As the title says, it will be available tomorrow at 12 noon.

Needless to say, there will be more updates on the same day, and I plan to update ten chapters, about 22,000 words.

The daily update of 10,000 words mentioned in the previous comments will also officially begin.

Please support and subscribe!

Because it will be troublesome to release it regularly after the daily update, the subsequent update time will be moved to 12 noon.

Regarding the subsequent development of the plot of this book, it will be carried out along the anchor points of the practice stage and the cultivation stage, which are alternately upgraded.

Each major realm will be arranged with content ranging from 100 to 150 chapters, and the chapter is based on 2,000 words per small chapter, so it is 200,000 to 300,000 words.

In this way, there are nine major realms from Qi Refining to Immortality. The final Tribulation Period will be a little special in the outline and setting plan, so it may be compressed into the Mahayana Period.

This is eight and a half major realms, so the estimated number of words in the finished book is between 1.7 million and 2.5 million.

The total number of words may be more, after all, there is a possibility of expansion in the fairy world, but it is really hard to say, because the fairy world and immortals in the world view of this book are actually quite abstract in terms of setting. I personally think it is very strange to force it into the routine of upgrading articles, changing maps to fight monsters and upgrade.

And there are some other important reasons, so the current outline is scheduled to end when the protagonist Du En becomes an immortal.

But the outline is just an outline after all. It is impossible to guarantee what it will be like in the end. I can only say that the book will be finished this year.

Then after talking about these general summaries, I have to mention some details.

First, the core selling point of this book is the situation of the proficiency panel.

In order to curb the problems caused by data expansion, maintain the current rhythm, and not suppress the level in the future, etc., it will start to cut in through the magical powers obtained in the first chapter, or further lay the groundwork, and then gradually expand the details in the future. I hope you can understand and accept it.

After all, it is a cheat like proficiency, and it is necessary to face this problem.

However, I actually had a plan long ago, so I said it was a step forward.

That's right! It's the Baiyi that has been shown before, which seems inconsistent!

Of course, supernatural powers are the most special item in the proficiency items of this book.

Secondly, there is another point that needs to be mentioned, that is, after the release of the book, the plot of the second volume will soon begin. At that time, the protagonist will change his identity due to the development of cultivation and current affairs.

This will cause the perception of the second volume to change accordingly. This is an inevitable change due to the switch of perspective and identity. I hope you can accept and understand it.

At the same time, because this change is still too shallow, it is still confined to the imprisonment of the bottom monks under the world view. It is a continuation of the situation of the first volume of burying corpses. There is no obvious fundamental difference, and thus a small intensification of contradictions and conflicts occurs, like a raised cricket finally put in a pot to fight.

Therefore, in the first half of the second volume, it is inevitable that the villain will seem to be mindlessly targeting the protagonist, but in fact, he can justify himself and try to fit the underlying logic of the characters and the underlying logic of the story background!

Even so, I think the viewing experience will not be too good.

Therefore, I will speed up this plot and then come to the real key node of the identity perspective change, which is the second half of the second volume. Starting from Chapter 161, both the plot and the characters will begin to gradually become fuller.

At present, it has just been written here, that is, the content of the late stage of foundation building. In my opinion, the overall framework is still intact and within the preset scope. There are still more than 100,000 words in the manuscript.

Since there are quite a lot, it seems that it is okay to offer some rewards.

Let's do this.

For every 500 average subscriptions, add 10,000 words.

For every 300 monthly votes, add 10,000 words.

Perfect attendance is my goal when I start a book. Try not to support the book and give some subscriptions to 500 average.

There are actually a lot of water in the 300 monthly votes. As long as I update normally, I will have 180 monthly votes every month, and the remaining 120 are just that.

The reason why I don’t offer rewards for more updates is very simple. If the results are really bad, I will use the small account to reward for a while to see if I can turn the tide by smart push.

That’s basically what I want to say.


Everyone, please support me, and I will write the book!

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