
For sheds built using cut wood, various insects will inevitably remain in the uncleanly processed wood.

In the dead of night, they become active, drilling in the wood and making subtle noises.

However, sometimes, there will be other situations that make the wood emit such a similar chirping.

In a shack somewhere.

With the sudden pause of the creaking sound, Luo Heng's whole person became dull.

Smacking his lips, he got up and took the clothes beside the bed.

Yu rustled her clothes on and finally lifted up her trousers.


I couldn't help but yawned, walked around, and opened the wooden door, letting the sporadic torch light from outside shine into the shack.

As if feeling the gaze from behind, Luo Heng suddenly turned his head and looked at the woman who was sitting on the wooden bed, holding a light quilt to cover her body. He grinned, showing several yellow teeth: "It's okay tonight, I'll take care of you." So cool!”

"Thank you, thank you for the compliment."

"Well, as long as you don't be so shameless like a few days ago, hey~"

As he spoke, Luo Heng suddenly smiled maliciously, and there were obviously some evil thoughts in his mind.

Seeing this, the woman was a little frightened. She suddenly felt that the old wounds on her body that had not healed were aching faintly. She immediately smiled stiffly and said hastily: "Master, didn't you just say that you have something important to do tomorrow morning?" ?"

"...Indeed, forget it, next time."

Luo Heng felt a little disappointed, but since he felt so good about being served tonight, he didn't care about anything here.

It's just for this moment.

Seeing the man walking away, shrugging his shoulders as he walked, as if expecting something, the woman's expression gradually became dull.

Two lines of clear tears fell silently.

"Dad, Mom, I really can't hold on here anymore. Why, why is this like this..."

He pulled up the thin quilt tightly and curled up his body. There was a low howl echoing in it, and he didn't dare to let it out.

The wooden door slowly closed under the night wind, blocking out the only light.

When she raised her head again, all she saw was the deep darkness.

At least, I can still be alive now...

At the very least, that brat must be taught a lesson!

Luo Heng, who was walking home, couldn't help but think bitterly in his heart.

The so-called business of the morning is actually to catch Du En and the others off guard!

At daybreak, he would block the door.

“I really think I’m such a piece of material, why don’t I take a picture of myself in the piss!”

"Wait until daybreak and see that kid leading the way. Don't worry about the others. I'll rush up to him and punch him twice. I'll deal with him severely and break one of his hands and one of his feet!"

"Hmph! Let's see if he dares to continue to be indifferent at that time!"

Luo Hengchang thought about his plan.

Don't worry about the protection money for now. In short, give Du En a lesson first!

The more he thought about it, the angrier and more depressed he became.

The members of the Blood Eagle Gang, who are members of the nearby Blood Eagle Gang, would just take the bow casually without saying anything.

So, at the end of the day, I'm just afraid of getting shit on my fists!

"That brat cooks shit all day long. He likes cooking shit, right? OK, I'll go pull out two more buckets of shit. Then I'll let him eat shit. Let's see if he dares to continue cooking!"

Luo Heng would never admit that he was actually shocked by Du En's calmness and calmness before, so now, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He was about to get two buckets of smelly shit in a blink of an eye.

It was also during this sudden turn that he saw something flying towards him in the blind spot of his original position.

Is that a soil bomb?



A fist-sized earth bullet hit his head directly, causing beautiful blood splashes.

Shock and fear remained in the broken eyeball on one side.

Luo Heng couldn't understand why there were still people in this area who dared to kill him.

Obviously he is from the Blood Eagle Gang?

Doesn't he know that if he offends the Blood Eagle Gang, he will die?

Suddenly, suddenly, I thought of Du En, his calm face and calm eyes.

Looking back now, I was shocked to find that his attitude was actually treating a dead person, a corpse that was still breathing!

Luo Heng's heart trembled!

His head was bruised and bleeding, his vision was dim, and his mana was unable to be used as his mind was wavering in pain, which meant that he had no power.

Death was gnawing at him at a speed that he had never imagined, making half of his eyes shed tears. From his still intact mouth and throat, he squeezed out the words of begging for mercy: "Sir, spare, spare me. One life! I don’t dare anymore! Really..."



Another earthen bullet was fired from the darkness, hitting Luo Heng directly three feet below the navel, piercing through the lower abdomen, including the Dantian Qi sea, the stomach full of evil intestines, and the lifeblood. This area was completely destroyed. It was broken into pieces and spread all over the floor.

The remaining face was frozen, distorted and frightened.

With a plop, the body fell and blood flowed rapidly.

Luo Heng is dead.

In the dark, Du En squinted his eyes and peered carefully for a while to make sure that he was really dead. Then he slowly backed away, disappeared into the darkness, and left quietly.

Although there was a small accident when looking for Luo Heng just now, and no trace of the other party was found in his home, but after carefully observing the footprints and other traces, he still found this guy who was holding up his pants and going home.

It is better to remove the traces and hide in the dark than to attack and kill him!

Without any extra drag, he turned around and stayed away from the scene.

Luo Heng and his home did have this guy's wealth, which was probably quite rich, but Du En didn't want to search for it at all.

Because the Blood Eagle Gang was indeed difficult to deal with, their leader had a fairly close relationship with the manager sent by the border town to manage the shantytown.

For other people, those managers basically treated them equally and didn't care at all, but they would still pay a little more attention to the gang leaders who would regularly pay tribute and give their filial piety.

And as long as something slipped through the fingers, it would be enough to make these gangs bigger and stronger, fearless and unyielding!

Although generally speaking, a gang member like Luo Heng at the end of the gang should not attract too much attention, but it is better to be safe than sorry, so Du En did not do much to avoid leaving loopholes.

"Besides, this body will most likely fall into my hands in the end. At that time, perhaps..."

Stopping in front of the courtyard, Du En looked back at the place where Luo Heng's body was lying, and his eyes moved slightly.

Quietly went back to his room, changed a set of clothes, and took the time to practice, and then took a nap after practicing.

It was not until dawn that the burial people went to work to bury the bodies. The Blood Eagle Gang, who was in charge of this area, learned about Luo Heng's tragic death and his body lying on the street.

The hall master Zhang Lin, who was notified, was a Lingtian farmer. He looked simple and honest. He was planting rice in the paddy field. After knowing it, he was furious and his face was full of hideousness.

"Okay, okay! I didn't expect that someone would dare to touch the tiger's whiskers. Go check it out! Go find it! I want to see who is so bold!"

The reputation and deterrence of the Blood Eagle Gang, as its name suggests, is paved with blood!

At this moment, one move affected the whole body. The gang members who were already working in various places were urgently called over. There were less than ten people in total, and they started the investigation in a hurry.

They only took one morning off!

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