviously, the depression that had been accumulated in his heart before broke out because of this "surprise", making Ren Li look like a demon now, making people stay away and dare not approach.

Du En stopped on the snow layer at the edge of the wasteland, frowning slightly.

Because when he lowered his eyes slightly and entered the state of perception, he could "see" the dead sea, which was indeed rippling and spreading back and forth at this time.

Of course, as the temperature rose rapidly, the transferred aftermath was quickly consumed, and the ripples were also quickly calming down.

I think it won't take too long for this wasteland to return to its previous state.

It will take about one or two days.

In other words, Ren Li's crazy look will last at least one or two days.

It's causing trouble for people out of thin air.

"Let's wait and see."

Duen said this calmly, then cleared the snow from the place where he used to sit cross-legged, and sat down to wait.

Others were uneasy, but they could only sit in the wasteland with worries to keep warm.

The temperature rose faster than expected.

This was not a normal development, but the result of the border town's intervention after the aftermath of the war had been consumed to a certain extent.

Then, this time the border town did something, and sent various personnel out of the city.

Rebuilding the shantytown, draining the snow and water, and adjusting the production sites to normal... It only took half a day to make the area outside the city, which was originally destroyed, return to its former appearance.

Therefore, various tasks were restarted.

However, the various indicators did not change at all. The lower-level people who had just been dug out still had to do as much work as they should have done today.

They were used to this situation. At most, they muttered a few words, and could only devote themselves to work hard.

The corpse transporters were also restarted, and all carts were put into use. A green-skinned buffalo with a fever was pulling carts full of corpses that looked like graves.

Hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands?

The people pulling the corpses had wooden expressions, and the people burying the corpses were miserable.

How long will it take to bury so many corpses? !

"Xu Ran, you are not dead."

"... You said this as if you were looking forward to my death."

Xu Ran looked at Du En speechlessly, and then looked at the corpses that had piled up into a small mountain. His mouth was stiff again, and he could only speak slowly: "At least, because the bully gangs were afraid of the evil cultivators before, they became timid and did not dare to squeeze too hard, so the people who died this time are basically here."

Unintentional planting willows willows grow into shade.

The actual situation is much better than Du En expected. The scene he saw when he went out in the morning was just because the snow was too thick, which collapsed the house and trapped many people inside.

But even so, the current number is visibly despairing.

Tonight, the people who buried the bodies will not be able to leave the wasteland!

Please read on!

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