"No, no, that's not right. So, the situation is not right. How did you resist the call of the great Lord, Mr. Du?"

"Well, the price he offered was too low at the beginning, and he failed to tempt me. Also, the wasteland was also a factor."

"That's right, that's right. I have guessed where you hid the other burials..."

Before he finished speaking, Du En suddenly made a move!

A earth bomb as wide as an adult's shoulder was condensed and suddenly shot towards a place in the forest. The obstacle trees along the way were directly penetrated, and the speed did not decrease at all. It was the earth bomb technique that was fully mastered.

Faced with such a sudden sneak attack, the evil cultivator in the dark could not maintain his sneakiness and had to show up in the moonlight and in the field of vision.

She looked young, in her early twenties, wearing a goose yellow silk dress, light and fluttering, with a slender and small figure, a sweet and soft face, which made people feel caring and loving.

"Young Master, Young Master~ How could you do this~"

The tone was brisk, and the words sounded like singing.

Such an image made it difficult for people to identify with the evil cultivator.

However, Du En's eyes were calm, and his mood seemed solemn, because with the appearance of the evil cultivator's true form, an unspeakable sense of tension arose spontaneously.

This woman is very dangerous!

Even though they were both in the same state of perfect Qi Refining, Du En knew that he really couldn't be careless!

"Zhu'er is a little angry~ After all, the young master was too rude~"

She said so briskly, without any movement, and without giving Du En the opportunity to launch a combo, the evil magic was already brewing.

From the darkness of the woods, pale and silky claws suddenly stretched out, and suddenly penetrated Du En's earth armor.

He reacted very quickly, letting the removed earth armor explode to resist, and in the next moment, a new earth armor was generated again.

The strength was directly pulled to the point of mastery. The four-finger-thick hard yellow soil wrapped him, looking like a shell within a shell. At this moment, the cicada was even tougher!

Then Du En grabbed the claws with his backhand, and then pulled them out of the darkness.

It was a mixed slippery white corpse ball with claws, which looked particularly fresh and crowded. It was clearly composed of people who had just been killed!

One by one, claws several feet long suddenly attacked, a total of twenty, very scary, nailed to Du En's earth armor, and as Zhu Er on the other side smiled and added, the four-finger-thick earth armor began to crack.

However, in contrast, Du En had also cast a spell, and the mastery of the earth bombs flew like meteors, hitting the claws on the upper limbs of the corpse ball.



Die together!

The corpse ball was smashed and shattered, and the earth armor also shattered.


"Hee hee~"

Amidst the laughter, the blood-grape-like heads rolled one by one, bubbling with blood and rushing towards Du En.

He raised his hand and grabbed it, and the iron tungsten knife appeared in his hand. He flicked it back and cut the two heads apart. At the same time, he activated all the talismans on his body and threw them towards the evil cultivator Zhu Er.

Suddenly, there were fireballs, water arrows, and earth bombs, which were directly blasted over.

"Little man, little man~ I will make you into a bouquet of flowers~ My lover will definitely be very happy~"

Zhu Er hummed a tune and moved lightly, like snow melting in the sun. The attacks of these talismans disappeared directly. At the same time, in her shadow, a rotten corpse covered with green hair crawled out, but it exuded the fragrance of rouge powder.

Du En's knife was waving so hard that he could not see the shape, and he had already cut all the more than 200 blood grape heads apart.

In that pool of blood, the evil nature had not been eradicated, and they still needed to heal and condense.

So he sprinkled a handful of dust in the covering shotgun, turning it into blood flowers all over the sky.

He continued to raise the yellow sand without stopping, and it was a culmination, rushing towards him like a wall, directly covering the evil cultivator's body and the rotten green-haired corpses, and the sound of puffing continued.

"My dear, my dear~ It's useless~"

Zhu Er suddenly appeared behind Du En, and they were very close to each other.

He shook slightly, and suddenly his body was covered with colorful.

He didn't know when he had worn the colorful cloak. At this moment, when he was shaking, the wind was blowing, and even ordinary people in the early stage of foundation building would be hit if they were not careful!

Du En burst out again with a backhand, and the culmination of the earth bomb, half the size of an adult, was shot out with a bang. At the same time, while he was rushing to close the distance, the iron tungsten knife also flew out of his hand.

The moonlight fell on it, but there was no reflection of light, only a pure black, as if it was all swallowed up.

One step ahead of the earth bomb, accelerating to penetrate the body.

The earth bullets were fired again, and the ground shook.

Not enough, so they continued to fire earth bullets, roaring and increasing the pressure.

But Zhu'er was not dead yet.

"Oh my, I'm a little surprised~"

The piled earth bullet graves suddenly turned into blood, or rather, they were wrapped and melted by the blood from bottom to top.

There were some yellow silk objects floating in it, as if to indicate that this pool of blood was the evil cultivator Zhu'er who was still human just now!


Du En silently shook his hand and covered it with a handful of yellow sand.

Crackling, the blood shook, but it couldn't break through.

Looking at the blood grape head just now, those green-haired corpses, the evil nature was gone at this time, only the remnants were left.

"It seems that even if they look immune to physical damage, in the end, the battle of immortal cultivators is still a battle of magic power."

"That's right~ Du Xiaolangjun is really accurate~"

Zhu'er's tone did not change at all, and he just slightly avoided the iron tungsten knife that was attacking him.

A rustling sound came from another place.

Squeaking and chirping~

Fragile strange sounds appeared immediately.

Another corpse suddenly came out of the forest. It had four heads and eight hands and eight feet on its torso. It was made by gluing one man and three women together, and the posture was particularly intimate.

The evil was radiating from its body, and it rushed over the forest at an astonishing speed. It came to Du En in an instant, and then, he was torn to pieces by the five-finger-thick earth armor that increased his height to more than half of eight feet, and was stepped on into blood foam.

The magic power enveloped him and completely defeated him.

"Is that so~ Dual cultivation of magic and body~ Dual cultivation~ I miss my good lover~"

"I don't think he would be interested in you in your current state."

"You're going too far~"

Zhu'er seemed to be angry, so his blood gurgled, ignoring the flying iron tungsten long knife, and turned from red to white. In the blink of an eye, a corpse fell from the air.

He was ten feet tall, pale all over, wrapped in yellow clothes, with a hideous face. There were actually two petite Zhu'ers growing in his eyes, half of his body was exposed, covered with sticky blood.

Bang bang bang!

The corpse strode straight to Du En, punching and palming, breaking the earth armor.

He immediately stopped hiding and used the perfect earth armor technique, and his magic power quickly drained away, and the earth armor further expanded and thickened.

Seven fingers thick and nine feet tall, it was like a small giant. The ground shook when it stepped on it, showing how heavy it was. It was impossible to carry it without a strong physique and magic power. However, Du En was very agile and quick, and it had no effect at all. He was able to perform beyond his normal ability!

Now the corpse would only hurt himself if he hit him, and his hands were broken, just like an ordinary person who was overestimating his own strength and madly hitting a lump of steel.

At the same time, Du En also punched back, further hitting the corpse, causing blood to splatter everywhere, and smashing it at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The iron tungsten knife also took the opportunity to pass by, and directly cut off the two Zhu'er at the eyes of the giant corpse.

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