Ten days passed by in a hurry.

Since saying goodbye to Ren Li that night, Du En and the others have not seen him again.

The dead and injured bodies caused by the cold wave were waiting to be buried, as well as those who died in the monster riots, and people who continued to die on a daily basis. The body buryers did not have much spare time to explore the sudden disappearance of Ren Li.

Du En has already guessed that the carrot supervisor who was parachuted in to repair the pit should be removed and recalled.

Originally, it wouldn't be so fast, but recently, a lot of things have happened one after another, so the pace has been accelerated.

The shield that was completely erected just now is about to disappear, and the environment may become severe. Dune naturally needs to make some preparations.

Touching corpses to make money from the dead is one of them.

Especially the people who froze to death in the big cold wave, none of their remaining wealth was confiscated, and in the end basically all of it went to him, Duen.

Thirteen thousand and eighty-one low-grade spiritual stones.

Coupled with his past savings, he now has a total of thirty-four middle-grade spiritual stones and twenty-three thousand ninety-three low-grade spiritual stones.

I have money in my hands and I have confidence in my heart.

There is someone above me and I have confidence in my heart.

This is the state of mind of other corpse buryers.

Although Ren Li tried to disappear, Du En, who revealed part of the truth, made them feel very safe.

But on the other hand, they are also more in awe of Du En. Recently, they have paid special attention to their words and deeds. Whenever Du En comes closer, they have to quickly tidy up their clothes, for fear that the dirty smell on their bodies will hurt his eyes and nose.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to use his magic power, which can be described as walking on thin ice.

Du En didn't pay any attention to this and just waited calmly as always.

Until the eleventh day.

Ren Li appeared in front of them again.

"The lacquer shadow robe has been successfully upgraded to the second-level low-grade. The performance of the four old ones has been improved, especially the spirit gathering. With its existence, you can break through to the foundation building stage faster."

"The reinforced knife, according to your preference for beheading, changed the shape to a thick and straight ridge, retaining the previous characteristics, and further strengthening the hard and tough sides. When it comes to the first-order level, I renamed it Iron Tungsten Long knife."

"I melted the Iron Ox without its tail and concentrated it to make a shield. Look! The Iron Ox Shield is a top-grade first-class one. It also has two horns with a cow's face on the front. It can be used both offensively and defensively!"

"The last thing is the most difficult one. I used the evil wind tiger material to make this colorful cloak. It is also the best grade. It is relatively special. It is not offensive at all. It is all about making up for the shortcomings of the wind you want. , it can also be effective in the early stages of ordinary foundation building when caught off guard.”

"The last is the second-level shrink bag. There's nothing much to say about this, because there aren't any good styles here in the border town, so I just picked a black satchel for you, which can match the color of the lacquer robe."

Ren Li gave all these magic weapons to Du En, and watched him nod with satisfaction, as if a heavy burden had been lifted, and his whole body felt light.

"Are you leaving?"

After Du En finished reading, he raised his head and asked.

"Well, actually, he officially resigned last night."

Ren Li nodded, a little melancholy, and was about to sigh.

Then he was interrupted directly.

"Where are the exercises and spells I want?"


Should he say it or not, he was already used to it. When he turned his hand, two jade slips appeared.

One finger is long and two fingers wide, green and translucent, with three characters engraved on each.

"Strong Spirit Skill"

"The Art of Controlling Weapons"

"Input mana, and the description will appear. If you have spiritual consciousness, you can read it by sticking it."

"There's nothing much to say about the weapon control technique. It's a decent middle-grade spell."

Du En took it and asked, "Mid-grade?"

"There is also a simplified version of the lower grade. You must have heard of it, the kind that can only control one magic weapon at a time, but this full version starts with three pieces, and after breaking through to the foundation building stage, the magic weapon can fly. This kind of full version is also needed.”

Listening to Ren Li's simple explanation, Du En nodded slightly, and then asked bluntly: "How many spirit stones?"

"Market price, twenty mid-grade spiritual stones."

Du En took out two bags of prepared low-grade spiritual stones from the bushes on one side, each bag containing a thousand yuan.

Ren Li squinted at the surrounding trees, his mood a little subtle, but he just weighed it casually in his hands and put it away.

Then, he became energetic, straightened his clothes, softened his expression, and looked particularly solemn.

"Let's talk about this firm spirit skill."

"you say."

"Jian Ling Jian Ling, as the name suggests, has the meaning of hard spiritual quality, hard spirituality, and hard spiritual stone."

"Hard spiritual stone? Could it be that..."

"Yes, it is classified into the earth element. It is said that it was created based on spiritual stones from the beginning. You see, this spiritual stone was born from spiritual veins and is naturally carved and rounded. It does not need to be borrowed from human hands. Its main characteristics are There are two, one is hard and strong on the outside, and the other is very refined in spiritual energy.”

"So it turns out that the loess earth is used to breed spiritual veins and spiritual stones. This can be used to connect the loess skills and lead the original broad foundation to specific details. The outer shell is hard and strong, referring to the aspect of the physical body. The inner spiritual energy essence , refers to the aspect of mana in the body, which is the true method of dual cultivation of law and body. "


I’ve asked you to finish, what else can I say?

Ren Li was speechless for a moment, and finally could only say sullenly: "It is the sign of the cultivation of the doorway, that is, the body is transformed from the inside to the outside into a spirit crystal, or a spirit stone. Anyway, it is the plainness you want. Compared with other skills, the physical strength and magic power are more pure and refined, which is very suitable for you to behead people."

Du En nodded and continued to ask calmly: "How many spirit stones?"

"Tsk, not too much, one hundred medium-grade spirit stones."

Ren Li smacked his lips and said the number.

Then, as expected, he saw Du En take out two bags from five bushes respectively, making up ten bags, a total of 10,000 low-grade spirit stones.

The transaction was completed quickly, and both parties were satisfied.

Finally, Ren Li took out a refining note.

"By the way, do you want me to help you at the end and get you into the city to be a chef?"

"No need, it's all the same."

"... Indeed, we are all at the bottom. Alas, in this immortal sect, only a great cultivator at the Spiritualization Stage will be treated as a person, and only a real person at the Void Refining Stage will have a little actual say."

Ren Li sighed and began to talk about things that Du En, a low-level person, could not possibly know.

Du En did not respond. Anyway, these things basically had nothing to do with him.

Ren Li did not say much, but chuckled and said, "But at least for now, although the aftermath of the previous transfer seems to have passed, in fact, many infrastructures in the border town have been impacted. He Bo and his managers have been busy with various adjustments recently, and they have no time to pay attention to you in the short term."

"Is that so? This is unexpected good news."

"Hehe, don't be afraid. If he dares to make things difficult again, just use my name!"

"Will it work?"

"Not necessarily!"

Ren Li said it very decisively, but it did not surprise Du En.

Because the emperor is far away, even if there is a background, it is impossible to reach out in time.

What's more, Ren Li is not the background itself.

So although He Bo paid great attention to him before, he did not choose to be humble.

Of course, there is another reason, which is to show it to the steward above, showing a posture of loyalty to only one person.

"Okay, I should go now."

There was nothing more to say, so Ren Li handed the note to Du En.

"Well, see you again if we're lucky."

Du En took the note and replied calmly.

Ren Li turned around without pretending.

However, he couldn't help looking at the wasteland reluctantly, and couldn't help sighing and shaking his head in his heart, with a kind of melancholy that came naturally.

After working so hard for so long, the main goal was not achieved in the end. He just took advantage of the situation to pick up some small credits so that he wouldn't go back so ugly.

"Time, fate, luck..."

Sighing, he left with a shake of his head, and walked hurriedly. In the blink of an eye, he was already ten feet away.

At this moment, Du En suddenly spoke.

"Why do you have to pursue the way of survival by death? Why not change your mindset and survive by living, and live forever."

Ren Li's figure couldn't help but tremble.

On the one hand, he was shocked that Du En could actually perceive his feelings and analyze his pursuit goals. On the other hand, he was naturally inspired by this and had all kinds of inspirations. The dead end that had been going to the end, now looking up, it seems that it is not impossible to climb straight up?

At this time, he finally got out of the dead end. He stood there for a long time, silently digesting and absorbing the inspiration just now, and his mood was immediately cheered up.

Turning around again, he saw that Du En had put on the lacquered shadow robes, sitting cross-legged in the old place, silently refining his magic weapon.

Ren Li stopped talking, secretly admired and praised, bowed from a distance, and then walked away without looking back, saying goodbye to this southern frontier.

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